Saturday, March 02, 2024

Bob Lazar is proven right: Heavy Moscovium Drums seem the Anti Gravity Power Units of Disc UFOs, Together with Internal Micro Black Holes.

Bob Lazar’s UFO investigation, (right) compared to the real photo of smoke filaments attracting  UFO. (ancient photo left, based on open Source). Below:  We observe the 4x main filamentary smoke traces (Smoke of the naval ships engine), assumed to represent the filamentary Anti Gravity smoke attraction effect by at least 4x anti gravity units, based on e.g. the element 115 (Moscovium) , described by Bob Lazar in the past, showing THREE anti-gravity in stead of 4x units. with a spike anti gravity effect, 

Gravity Spikes are proven to be shown around the earth and even planets in some scientifical studies ( see further. Spike Gravity effects)

The UFO Photo with smoke spikes, is also a supporter of my Q-FFF Gravity Theory being a dual pressure Vacuum Force. see below;


However we need an other dual pressure gravity system. to understand the UFO phenomena.!!


micro) black hole.  see image below.

Below: the principle of traveling Tadpole black hles in cosmic space leaving a lefthand plasma filament behind.
Conclusion:  Each black hole seem to produce plasma, at the light horizon by trapped colliding vacuum particles, The plasma forms a Hydrogen Vapour cone, able to push the black hole away fro the local gravity cusps. without being absorbed by the black hole. (below)

From Wikipedia:

Since 1989, Lazar has achieved public notoriety as an Area 51 conspiracy theorist.[d] In May of that year, he appeared in an interview with investigative reporter George Knapp on Las Vegas TV station KLAS, under the pseudonym "Dennis" and with his face hidden, to discuss his purported employment at "S-4", a subsidiary facility he claimed exists near the Nellis Air Force Base installation known as Area 51. He claims that the said facility was adjacent to Papoose Lake, which is located south of the main Area 51 facility at Groom Lake. He claimed the site consisted of concealed aircraft hangars built into a mountainside. Lazar said that his job was to help with the reverse engineering of one of nine flying saucers, which he alleged were extraterrestrial in origin. He claims one of the flying saucers, the one he coined the "Sport Model", was manufactured out of a metallic substance similar in appearance and touch to liquid titanium. In a subsequent interview that November, Lazar appeared unmasked and under his own name, where he claimed that his job interview for work at the facility was with contractor EG&G and that his employer was the United States Navy. EG&G stated it had no records on him.[34][e] His supposed employment at a Nellis Air Force Base subsidiary has also been discredited by skeptics, as well as by the United States Air Force.[4][35]

Spike shaped Gravity observations in space by linear dual gravity push effects of dual micro black holes in the earth and planets.; image.

Below: Sunspots are also dual push gravitational units: two aligned star-spots in line create a spike shaped  area of gravitation around the world and other planets. Conclusion, sunspots contain new physics micro black holes (Penrose-Q-FFF Model) from Leo Vuyk.

See also: from Leo Vuyk: "Different Levitation Systems Observed in Big Basin UFOs, EMEC and Anti Maxwell Effect and Free Energy"

And: Reaction Less em Drive Thruster by Anti Maxwell Dead Zone Around a Wire.



Below: How the lefthand rule was created, by rotating (spiralling) electron magnets travelling along the wire.
In addition , reducing the magnetic field at a certain anti Maxwell dip  distance. (image)