Tuesday, March 05, 2024


Ball lightning by magnetic photon merging into a micro (New Physics Penrose- Q_FFF) Black Hole Knot, and the unexpected relation with anti gravity UFOs. 
In the meantime I managed to extend my short enthusiast description with more text explanation based on Q-FFF Theory.
I hope you like it. see : 
Leo Vuyk
See also:  Domokos Tar THZ Switserland.

String macaroni topology structure. (Q-FFF Model)

Gravity is a dual pressure force.!!
Below: Bob Lazar is proven  right: Heavy Moscovium Drums seem the Anti Gravity Linear Power Units of Disc UFOs, 
If two ball lightnings are aligned inside the Moscovian Drum, multiple linear attraction gravity effects seem to be created . 
This is visible in the multiple smoke structure image above the ship.
Below: the more detailed image of the Bob Lazar Ufo.
Bob Lazar drawings by Steve?
see text:  All Corners have a radius of curvature. No ahrp edges anywhere.
Ritating the wmitter varies the angle? of the gravitational wave emitted.
Acting and rotating the emitters varies the geometry of the gravitational 
envelope surrounding the craft.
Baseplate tube is suspected to be an accelerator, symilar to a cyclotron.
Aronway structure? act as waveguide diffusors, as well as structural reagers?
High voltage is present on the craft (19KV) only below the insulation ring.
Rotating any emitter past 12 dgree.will activate the reactor.
No wiring or obvious connection between any components.
Reactor is easily removable, no vasteners present anywhere.
Enz Thermal cavneras did not show any infermed emissions wisin the craft in caserve?
High voltage on the crafts skin was verry low current. approx micro ohms?
see also: https://youtu.be/Q70MrmN8DkU?list=PLYf4G54gNresBIQNfq_SaIYMmU04ObP0n
and see also UFO in the Egypt desert: using two types of acceleration.:1: for shifting direction and 2: using EMEC. for 2e acceleration. https://vixra.org/pdf/2006.0130v2.pdf
Different Levitation Systems Observed in Big Basin UFOs, EMEC and Anti Maxwell Effect and Free Energy.

Bob Lazar drawings to Steve?
All Corners have a radius of curvature. No ahrp edges anywhere.
Ritating the wmitter varies the angle? of the gravitational wave emitted.
Acting and rotating the emitters varies the geometry of the gravitational 
envelope surrounding the craft.
Baseplate tube is suspected to be an accelerator, symilar to a cyclotron.
Aronway structure? act as waveguide diffusors, as well as structural reagers?
High voltage is present on the craft (19KV) only below the insulation ring.
Rotating any emitter past 12 dgree.will activate the reactor.
No wiring or obvious connection between any components.
Reactor is easily removable, no vasteners present anywhere.
Enz Thermal cavneras did not show any infermed emissions wisin the craft in caserve?
High voltage on the crafts skin was verry low current. approx micro ohms?