Friday, March 08, 2024

The origin of Early ( and older) Dead Galaxies after the Big Bang, according to Q-FFF Theory.

The Q-FFF Theory suggests, that two equal sized SMBHs have preference!! over more different SMBHs BHs. After the reduction of the numbers of Super massive Black Holes a Dead Galaxy seem to be left over. 

These equal sized BHs. do not merge with a bang, but form a quiet dual Herbig Haro system with two Polar GABHs ( Galaxy Anchor Black Holes.: or SABHs Stellar Anchor BHs) this is also observed by the so called "the final parsec problem" keeping always a certain distance between them. ( by a pushing plasma bar. see M87,)

Quantum Function Follows FORM, (Q-FFF Theory) An Entangled Mirror Multiverse String Theory..: Roger Penrose CHANGED HIS CCC MODEL ! The "ENTROPY GOES DOWN" (the second law is wrong!!! )saying it, at the END OF HIS VIDEO!! (19.30 min) (

The Plasma Bar, is the origin of the parsec distance (conundrum solved) between two Fermion repelling equal sized new physics Black Holes.!! see the Penrose-Q-FFF BH))

However, If such dual BH spiral galaxy merge with larger galaxies with larger  BHs these Bhs form Stellar clusters at the inside or outside of the larger galaxy. ( see the stellar clusters of the Milky Way)
In the early universe, It is assumed that  the smaller Bhs will travel into the direction of the white Hole (WH) location of the larger galaxy, also described as the central vacuum energy focus point, in the middle between the two GABHs.
These merging central black holes seem to change often into a tandem of two equal sized BHs after forming a TRIPLE BH system by a so called INTRUDER BHs. from outside, creating a small dead star galaxies between the these temporal three central Bhs, As soon as the three BHs are reduced to two equal sized Bhs by a merging process, see Image below, THE MASSLESS GALAXY MAY LEAVE TEMPORARY BEHIND. The Galaxy can grow further and most stars will be ejected into the central jets or Fermi Bubbles.
Other DEAD Galaxies found in the universe. inside Galaxy clusters, seem to be created also between Three Black Holes (SMBHs) forming a triangular chaos space in the vacuum between these SMBHs. leading to one or more DEAD Galaxies. (see image below;) (25) (PDF) The Origin of " Dead " Galaxies ( 
Even inside complex elliptical Galaxies "Dead Galaxies " form see below::
Galaxies die from the inside out. by the hierarchy and merging of the central black holes, leading to smaller Dead galaxies (Dark) stars 
De reductie van vroege zwarte gaten ; Het lijkt dus om het wegschieten of oppeuzelen van zwarte gaten te gaan bij meerdan twee zwarte gaten.
Als elke spiraal nevel twee Zwarte gaten heeft , dan onstaan er 4x zwarte gaten na merging. Als b.v. de kleinste wordt weggeschoten hou je er 3 MEER GELIJKWAARDIG VAN MASSA. over.: een tijdelijke triple BH. Als er nog een vertrekt hou je er dus twee GELIJKWAARDIGE  BHS  over.

Dead Galaxies are also observed inside giant Galaxy bubbles assumed to be created by the same triple (or multiple) Black hole configurations around the observed local Dead galaxy. ( image below) We observe 4x and 3x 2x hotspots I suggest, representing the reduction process from 4x3x into 2x)
Below:Two equal BHs repelling each other, by a linear Plasma BAR.