Monday, May 27, 2024

Could The Universe Be Inside A Black Hole? Indeed according to Q0FFF Theory. However A new BH paradigm is needed: by the creation and repelling of Fermions into the Plasma Disc.

Indeed according to Q-FFF Theory. However a new BH paradigm is needed : to understand the creation and repelling of Fermions into the Plasma Disc and jets.
How the black hole start spinning and form a plasma disc with Fermion production at the innerside, where the "Trapped space  collider" is at its most concentrated!!. First created pairs of particles : (e- and e+) are the base for all fermions and quarks. see image below.

All Fermions seem to be transported around the BH Horizon into two perpendicular JETS !!!"

Below, Grey :the area of Trapped space (Axion) collision  
Black : the single circle of opposite trapped space collider collision forming annihilating  pairs ( X-G-rays) and negative charged plasma , inside the repulsion zone.!!!

Below: How a vacuum white hole can be formed.

Below: Evidence for a monopole based magnetic field around the earth. Like all magnetic fields based on a new Standard particle system.

Beleow: The new standard particle system based on only one ringshaped transformable vacuum field based ring system. 
See electric and Magnetic Monopole photons. and electron and positron propeller fermions, being the base for complex mergers with monopole photons into quarks etc..