Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Major Solar System Discoveries like Astroids Benno and Mua-Mua and CUDOs: (by Anton Petrov) Compact Ultra Dense Objects including Wimps? (the New Q-FFF model)

see video ABOVE, For Ultra Dense Objects Dark Comets and heavy Nuclear Islands of Stabilities. (Z>164,) inside Benno, OuMuaMua and all other comets like P67, ROSETTA.etc.

According to Q-FFF Theory, Black Holes come into large varieties. from MICROSCOPIC Ball Lightning to MINI Sunspots/ star spots,  to Dark Stars, Tadpole travelling Stars (Running away stars, violating the second law of thermodynamics.) away from Super Nova BH remnants. (see also: the massless sunspots of the Hand of God below.)
Q-FFF new physics says: each Black Hole Nucleus is a compressed String Knot, (Wimp) compressed by the local real Axion based oscillating Vacuum. equipped by a so called Penrose Trapped Space Horizon, able to act as a particle collider (CERN) and create real Fermions by the opposite colliding real (also called virtual) Axion vacuum Strings into particle pairs and even Plasma discs or tails pushing the BLACK HOLE (Tadpole) away from the centre of gravity, or against the local wind ( Ball Lightning, see R Tar,) 
The Dense Dark Comets like Benno and Muau Muau 

For black Holes inside stars, see: Anton Petrov - SPACETV.NET

SEE ALSO: Evidence for Dark Matter Black Hole based plasma, dust and ice production inside Comets like 67P,C-G. and the growing Earth.