Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Innermost Stable Circular Orbit (ISCO) around a Ball Lightning Micro Black Hole: forming a plasma tail pushing the micro Tadpole BH travelling against the wind.

 See below: Domocos Tar: The ISCO or "Trapped Spacetime" around each black hole  asssume to be the origin of Fermion/ plasma creation and heat radiation and plasma tail propulsion against the wind.

Why the propeller shaped spinning Fermions are NOT able to enter the BH horizon? and repelled away? forming plasma, by its polarisation spin flip!! created by the butterfly polarized vacuum field. The:'' oscillating Higgs vacuum field." forming Tadpole travelling black holes ( often described as expelled  stars:   after a supernova explosion) see: Below the chiral lefthanded filament, trailing behind a Tadpole black hole. the same as Ball Lightning with plasma tail on earth., travelling against the lical wind.
see; images by Domokos Tar. for a light radiating long living Ballightning going against the wind!! or radiation in space.
Conclusion of my Q-FFF model:  NO FERMIONIC PLASMA  FALLS INTO THE BLACK HOLE. DUE TO THE FERMIONIC PROPELLER Calabi Yau manifold shape of the Fermions combined with the BUTTERFLY shape of the oscillating Higgs Vacuum. pushing Fermions  AWAY FROM THE HORIZON. (below: butterlfy shapes and charged repuslion zones of the vacuum around a black hole. )

Eaxamples of he forming of equal sized micro black holes on earth, forming dual travelling micro Herbig Haro systems, self propelled by plasma tails: tadpole effect) before exploding. (observed from airplanes.)

see ball lightning and trains