Saturday, June 15, 2024

Tadpole black holes seem the origin of cosmic filaments leaving self produced lefthanded plasma filaments behind, being propelled by its own self produced plasma tail. (Q-FFF Theory)

 Suggestion:  Our Vacuum it self should have a left handed structure of tatrahedrons. being the space frame structure of all oscillating Axion Strngs oscillating beteen Nodes, with a distance of variable Planck length around massive objects. like a black hole. However only in our electron based charged parallel universe, in contrast with our opposite anti copy positron based instant entangled universe as one of the 12 raspberry shaped entangled multiverses.

Overthere, the cosmic filaments at our opposite anti matter universe, universe over there, must have a righthand rotation. From the big bang start of dual entangled pair production.

Below:  Dual Q-FFF pressure gavity a la Le Sage gravity in the tetrahedron oscillating vacuum Higgs field.