Sunday, July 28, 2024

The Sinusoidal variable Cosmological Constant of Q-FFF Theory and the CPT Entangled Symmetric Multiverse cycle.


The Dark Energy and Dark Matter is not constant but oscillate with a  Sinusoidal variation.

Below:  The sinusoidal variable cosmological constant of Q-FFF Theory. including the expanding inflation epoch. which expands the Dark Energy (Axions) out of the evaporating splitting Black Holes, and Dark Matter. (also  Splitting Black Holes and  Splinters)

See also:


LuLu book.

see also: Testing Proposals for Human Free Will in the Raspberry Multiverse, Local Entanglement and M&M Lightspeed. see:

Below:  Levitatie effect by Anti Maxwell Dip area around a current in a wire ( (tubes of different diameters.)