Wednesday, August 07, 2024

'IT'S ALARMING!' ..Odd Structures before the CDM era. observed as Dual Herbig Haro/ Spiral structures or Elliptical Structures.

Below:  ODD structures before the CDM era. 
According to Q-FFF Theory.  2 types. single- and dual types.

According to the Q-FFF Theory, the big bang was the splitting of the former BIG CRUNCH black hole of a former (Multi) Universe). creating different sized black holes., each accelerated by its self created plasma tail, produced around each Penrose's, "Trapped Spacetime Horizon" of each black hole splinter.
The baryonic/ fermionic plasma tail can not enter the black hole through the horizon and will act as a pushing motor.
Why? because the concentrated Axion vacuum pressure horizon of  the black hole (see Penrose) will push all fermions which are propeller shaped away from the horizon into a disc and later into  the direction of both North- and South  BH Jets (see image below)
This tail wil point into the direction of the largest gravity cusp in the neighbourhood. , steering each Black Hole away from the local gravity centres. forming the tubelike dark matter  filaments crossing through the universe as the layman Alpha structure.
See Below: the plasma Flows created at the Penrose Trapped Space Horizon, acting as a particle collider creating pairs of symmetric Fermions later forming stable fermions and Baryons in the plasma disc and jets. 
