Q-FFF Model says: The Splitted Big Bang Tadpole Black Holes pushed by Plasma tails seem responsible for the Cosmic Web, growing and dying into the Big Crunch.
Below: The Repulsive Plasma Tail of every filament producing Tadpole Black Hole created at the "Penrose Trapped Space Horizon" at each Black Hole. produced by the the mutual colliding Axion Vacuum particles even at Ball Lightning micro BH horizons.
The Nucleus of each (micro) Black hole is assumed to be a BOSE EINSTEIN CONDESATE.
Electric charged (-) Tadpole Dark Matter Black Holes, Propelled by its self created Plasma tail.
The size of Ball Lightning Nulei, seems smaller than the smallest atom. (like a BEC), because the harmless passing through glass windows.
Below: Some families of Higgs Particle BEC /
Micro Black Hole, Transformer String Knots .
The Axion Higgsfield seems to be the origin of particle production,