Monday, August 05, 2024

The Blue Circle of Hotspots, Evidence for the SPLITTING BLACK HOLE INFLATION OF Q-FFF THEORY.

 The Blue circle of Hotspots, together with the red Creshent of Hotspots,  found in the early universe, is in line with the by Q-FFF theory Predicted Tadpole Splitting and accelerating Black Holes, forming Tubelike Inflation Filaments now observed by JWST.

see also:

Multi Bang Splitting of Big Bang Tadpol Black Holes, accelerated by the self produced Plasma tailes, as the origin of the expansion of the 12 fold cyclic multiverse.

     How Black Hole make plasma driven Jets and  Tadpoles or stars.

The cyclic Multiverse.

Q-FFF Theory;  Quantum Function Follows Form  of Strings and cosmological Forms. showed by the JWST  .