Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The grow and multiplication of stars, galaxies and Black Holes after the Black Hole splitting Big Bang.


Leo Vuyk is an architect /engineer, (Msc.TuD.NL) who described a theory of everything called (Q.F.F Theory) as alternative for the Standard Model including the origin of consciousness, as the result of the instant entanglements between  a restricted number of 12x Charge Parity and Time symmetric universes,  or multiverse. Therefore, it is called the 12x cpt symmetric and 2 by 2x instant entangled RASBERRY Multiverse. (below)

We seem to live inside two of them at the same moment. Me and My Anti matter Me. Is influencing each other’s decisions and actions. This system seems to be a logic result of the  different RPs (Readiness Potentials”)  measured by Benjamin Libet.

According to Leo Vuyk who describes charged fermionic particles in the cpt symmetric (multi) universe as combinations of 2,3,4 or more equal sized compound macaroni string particles (2,3xM,P, ), each with an external 90degr axial curvature.

Each fermionic compound particle is assumed to be equipped  with a left- or righthanded propeller shaped pitch, to create electric charge particles (- or +) or boson particles, produced  by the scattering and milling, of the local (4x M.P.) Axion compounded macaroni Torus shaped  vacuum particles. The Torus vacuum particles are  energetic oscillating along the plastic waving Space Frame trajectories , colliding with other Axion particles at the Penrose Trapped space black hole horizon, or with spinning Fermions scattering them into smaller ones like fermionic charge or x-g-ray Boson particles .

The oscillating Torus shaped (4xM.P.) vacuum  particles seem to the representation of the known dark energy effect of the  vacuum. The vacuum is described as a spaceframe with variable (mostly increased)  Planck trajectory lengths between space frame knots, located around massive objects in space

Axion vacuum particles and all Bosons seem to cluster into knots with different capacities and sized to form Dark matter Black Holes or travelling Ball Lightnings, Comets, Travelling Tadpole, unresolved  hotspots in space and other unresolved space phenomena. Dark Matter Knots are assumed to be compressed by the local Vacuum oscillation pressure, merging into larger DM Knots. conclusion,  Dark Matter and Dark Energy particles are the same.

All Black Hole effects, are based on the energetic transfer from the os Leo Vuyk is an architect (Msc.TuD.NL) who described a theory of everything called (Q.F.F Theory) as alternative for the Standard Model including the origin of consciousness, as the result of the instant entanglements between  a restricted number of 12x Charge Parity and Time symmetric universes,  or multiverse.

We seem to live inside two of them at the same moment. Me and My Anti matter Me. Is influencing each other’s decisions and actions. This system seems to be a logic result of the  different RPs (Readiness Potentials”)  measured by Benjamin Libet.

According to Leo Vuyk who describes charged fermionic particles in the cpt symmetric (multi) universe as combinations of 2,3,4 or more equal sized compound macaroni string particles (2,3xM,P, ), each with an external 90degr axial curvature.

Each fermionic compound particle is assumed to be equipped  with a left- or righthanded propeller shaped pitch, to create electric charge particles (- or +) or boson particles, produced  by the scattering and milling, of the local (4x M.P.) Axion compounded macaroni Torus shaped  vacuum particles. The Torus vacuum particles are  energetic oscillating along the plastic waving Space Frame trajectories , colliding with other Axion particles at the Penrose Trapped space black hole horizon, or with spinning Fermions scattering them into smaller ones like fermionic charge or x-g-ray Boson particles .

The oscillating Torus shaped (4xM.P.) vacuum  particles seem to the representation of the known dark energy effect of the  vacuum. The vacuum is described as a spaceframe with variable (mostly increased)  Planck trajectory lengths between space frame knots, located around massive objects in space

Axion vacuum particles and all Bosons seem to cluster into knots with different capacities and sized to form Dark matter Black Holes or travelling Ball Lightnings, Comets, Travelling Tadpole, unresolved  hotspots in space and other unresolved space phenomena. Dark Matter Knots are assumed to be compressed by the local Vacuum oscillation pressure, merging into larger DM Knots. conclusion,  Dark Matter and Dark Energy particles are the same.

All Black Hole effects, are based on the energetic transfer from the oscillating Dark energy  vacuum energy falling into the vacuum pit of the Dark Matte cillating Dark energy  vacuum energy falling into the vacuum pit of the Dark Matter black hole nucleus,

Roger Penrose described a "Trapped Space Horizon" around each black hole. The Q.FFF model however, such a horizon should be interpreted as a Axion collider horizon with scattering axions coming from all sides, but concentrated along  the side of the Horizon motion,  the black hole spins around an axis and in line with the horizon, due to the initial and primordial unsymmetric vacuum contraction mechanism.


As a consequence, The universe is a cyclic universe ending into a big crunch, forming the String nucleus of a future new big bang universe.


According to my Q-FFF model,   (Quantum Function Follows Form) Black holes do swallow only smaller black holes (see LIGO. With >15% difference) and the virtual Axion based string vacuum, but do not swallow Baryon  matter in contrast with accepted science.


As a consequence:

All black holes will create and repel normal matter due to its “Penrose Trapped space horizon” acting as an Axion collider  influenced by the local oscillating Axion Vacuum polarization and the origin of a negative charged  plasma disc. The plasma seems to be channeled along the rotating trapped vacuum Horizon, and the black hole,  into one of both Jets.