Monday, September 23, 2024

"Another Universe's Big Bang?" Nobel Laureate Roger Penrose /(Q-FFF model) Finds Hint Of Another Cyclic Splitting Black Hole Big Bang....

The Big Bang Game Changer of Qantum FFF Theory, adapting Roger Penroses New Cyclic "Trapped Space Black Holes."

See: Quantum Function Follows Form Theory, the Small Scale, Posters part 1

 And: Quantum Function Follows Form Theory, the Large Scale, Posters part 2.

See also below.

Below; The New interpretation of the Penrose "Trapped Space Black holes" is the big Game Changer.

and below: also the cyclic Universe ( or 12 fold raspberry Multiverse.)

How is Q-FFF Theory Influenced in the past? At Last: The Luminifurous Casimir Dual Pressure Gravity Ether.

At Last: The Luminifurous Ether. see: