Saturday, September 28, 2024

The Woman Who Broke Gravity : with massive particles !! | Claudia de Rham. However, this idea is only half right: according to the Q-FFF Theory

This idea of Cludia Rham seems only half right . Because the Graviton (with mass) is pushing as a scattering particle with LESS mass or scattering pressure than the Dark Energy Axion Space mass pressure, from the opposite direction pointing from local space.
See: Q.FFF Theory. So even the vacuum scattering Axion particles have more mass than the graviton coming from a Fermionic object like the earth.
Conclusion Each fernion has a mass reduction effect on all Dark Energy Axions from space.
The Woman Who Broke Gravity : with massive particles !! | Claudia de Rham.  However, this idea seems only half right: according  to the  Q-FFF Theory, see:

This idea is only half right . Because the Graviton is a assumed to be pushing as a scattering particle with LESS scattering pressure, than the Dark Energy Space mass pressure from the opposite local space. See: Q.FFF Theory. even for a Neutron star or black hole, located in an extreme environment. (below)

see also: