Thursday, October 03, 2024

Extra Evidence for the Splitting Black Hole Big Bang and Splitting Curved Galaxy Black Hole Arms (Q-FFF Theory)

 Extra Evidence for the Splitting Black Hole Big Bang and Splitting Curved Galaxy Black Hole Arms (Q-FFF Theory)

Recent JWST images are a revelation for Big Bang Physics and the early universe. 

A new physics is needed due to the latest JWST images. see:


Space Frame Filaments seem to be also created, by evaporating and splittng TADPOLE Black Holes.
Conclusion: The universe is not expanding by the Dark Energy alone, but also by the TADPOLE BLACK HOLES, accelerated by the self created plasma tails. Just like Ball Lightnings do.

          Even on super old artifacts are  curved star filaments observed.

Galaxy Arms are a good example of "Curved Splitting and Evaporating Black Hole Filaments." accelerated by so called "TADPOLE JETS"