Below, Schroedingers Paradox solved by the entangle 12x dual symmetric Raspberry Multiverse.
see also:
What is an Eon in Q-FFF Theory. each starting from a big bang.because wel, live inside a 12 fold cyclic Raspberry Mutiverse.
"There is a CREATOR's Aim in This Universe" ft. Roger Penrose However, The Creator is the same as the entangled dual copy Multiverse of Q-FFF Theory.
In the Q-FFF Model: Erebons and Axions are assumed to be the base for Dark Matter BUT also for Dark Matter. !!
BELOW: Benjamin Libet measured Readiness Potential I and II, for conscious decission making in his Lab.. LIBET CALLED IT : THE FREE WON'"T as the result of the process!!. because our individual Free will, is the result of each individual choice or wish to choose out of the 12 different suggestions suggested out of each entangled universe.
According to Q-FFF Theory: we all are instant connected ( ENTANGLED ) with our anti matter CPT symmetric Twin person living insics one of the 11 (12-1=11) COPY UNIVERSES. part of the creation is the restericted particle transfere possibilities after collision processes.
and each electron seem to have the same propeller form able to form a Calabi Yau concentrate.