Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

.The Electron Eigen Energy comes from: Electron Propeller rotating action, cutting the oscillating vacuum strings (dark energy) into all sorts of Photons,

In Q-FFF theory, there are no violin strings, but  travelling particles -one by one- behind each other forming a wave like system..
All Fermions are propeller shaped (presenting a Calabi Yau manifold) milling all other particles driven by the oscillating Axion vacuum scattering process..
Below: The Electron Eigen Energy comes from: Electron Propeller (Red) rotating action, cutting the oscillating Axion vacuum strings (blue: dark energy) into all sorts of Photons (Yellow)  

see: Axion-Higgs 3-Dimensional Rigid Transformable Strings and the Compound 650 GeV Z-Z Decay into Quarks/Leptoquarks.

Below: the spinning electron acting as a producer and millstone for all Axion vacuum particles into monopole photons

It was Abdus Salam who proposed that quarks and leptons should have a sub-quantum level structure, and that they are compound hardrock particles with a specific non-zero sized form. 
Jean Paul Vigier postulated that quarks and leptons are "pushed around" by an energetic sea of vacuum particles. 
David Bohm suggested in contrast with The "Copenhagen interpretation", that reality is not created by the eye of the human observer, and second: elementary particles should be "guided by a pilot wave". 
John Bell argued that the motion of mass related to the surrounding vacuum reference frame, should originate real "Lorentz-transformations", and also real relativistic measurable contraction. 
Richard Feynman postulated the idea of an all pervading energetic quantum vacuum. He rejected it, because it should originate resistance for every mass in motion, relative to the reference frame of the quantum vacuum. 
However, I postulate the strange and counter intuitive possibility, that this resistance for mass in motion, can be compensated, if we combine the ideas of Vigier, Bell, Bohm and Salam, and a new dual universal Bohmian "pilot wave", which is interpreted as the EPR correlation (or Big Bang entanglement) between individual elementary anti-mirror particles, living in dual universes. 

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Jet From M87 Black Hole Makes Stars Explode and Wobbles Weirdly . HOW it creates stars and even double stars? Only at the TRAPPED SPACE horizon of the Black Hole.

see below: The M87 jets (2x Bowshock black holes) are comparable with one "Tadpole"  travelling jet black hole creating a filament of stars behind.

Below: The mystery of travelling Black Holes and ball lightnings solved.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Q-FFF string theory is a real componding rigid particle theory, based on only ONE transformer Mother particle, not an oscillating violin string theory.


Proper compounding of particles is only possible if two diameters are related 1/7 between inner tube and outer string diameter of the Mother string. (Axion String Ring)

Saturday, November 18, 2023

The Big Bang inflation: Ultra Slow Pulsars are observed: SMBH Binaries Supermassive Black Hole Binaries with dual jets, a : SGWB Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background.?

According to the Q-FFF Theory, the Big Bang is the explosion (Splitting) of the older Big Crunch String Black Hole Nucleus (Singularity) into smaller supermassive String black holes compacted by the oscillating String vacuum. (SMBHs, and not SGWB)
As a consequense, the early universe starts with multiple splitted smaller string knot nucleus black holes able to form travelling Tadpole black holes forming filaments of plasma and stars later observable as the cosmic structure (H.Alpha)
However also forming SMBHBs or Herbig Haro DUAL black hole starforming systems ejecting Jets with 2x bowshock black holes at the top forming an Ultra Slow Pulsar by slowly roation of the dual central aligned jets acting as a gravitational lighthouse, which is observed by the NANO-grav and LIGO-VIRGO system antennas..
See: Three sorts of galaxies:       
1: Single Tadpole Primordial Black Hole based Elliptical Galaxies with one BH in the center,
2: Herbig Haro Star-Galaxy formation with dual equal sized black holes out side the
Galaxy (GABHs)  Galaxy Anchor Black Holes.
3: all kinds of merger gaaxies like irregular etc.
see also discussion :
Constraints on ultra-slow-roll inflation with the NANOGrav 15-Year Dataset
Conclusion in contrast however: Q-FFF model says: the SMBHBs idea seems better the SGWB system
see also: New Physics by Table Top Experiments.

Below: Q-FFF String theory principle models. (Quantum-Functin Follows Form)

Below: peanut shaped early dual Herbig Haro systems direct after the big bang.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Peanut shaped early galaxies > Z=12 distance. evidence for dual Herbig Haro Black Hole star/galaxy forming stsrems. according Q-FFF Theory.


This seems the first evidence for the New Q-FFF theory based Physics of a String black hole explosion of the Big Bang as the result of the former Big Crunch black hole of one or more former universes.(the multiverse)

This is evidence to two different early and even older galaxies:
A:  The Ball cluster galaxy, (pointlike) observed around large merger galaxies (like Andromeda and the Milky Way, see image below:) as one of two black holes of a merged  former Spiral Bar shaped Galaxy.
B:  The Ball cluster galaxy and direct after the black hole splitting big bang, all found as travelling Tadpole Black holes of different diameter even inside Super nova nebula as remnants of the very small former starspot black holes..
C:  The Peanut shaped galaxy with a central BAR, as the first formed Herbig Haro system after the black hole splitting big bang, with two jets and a Bowshock black Hole at each top of the jet. later observed as spiral galaxies.

see also;: UNCOVER: Illuminating the Early Universe—JWST/NIRSpec Confirmation of z > 12 Galaxies

Hoe spiral galaxies can form out of two eaqual sized Black Holes? By the new interpretation of the Penrose Trapped spce around each black hole. below: 

The evidence of the fermion repelling black hole by the LIGO VIRGO chart below:

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Mysterious Herbig-Haro Objects Explored With JWST Images. according to Q.FFF Theory, this is the key to new physics.

150000 Herbig Haro systems in the Milky way. !!! So, 300000 micro black hole in total called "Bowshocks" at the end of each jet pushed by its plasma tail just like singular Tadpoles  do. see below for ball lightning micro black holes.

Friday, November 10, 2023

Evidence for the splitting travelling Tadpole Black Hoe Big Bang system , creating Magnetic Filaments due to the charged Black Hole Horizons.


Even close by, the travelling mini Tadpole black holes of the former expelled starspot black holes making multiple filaments.

Penrose- Reissner Nordstroem -Q-FFF , Dual Horizon Charged Black Holes, creating early Magnetic Fields in the universe.

Below: the Reissner Nordstroem dual black hole horizon, without choosing between negative or positive charge. 
According to Q-FFF model however, In our universe it seems to be Negative at the outside, as the origin of all Birkeland Current Caroussels creating the Kuiper belt-Oortclouds and Fermi Jets.(Q-FFF Model)
see also: evidence for the first elactric charged black holes: 

 A dual charged Horizon was also predicted by the Q-FFF Model. 
see: Dual Charged Horizons around each Penrose black hole. according to Q-FFF Theory. The virtual Axion vacuum particle collision creating relativistic pair production forming two layers of e+ and e-. e- will keep away from photonic merging into a negative charged quark. However the positron will easy merge with a photon creating a positive heavy quark   the reason to take he inner Horizon layer around the black hole. 
Even S.Hawking predicted some differences in the horizon.

Why are electrons at the ouside of the horizon?
By the propeller shape of the naked electron and the heavier Positron based quarks attracted to the horizon nside.

see also: Axion-Higgs 3-Dimensional Rigid Transformable Strings and the Compound 650 GeV Z-Z Decay into Quarks/Leptoquarks.

The chiral (left hand) vacuum lattice responsible for the negative charged black hole in our universe.

Thursday, November 09, 2023

Those Massive Galaxies Found by James Webb May Has an Explanation by the Black Hole splitting Big Bang of Quantum FFF Theory.

See also: New evidence for a starforming black hole (Fermion repelling into jets) see NASA: https://youtu.be/YJbxIdZ-3fg

Surprise Discoveries About the Milky Way Galaxy Nobody Expected

The Plasma Disc around the Sagittarius Black Hole spins , but the central Black Hole does not spin because it is massless according to Q-FFF Theory. !!!!
see also: New evidence for a starforming black hole (fermion repelling into jets)  see NASA: https://youtu.be/YJbxIdZ-3fg