Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Thursday, March 05, 2015

QUANTUM FFF Theory basic ontology

I am an architect who is interested in the possible sub-quantum particle FORM as information medium and building blocks in nature. 

I also focus on the possible dynamical FORM transformation aspects in micro- and macro physics as a base for dark matter black holes, the Higgs field vacuum and the Big bang. ( Q-FFF model)
see also: 

 Quatum Function Follows Form ( Q-FFF model)  Basics.

I think that Stephen Hawking did not calculate with the possibility of a chiral oscillating Higgs field vacuum lattice combined with propeller shaped Fermions. Then, due to Vacuum chirality, Electron- and Positron propellers could both pushed away from the BH horizon after spin flip polarization at different distances, forming two charged separated spheres. With quark ( plasma) formation in between.

Based on such a simple object ( propeller and process)  oriented ontology,  Black Holes could be imagined as charge splitters violating the 2e law af thermodynamics, combined with a continuous microscopic big bang plasma creation process!

The result I try to describe :
1: Black holes are the same as Dark Matter, they all consume photons, even gravitons and the Higgs field, but REPEL Fermions due to their propeller shape. They produce electric charged plasma.
2: Dark Energy is the oscillating ( Casimir) energy of the Higgs Field equipped with a tetrahedron lattice structure with variable Planck length and consequently variable Planck Constant..
3: Quantum Gravity = Dual Push gravity= Attraction (Higgs-Casimir opposing Graviton push).
4: The Big Bang is a Splitting dark matter Big Bang Black Hole (BBBH), splitting into smaller Primordial Big Bang Spinters (PBBS) forming the Fractalic Lyman Alpha forest and evaporating partly into a zero mass energetic oscillating Higgs particle based Higgs field.
5: Dual PBBSs hotspots, produce central plasma concentration in electric Herbig Haro systems as a base for star formation in open star clusters as a start for Spiral Galaxies.
6: Spiral Galaxies will keep both Primordial Dark Matter Black Holes as Galaxy Anchor Black Holes (GABHs) at long distance.
7: After Galaxy Merging, these GABHs are the origin of
Galaxy- and Magnetic field complexity and distant dwarf galaxies .
8: Black Holes produce Plasma direct out of the Higgs field because two Higgs particles are convertible into symmetric electron and positron (or even dual quark-) propellers (by BH horizon fluctuations).
9: The chirality of the (spiralling) vacuum lattice is the origin our material universe. (propeller shaped positrons merge preferentially first with gluons to form (u) Quarks to form Hydrogen.
10: The first Supernovas produce medium sized Black Holes as the base for secondary Herbig Haro systems and open star clusters.
11: ALL Dark Matter Black Holes are supposed to be CHARGE SEPARATORS with internal positive charge and an external globular shell of negative charged Quark electron plasma.
12: The lightspeed is related to gravity fields like the earth with  long extinction distances to adapt with the solar gravity field.
13. Quantum FFF Theory states that the raspberry shaped multiverse is symmetric and instant entangled down to the smallest quantum level. Also down to living and dying CATS in BOXES.
If our material universes has a chiral oscillating Higgs field, then our material Right Handed DNA helix molecule could be explained.
However it also suggests that in our opposing ANTI-MATERIAL multiverse neighbour universe the DNA helix should have a LEFT HANDED spiral.
According to Max Tegmark: in an entangled multiverse we may ask: is there COPY PERSON over there, who is reading the same lines as I do?
If this COPY person is indeed living over there, then even our consciousness should be shared in a  sort of  DEMOCRATIC form,
Then we are not alone with our thoughts and doubts,see:
Democratic Free Will in the instant Entangled Multiverse.
See also: vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk


Thursday, January 29, 2015

Yellow Balls, recently observed as early star forming open cluster centre.

Yellow Balls, recently observed as early star forming open cluster centre, interpreted according to Quantum FFF Theory.
Yellow Balls, (1) as intermediate phase between a Herbig Haro central star (2) and the start of an open star cluster called “Blow out cavity” bubble  (3).
for Herbig Haro systems see: THIS

This series of images show three evolutionary phases of massive star formation, as pictured in infrared images from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope. The stars start out in thick cocoon of dust (left), evolve into hotter features dubbed “yellowballs” (centre); and finally, blow out cavities in the surrounding dust and gas, resulting in green-rimmed bubbles with red centres (right). The process shown here takes roughly a million years. Even the oldest phase shown here is fairly young, as massive stars live a few million years. Eventually, the stars will migrate away from their birth clouds. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Comet 67P CG and subsurface funnel structures, Hyperion and Coral alike.

Observed collimated dust jets spouting out Comet 67P C-G are suggesting a sub-surface funnel structure  Photo ESA blog, edited and enhanced by Steve Kasian. Photo: ESA 10-jan-2015.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Flyby anomaly, Pioneer anomaly, Growing earth hypothesis and P-wave related?.

According to the Quantum-FFF model, (Function Follows Form) Microscopic Dark Matter (singularity black holes) are proliferated inside stars (sunspots), comets and ball lightning. Recent studies (B. Harris/N. Adams) suggest, that also outside and around earth an equatorial dark matter  ring is present as the origin of the “Flyby anomaly” ( B.Harris) or the "growing earth hypothesis".(N.Adams)  However a DM equatorial disc located inside the earth (like sunspots) could solve the Flyby anomaly better and perhaps even the growing earth hypothesis and so called P-Wave shadow zone.
<a href="http://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk" rel="nofollow">vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk</a>
If sunspots (also DM black holes) have the same configuration, then the pioneer anomaly could be also explained.
Secondly the anomalous gravity variations around/ during some total solar eclipses could be explained by a so called lighthouse effect created by two sunspots in line with each other.  Such a gravity pencil alike decrease on earth, from the sun could only be observed before and after total eclipse, if the gravity beam is hitting the moon at that moment.
Conclusion, the double gravity dip observed by Q.S.Wang and X.S.Yang in the 1997 solar eclipse, has never been seen again due to this peculiar solar sunspot gravity lighthouse phenomenon.

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Evidence for Dark Matter based plasma, dust and ice production inside Comets like 67P,C-G. and the growing Earth.

Evidence for Dark Matter based plasma, dust and ice production inside Comets like 67P,C-G. and the growing Earth.


Recent turmoil around the foundation of Black hole theory principles by Stephen Hawking
and others, is a clear sign of great uncertainty about black holes and adjacent subjects.
As a consequence, it seems a good moment to come up with a Black Hole alternative already
prepacked in my Quantum FFF Theory ( Function Follows Form)
Quantum FFF ( Function Follows Form) theory states, that the vacuum is seeded with fast
opposite oscillating massless 3-Dimensional torus shaped Preons, responsible for pair
production. Two Preons are able to change form into two entangled Fermion propeller strings
by an overflow of energetic opposite collision. This energy overflow is supposed to be
present at the black hole event horizon.
Thus the FORM of all particles is based on real joints and gears, responsible for the
FUNCTION even for composite Quarks and Photons, however all particles are instant
entangled and guided in a dual mirror multiversal way.
That dual oscillating Higgs particles are the same as Preons and are responsible for the
Casimir Dark Energy of 126 GeV recently observed in the LHC at CERN.
That the oscillating Higgs vacuum system is the messenger medium of all Photon information
and Black Holes are equipped with a nucleus of compacted Higgs particles, compressed by
the oscillating Higgs vacuum and acting as dark matter point sources called “Dark Matter
Black Holes”( DMBHs).
The vacuum energy flow around such a Black hole indicates that different sized globular
horizons are needed, an event or Photon horizon and two Fermion repulsion horizons.
Such horizons are supposed to include even pair production (e-and e+) and compound quarks
out of the Higgs vacuum.
Pair production as a base for quarks and as such H2 and O and more complex atoms.
Comet 67P CG, (Churyumov-Gerasimenko) seems to be a unique test bed for this theory.
In the near future we will probably become aware of these phenomena by the 67P
measurements of the Rosetta lander mission. 
Recent measurements and photos are already suggesting that a large variety of atoms are ejected by the Comet and surface changes seem to be the origin of local crack shaped colour changes.
The magnetic field of the comet seems to  ring or sing 3 times every minute by the internal tectonic shocks. 
The dusty jets observed from the so called “Neck” of the comet seem to be a sign for a central Birkeland Alfven current circuit effect on dust acceleration and violating the solar heat erosion theory.
If sunspots are former comet nuclei splashed into the sun, than we may assume that sunspots
are also the creators of new solar plasma. Secondly, if Comet nuclei can survive the sun they
also must be able to survive the crash into planets like earth or moons. 
As a consequence we may assume that all energetic and plasma (new matter) related production processes found around planets and moons could be based on the same process.
Examples are found in the water vapour plumes of geysers observed on Jupiters moon Europa.
At the same time, the matter creation process by the new paradigm “Dark Matter Black
Holes” (DMBHs) inside the earth could be a support for the so called “growing earth”
hypothesis (also known as “expanding earth”) as the base for the peculiar shape of the continents on earth.

WATER FOUND DEEP INSIDE THE EARTH ! THE RESULT OF BURIED COMETARY ACTION? http://www.inquisitr.com/.../hidden-ocean-of-water-found.../
HOWEVER, according to the buried former nuclear Comets it seems to be not a so called dehydration melting process.

see also:
GPS satellites suggest Earth is heavy with dark matter.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

SUB Quantum Architecture as a base for Matter, Space and Time?

SUB Quantum Architecture as a base for Matter, Space and Time?
I am interested in the possible FORM and FORM transformation aspects as information medium in micro- and macro physics, as a realistic search for the origin of Matter Space and Time. 
I believe that OUR COMPLEX WORLD can not be described by FORMULAS ALONE. WHY? Because we don't know why the universe is as it is. An example: “Finetuning”: Why are the "fundamental constants" constant? My suggestion: because the sub-quantum FORM of particles and the Higgs vacuum lattice play a game with us.. 
So I designed simple convertible shapes for real QUANTUM particle information use.
At the same time I realized that black holes should also have some nuclear form and as a result he found that dark matter is related to black holes and Higgs particles have only energetic mass inside an oscillating Higgs vacuum lattice.
Multiverse based mirror symmetric consciousness (entanglement) is assumed to be the base for all particle- wave -and human guidance or wavefunction collapse. 

Open star clusters are supposed to originate only in between a dual system of Super Nova Black Holes, (SNBHs) observable as the dual hotspots of Herbig Haro systems. The size of both SNBHs is responsible for the polarisation of the oscillating Casimir-Higgs field  and the maximum size of the growing central star.  If the maximum size is reached rotational instability is supposed to start the ejection of two baby stars, leaving the place by the dual attraction of the SABHs. If the H2 Plasma accretion  to the central star stops, only planetary failed stars (Jupiter) and metal rich planets (earth), will be created by the same instability. "dual solar binary siblings are the result" (Venus-Mercury?) Still a Mystery: What is the origin of the abortion of the H2 production around the dual BHs?   Perhaps if the Birkeland/ Alfven circuit current  is stabelised? see: <a href="http://vixra.org/abs/1405.0224" rel="nofollow">vixra.org/abs/1405.0224</a>
See also:  the reference of Dual Herbig Haro Hotspots in the Carina nebula.
Conclusion: Stellar (Dark Matter) Anchor Black Holes (SABHs) stop their plasma production after the splitting process and vanish even in infra red images except from .temporary dual plasma jets from the central star up to each SABH. ( still observed in Carina, but not any more in the Eagle nebula)

However as soon as new SABHs aproach (or GABHs for Galaxies!), then the plasma production seems to start again. (0bserved in some stellar nebula and dwarf galaxies)

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Human consciousness, is a tragic misstep in evolution? "

 Democratic Free Will and B Libet 2"Human consciousness, is a tragic misstep in evolution? " NO, however we are too conscious of our INDIVIDUAL selves. "We became too self-aware." ( from the tv episode 12-jan 2014: "The long bright dark"  m.imdb.com/title/tt2657398/ )

According to Quantum FFFTheory, we have to learn that we are not alone, we are etangled with 11 other selfs living in a 11 copy universes( the multiverse) away from us, but very important for all our decissions and even our motion and emotion..

Supported by,
``Scientists propose existence and interaction of parallel worlds: Many Interacting Worlds theory challenges foundations of quantum science.`` http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/10/141030101654.htm

As a consequence we have to share consciousness.

Multiverse CONSCIOUSNESS is the fundamental element of reality by guiding all particles and waves. According to my Q-FFF theory, we live inside a 12 fold multiverse with raspberry shape and instant entanglement between all 12 (Charge Parity symmetric) copy quanta and even between copy humans!!!
However for higher evolved species like humans the instant entanglement has a small retardation between Readiness Potential: RPI and RPII first measured by Benjamin Libet. My proposal is thatthe frontal cortex is responsible for that retardation of ca 300 Msec.
Below: My latest diagram about the way we seem to be able to VETO, consider meditate ponder or resolve: the difference between (RP) Readiness Potential I and II see also vixra.org/abs/1401.0115

The Veto subject closes the decision process, however he/she or others could start a new process with a RPI action over again !!! as a base for : Considering, Revolve, Meditate, or Ponder. But How are humans able to react fast in sports? THEN I assume the frontal cortex is not in action!! we learn to switch off the cortex by training!!

85 Benjamin Libet and the Quantum FFF interpretation of Free Will and the need for a multiverse.
In Q-FFF theory, the raspberry shaped multiverse is assumed to be the origin of a multiversal coordinated wavefunction collapse (and Free will) by one quantum jump in one of the instant-entangled universes.
Conclusion: God plays dice using 8 or even12 entangled copy boards(universes) .
Due to the Universal CPT symmetry at a distance, Elementary Particles and Humans, should be able to change within a split moment from observer to observed devices, constantly creating snapshots of reality ("eigenstates"), forced by a constant Holistic (entangled) multi universal mutual guidance, VIOLATING LOCAL CAUSALITY and energized by a constant mechanical vacuum propulsion. However, in the evolutionary process we humans must have developed a system of choice delay called human consciousness, which made us responsible for our actions. Our actions are supposed to be mainly induced by our pre-determined urges and intentions (Benjamin Libet).
The CPT Symmetric Universal hypothesis is in fact an old issue in the physical community, and for some unclear reason left aside. However it is supported by Don.N.Page in: called : No Time Asymmetry from Quantum Mechanics.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

HOW Comets violate the second law by DMBHs.

HOW Comets violate the second law by DMBHs.
Comets violate the second law of thermodynamics, by three Fermion repelling horizons around the Dark Matter Black Hole (DMBH) nuclei. See:http://vixra.org/pdf/1402.0044v4.pdf
And http://vixra.org/abs/1410.0039
In Quantum FFF Theory, Quantum fluctuations around the BH horizon produce pairs of leptons. e-,e+ and even compound quarks (d,u, etc, see Fermion 3D string propeller theory: repelling by Fermion spin flip).  For tripple BH horizons see below nrs 7, 10and 11.  Event horizon=7, Inner photon ring = 10, Outer photon ring = 11. 

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Water ice- and noise production of Comet 67P-CG pushed into mountain peaks

Carbonated Black Water Ice mountain peaks at Comet 67P- CG, is a strong indication for dual nuclear H2, O and even C production, including upward pressure on ice mountain formation, from inside two nuclei of the Comet.
According to Quantum FFF Theory. See:
Evidence for Electric Dark Matter Black Hole Dust Production Inside Comets Like 67P,C-G.


for outgassing see also:

The peaked carbonated ice mountains and outgassing of 
different gasses is reason to suggest that the Comet nuclei produce something out of nothing. such as the Big Bang should do.
New physics is needed.:  it is called: Qauntum FFF Theory.

According to Quantum FFF Theory, Hyperion (Saturns moon) is a former icy Comet left alone by its SINGULAR central Dark Matter Black Hole point source.   Comet 67P  C-G however, is an example of a multi nuclear Comet, with two major nuclei and several smaller nuclei.  As a consequence of multiple nuclei, Comet 67P-CG shows a much more rough  surface ( with craters, trenches and peaks)  created by ice production from the inside point sources.  The point source remnants of the exploded Comet Shoemaker-Levy, are a clear sign of multiple nuclear Comets. 

Central growth of single nuclear Comets and Coral.   Comparison Hyperion, a moon of Saturn but assumed to be a former Comet, left alone by its dark matter black hole nucleus (Diameter about 300 km) with a Coral structure. (Right image, diameter a few mm). According to Quantum FFF Theory.


In my proposal for Quantum FFF theory it is assumed that there are four kinds of dark matter black holes,
1: The Big Bang – or Big Crunch Black Hole, the origin of the cyclic multiverse.
2: Primordial Big Bang splitting Black Holes as the product of the exploding Big Bang black hole, identified as a pairing an splitting process of Galaxy Anchor Black Holes (GABHs).
3: Supernova Black Holes identified as the origin of Stellar Anchor Black Holes (SABHs, ). formed after a dual splitting process as Herbig Haro hotspots.
4: Electro Magnetic Interference Black Holes, described as the origin of so called Quantum Knots also called Glueballs ( SM) found in my simple lab., and the origin of Ball Lightning, Earth bound Micro Comets, Solar related Comets and Sunspots.

see also: http://vixra.org/pdf/1410.0039v1.pdf
Key words:
Composite Gluons/ photons. Glueballs,

Comet 67P CG, Growing and Cracking Ice will produce also noise!!  Philae lander will be able to check that in the next days. 12-11-2014.

Friday, October 03, 2014

Birkeland - Alfven Current Circuits between two RF generated Plasma Balls in the laboratory and two new paradigm Black Holes in space.

Birkeland - Alfven Current Circuits between two RF generated Plasma Balls in the laboratory and two new paradigm Black Holes in space.

Klick HERE for article.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Democratic Free Will beyond Benjamin Libet.

Democratic Free Will beyond Benjamin Libet.  A Multiverse entanglement approach on B.Libet’s experiment related consciousness measurement of readiness potential I and II.

Benjamin Libet measured the so called electric Readiness Potential (RP) time to perform a volitional act, in the brains of his students and the time of conscious awareness (TCA) of that act, which appeared to come 500 m.sec behind the RP.

The “volitional act” measurement of Libet, was based on the free choice to press an electric bell button.
The results of this experiment gives still an ongoing debate in the broad layers of the scientific community, because the results are still (also in recent experiments) in firm contrast with the expected idea of Free Will and causality.
However I would propose the absurd but constructive possibility that we are not alone for decision making in a multiverse as an individual person.
Even Max Tegmark suggested already about the multiverse: “Is there a copy of you reading this article?”
We could be instant entangled with at least one instant entangled anti-copy person living inside a Charge and Parity symmetric copy Universe.
In that case we could construct a causal explanation for Libet’s strange results.
New statistical difference research on RPI and RPII of repeated Libet experiments described here could support these ideas.
Wikipedia says: “Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens participate equally”.
Free will in a multiverse seems to be based on: all entangled copy persons living in all CP symmetric copy universes, have the same possibility to Veto an act and participate equally.
see also:
Democratic Free Will beyond Benjamin Libet, in the Instant Entangled Multiverse.

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Shoemaker Levy 9 lessons for Comet 67P C-G.

What can we learn from the Schoemaker Levy Comet 9 destruction into multiple energy point sources, about Comet 67P C-G craters?

That the Quantum FFF Theory for crater formation at 67P, is in harmony.    Conclusion: Comets are aggregations of multiple energetic dark matter point sources, coined new paradigm interference Black holes.  The different sizes of  Comets (see image ) is an indication that Comets seem to grow by merging  with other comets, based on one-two-  or multiple dark matter point sources. However these point sources does not merge into bigger ones, but stay clear as individuals, probably each produced by strong solar flare interference ( Q-FFF Theory) called solar bright spots or  fireballs.

IF the Rosetta probe is able to discriminate  the peculiar dark matter gravity point sources inside 67P-CG, and the internal EM field, then ESA will be able to boost astro- and physics understanding more than Eddington did 95 years ago ( bending of light)

For the production of Amino Acid by comet wild 2 see: http://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.nl/2010/02/dominant-left-handed-amino-acid-inside.html

Solar flare based Cometary nucleus production? 
Energetic dark matter interference black hole point sources produced by solar flares, as predicted by Quantum FFF Theory. (Youtube video, june 10 2014, by Myunhauzen 74, called: UFO flying out of the sun,   SEE THIS

Many parallels with earth bound cometary fireball nuclei.

Earth bound Comet nuclei: Ball Lightning and Sprite Fireballs
Several examples of Quantum Knot Ball Lightning created by electro magnetic Interference, Micro Comets and Sprite fireballs combined with Gamma ray "Dark lightning".  SEE THIS.

Central growth of single nuclear Comets and Coral.   Comparison Hyperion, a moon of Saturn but assumed to be a former Comet, left alone by its dark matter black hole nucleus (Diameter about 300 km) with a Coral structure. (Right image, diameter a few mm). According to Quantum FFF Theory.

Evidence for Electric Dark Matter Black Hole Dust Production Inside Comets Like 67P,C-G.

Recent turmoil around the foundation of Black hole theory principles by Stephen Hawking and others, is a clear sign of great uncertainty about black holes and adjacent subjects. As a consequence, it seems a good moment to come up with a Black Hole alternative already prepacked in my Quantum FFF Theory ( Function Follows Form) Quantum FFF ( Function Follows Form) theory states, that the vacuum is seeded with fast opposite oscillating massless 3-Dimensional torus shaped Preons, responsible for pair production. Two Preons are able to change form into two entangled Fermion propeller strings by an overflow of energetic opposite collision. This energy overflow is supposed to be present at the black hole event horizon. Thus the FORM of all particles is based on real joints and gears, responsible for the FUNCTION even for composite Quarks and Photons, however all particles are instant entangled and guided in a dual mirror multiversal way. That dual oscillating Higgs particles are the same as Preons and are responsible for the Casimir Dark Energy of 126 GeV recently observed in the LHC at CERN. That the oscillating Higgs vacuum system is the messenger medium of all Photon information and Black Holes are equipped with a nucleus of compacted Higgs particles, compressed by the oscillating Higgs vacuum. The vacuum energy flow around such a Black hole indicates that different sized globular horizons are needed, an event or Photon horizon and two Fermion repulsion horizons. Such horizons are supposed to include even pair production (e-and e+) and compound quarks out of the Higgs vacuum. Pair production as a base for quarks and as such H2 and O and more complex atoms. Comet 67P CG, (Churyumov-Gerasimenko) seems to be a unique test bed for this theory. In the near future we will probably become aware of these phenomena by the 67P measurements of the Rosetta mission. Recent measurements and photos are already suggesting that a large variety of atoms are ejected by the Comet and surface changes seem to be the origin of local crack shaped colour changes.


Monday, August 25, 2014

Rosetta and Comet 67P base for NEW PHYSICS?

The Rosetta probe is orbitting the Comet 67P C-G at the moment.
Anomalies are found in the mass/volume relation of the comet ( too heavy)
Secondly it seems to expand in volume given by the linear impressions at "the head of the rubber duck".
My own interpretation of  Comets is: that they are formed by ( new physics) micro dark matter gravitating point sources ( or micro black holes).
Comet 67P seems to be based on at least two Dark Matter nuclei.
IMHO, the smallest DM point sources could be interpreted as stringy quantum knot produced by electro magnetic interference at the solar surface being the start of small comets or even by the so called sprites observed above thunderclouds. See: https://www.flickr.com/photos/93308747@N05/?details=1 and
Ball Lightning, Micro Comets, Sprite-Fireballs, Solar Bright Points and Xray/ Gamma Flashes According to Quantum FFF Theory. http://vixra.org/pdf/1104.0044v6.pdf
And : The Impossible Zero Point Electric Black Hole as the Origin of New Physics even for Comets like 67P,C-G. http://vixra.org/pdf/1402.0044v3.pdf
New physics could be found, if the Comet shows also an electric and magnetic field created by both dark matter black holes expected to be the origin of a system (circuit) of Birkeland Alfven currents between them.
Also gravity anomalies should be found at both sides of the extended symmetric centreline of the two component duck.
The huge crater at the top of the head of the duck could be a tell tale.
At the bottom of the duck there are three large craters, so this could be a sign for multiple  micro dark matter point sources of different size or magnitudes.
See also:


If we assume that all circular craters at the surface of comet 67P are originated by two aligned gravitating new physics fermion repelling micro black holes (BH), then we may get an impression of the inner BH structure of the comet responsible for the shape.
I assume that the basic dumbbell form of the comet is realized by two larger BHs and lots secondary BHs of smaller different sizes, which are concentrated in the body of the ducky located around the central main BH.

What can we learn from the Schoemaker Levy Comet 9 destruction into multiple energy point sources, about Comet 67P C-G craters?

That the Quantum FFF Theory for crater formation at 67P, is in harmony.    Conclusion: Comets are aggregations of multiple energetic dark matter point sources, coined new paradigm interference Black holes.  The different sizes of  Comets (see image ) is an indication that Comets seem to grow by merging  with other comets, based on one-two-  or multiple dark matter point sources. However these point sources does not merge into bigger ones, but stay clear as individuals, probably each produced by strong solar flare interference ( Q-FFF Theory) called solar bright spots or fireballs.

If Rosetta is able to discriminate  the peculiar dark matter gravity point sources inside 67P-CG, and the internal EM field, then ESA will be able to boost astro- and physics understanding more than Eddington did 95 years ago ( bending of light)

Balancing boulder at the rim of one of 67P Ducky's body elements, a support for two main dark matter gravitating point sources

Saturday, August 09, 2014

Comets new physics by comet 67P and Hartley 2

The new black hole physics of Quantum FFF theory, seems to be present in dual nuclear comets like Hartley2 (above) and the 67P recently visited by the Rosetta probe. See photo below : (aug 2014) One important signals for internal heating is the surface temperature of 20.degr.C plus the expected temp.
Both Comets show a relative smooth surface on the "neck" between both globular elements which are more rough surfaced by the proposed production of internal plasma leading to H2O . (Water production ! direct from the Higgs field with convertable Higgs particles into pair production leading to proton electron plasma without much annihilation, see: www.flickr.com/photos/93308747@N05/14351510853/in/photost... )
See also: www.flickr.com/photos/93308747@N05/14058538819/in/photost...
It is assumed that the new physics of dual BH nuclear Comets will show us the way to Free Energy systems! see:www.flickr.com/photos/93308747@N05/8496492955/in/photostream

and: www.flickr.com/photos/93308747@N05/14856397511/in/photostream

Thursday, July 24, 2014

9-Questions about the Multiverse.

9-Questions about the Multiverse, Based on Q-FFF theory.

1: Is Dark Matter the same as Black Holes of all sizes which consume photons and gravitons, repel fermions and have negative electric potential at the outside and positive potential at the inside?.
2: Is Dark Energy the same as the oscillating Higgs Field with Casimir repelling effect and repulsive gravity potential?.
3: Is Quantum Gravity based on a dual Casimir-Graviton push system ? (Higgs-Casimir push opposing Graviton push is as a result attraction?). Is this dual push system the base for all forces?
4: Is the Big Bang a symmetric (entangled matter- anti-matter-multiverse ) splitting Dark Matter Black Hole (DM-BH) into smaller primordial DM-BH Splinters and evaporating into the oscillating Dark Energy Higgs field.
5: Is the Big Bang self organizing and quiet inflating, by the splitting and pairing DM-BHs which could be able in succession to produce all the universal plasma and dual BH based Herbig Haro systems as a base for stars in open star clusters and as a start for Spiral Galaxies and the Lyman Alpha forest?
6: Is the dual DM-BH based spiral galaxy able to merge with other spirals to form elliptical systems and are the DM-BHs able to anchor the galaxy in the middle and coined: Galaxy Anchor Black Holes ( GABHs)?
7: Is a GABH still able to form pairs and produce plasma after Galaxy Merging and create Dwarf galaxies in between, but outside the main galaxy?
8: Is a sub-quantum structure of elementary particles able to explain all particle decay trajectories and the repulsion of fermions at the black hole horizon by so called spin flip?
9: Is the vacuum structure chiral and responsible for the fact that we live inside a material bubble of the (CP) symmetric multiverse?
(related to Quantum FFF Theory ( Function Follows Form)
