Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Wednesday, October 04, 2023

New transformer String Theory of Entangled Space and Time called Quantum Function Follows Form theory.(Q-FFF)

Q-FFF model says: we may forget the existing ADs and Cft string models.
Q-FFF Theory is based on a visual, topological alternative.  
The Q_FFF Theory of strings is reduced to only one real but also virtual Torus shaped vacuum particle (called Axions) which has 3x internal 90 degree rotation hinges and one splitting point symmetrical and regular placed on the torus.
The torus can form all other particles by mutual scattering transformation and compounding by mechanical form differences, with others transformed particles.
Electrons and Positrons and all photons are single strings.
Quarks are assumed to me compound particles of one electron or positron compounded with one or more Photons Gluons.
Black Holes are assumed to be String knots of individual Strings compressed by the oscillating Axion Tetrahedron Space Frame vacuum. (Dark Energy)
String knots of  3 or more compounding symmetric open Strings are called Ball Lightning or micro black holes, also observed as lightning elements alike Lightning Streamers, Sprites, Elves, Sunspots (Crashed Comets), Comets, tailed Tadpoles and  Herbig Haro Bowshocks, (at the end of the HH Jets) etc.
Time is only based on local fermion oscillations not only in electric Watches but in all matter.
2e Multiverse time is the era between two Big Crunch Big Bang era. ( see image)

For the Q-FFF Theory. see: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2023/08/the-semi-classical-q-fff-string-theory.html


Below: the Multivers cycle Time between two Big Bangs.

How Matter is created out of the Axion vacuum by opposite collisions at the Penrose Trapped Space Horizon.

Tuesday, October 03, 2023

The Nobel Prize on The Atomic structure ? of 3-10-2023.

Perhaps the Nobel Prize of today, will focus more energy on the Polar Disc Structure of each Atom nucleus and the Calabi Yau propeller structure of Strings, or even the Magic Number Logic in a polar disc structure of the atom nucleus.
see: The New Nuclear Magic Number (34) Explained by the Polar Coaxial Ring System of Quantum FFF Theory.
also the Nobel Prize:  


Major Mystery of Plasma Production out of the virtual Vacuum by (Penrose) Black Holes.

See: Plasma Production Out of the virtual Vacuum by Axion String Collision Around Each Black Hole at the "Penrose Trapped Space Surface". (Globule)
Vacuum curvature around a Black Hole is the logic origin of the Trapped Space repulsion zone (10,11) and virtual Axion collision (7) to form real dual entangled Fermions or plasma.

 The Propeller shaped Fermions seem to form different Calabi Yau Manifolds.

Monday, October 02, 2023

Laser Space Race China and USA. With some Youtube UFO examples. Expected to be preliminar experiments in low altitude (Web copies)


Ground based triple interference lasers creating ball lightnings. 
(Micro black holes)

Transformer rigid String particle families seem to be the base for the universe and Ball Lightning. (Q-FFF Theory:   https://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk )
see: What is Wrong with Current Physics to Explain Ball Lightning.
and: Primordial Black Holes and Dual Herbig Haro Effects for Star-Galaxy Formation.

Sunday, October 01, 2023

Mysterious Fine Structure Constant (1/137) Measured In Nearby Stars, However, NOT Far away!! around black holes.as Q-FFF Model suggests.

The Cosmic web (Tetrahedral in Q-FFF Model)  seems to be guiding the cosmic structure everywhere?
The Cosmic Webb seems also be dependent of the fine structure. If so, 1/137 is not everywhere the same.
The Vacuum polarization around black holes is assumed to change the Fine Structure constant (1/137) of the vacuum and the redshift from fermions around the Black Hole. see below langer Planck length between the vacuum knots.

The Vacuum polarization around black holes is assumed to change the Fine Structure constant (1/137) of the vacuum and the redshift from fermions around the Black Hole, see below langer Planck length between the vacuum knots.
Below The Black Hole splitting Big Bang seems origin of the more massive galaxies in the young universe.
Below The Black Hole splitting Big Bang seems origin of the more massive galaxies in the young universe.

JWST Observations Completely Break Galactic Evolution Models...But Prove...

Early heavy elements in evolving galaxies. (A.Petrov) explained by Q-FF Theory by the New Dark Matter Black Hole Splitting Big Bang and dual Herbig Haro BH systems.

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Something Powerful But Not a Black Hole Created Milky Way Bubbles ,Q-FFF says: a double Herbig Haro Black Hole System!! for a Birkeland system.

Conclusion:  also around the sun and between the TWO SABHs (Stellar Anchor Black Holes, we may expect a similarity between the Oort cloud and the outside gamma Fermi Bubble found by Rosita. 

 Even without a central Black Hole ( but a White Hole) such a Birkeland bubble is created by two Stellar Anchor Black Holes. (SABHs)

(Un) explained Radio Structure Found, They Named It...Sauron and ORCs.

(Un?) explained Radio Structure Found, They Named It...Sauron and ORCs.
According to Q-FFF Theory, the OrC system is assumed to be a perpendicular merged Herbig Haro system with two perpendicular Birkeland Current systems based on 4x negative charged Herbig Haro Galaxy Black Holes. (GABHs)

ORC= 4x GABH ( Galaxy Anchor Black Hole based Herbig Haro systems)

see: Q-FFF Theory of Everything seems to be based on simple Rigid-Transformer Strings into Knots of Dark Matter Black Holes.
Penrose Trapped surface of the Black Hole creating Fermion pairs out of the stringy Axion Vacuum by collision into 2x repelled charged Fermion layers, negative charged at the outside.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Entropy reduction at all Black Hole horizons creating fermion pairs and plasma, seen also by the travelling tadpole black holes .

Entropy reduction at all Black Hole horizons creating Fermion pairs and plasma, seen also by the travelling Tadpole black holes pushed by their plasma tail, creating filaments of the Webb from the big bang start.
So, the Big Bang was the cold explosion of a String knot black hole Singularity, compacted by the reducing vacuum pressure into single Tadpole Black Holes making stars and splitted single black holes , (in the wake). 
 Tadpoles are looking for an equal sized partner by travelling to form a dual Herbig Haro system forming stars and spiral Galaxies. Merging galaxies form elliptical galaxies and sometimes stop starforming by the absence of dual BH Herbig Haro systems.
However Tadpoles do not find an equal sized Tadpole black hole, than an elliptical Globular Galaxy or star cluster can emerge.

The Tubelike cosmic Webb circles as support for the Splitting String Black Hole Singularity Big Bang.