Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Scientists At CERN Just Made A HORRIBLE Discovery That Changes Everything! A Portal to Hell?

According to Q-FFF Theory, portals are assume to be located between two equal sized  Black Holes, just like the starforming Herbig Haro system often observed in space.

Friday, February 16, 2024

Roger Penrose: “String Theory Is (NOT) Wrong and Dark Matter Does Exist!” But the CCC Model remains for a multiverse..

Roger Penrose CHANGED HIS CCC MODEL ! The "ENTROPY GOES DOWN" saying it, at the END OF HIS VIDEO!! (19.30 min) which is  the end of a universal cycle!.

According to the CCC alternative cyclic Universe, there is a cyclic Multiverse.
Based on spinning Calabi Yau Fermions oscillating by the scattering with the virtual spinning oscillating Axion Higgs strings.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Voyager 1 Space Probe, Suddenly Received an ALARMING RESPONSE from a Nearby Object called GABH? (Galaxy Anchor Black Hole)

The Q-FFF Rigid String Theory says: there is  only  one CONSTRUCTIVE Topological and Resilient TRANSFORMER STRING (Axion/vacuum ) able to Transform into Electrons, and Protons /Neutrons (Plasma at each " black hole trapped space horizon. Also direct after the Black Hole Splitting Big Bang. Forming Travelling Tadpole Black Hole Filaments expanding the universe vacuum. 
 A Raspberry Entangled 12x Mirror Copy Multiverse is Postulated as base for uncertainty (ER=EPR) and Libet's FREE VETO WILL . SO We live inside an exploded BH

See below;
At the north pole of the Heliosphere, my Q-FFF Theory expects the GABH of the North Pole. see below:

The Lefthanded Tadpole Filaments seem to be created by each travelling Tadpole micro black. Due to the lefthanded local tetrahedral vacuum or spaceframe. 


Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Einstein's Special Relativity Theory only holds near the Earth or Massive object like the sun. BUT NOT IN FAR SPACE . The LISA satellite will show us the reality of a plastic luminurous ether. see models

Einstein's Special Relativity Theory, only holds near the Earth or Massive object like the sun. like the nul-result of the Michelson& Morley experiment. (GPS etc. but not between free satellites like LISA)

BUT NOT IN SPACE . between satellites, like The LISA satellite, which will show us from 2025, the reality of a (plastic) luminiferous ether and the lightspeed (decreasing/extinction) volumes around objects. see models below:
( 1) viXra:1102.0052, (935 unique-IP downloads)
Construction Principles for Chiral “atoms of Spacetime Geometry” Including Space Curvature Around Massive Objects.
Authors: Leo Vuyk
(3) [3] viXra:1102.0056 (879 unique-IP downloads)
Experiments to Determine the Mass Related Lightspeed Extinction Volume around objects.
Authors: Leo Vuyk
[9] viXra:1103.0097 (552 unique-IP downloads)
ZPE Zero Point Energy Examples Around Black Holes.
Authors: Leo Vuyk
[51] viXra:1409.0164 (793 unique-IP downloads).
The O‘Connell Effect in Eclipsing Binaries Explained by Mass Related Light Speed Extinction Distances (Lasof) of Stars and Even Planets.
Authors: Leo Vuyk
[69] viXra:1612.0365 (860 unique-IP downloads)
John S. Bell Was Right: “How to Teach Special Relativity” and Atomic Pear Shaped Contraction.
Authors: Leo Vuyk.
[75] viXra:1704.0133, (257 unique-IP downloads)
2 Signals for Retarded Single Big Bang Black Hole Nucleus Splitting and Pairing into Dual Black Hole Herbig Haro Systems. Single-cdf-s-xt1-and-dual-macs1423.html
Authors: Leo Vuyk.
[102] viXra:1801.0040, (552 unique-IP downloads)
A Consciousness Theory of Everything based on Rigid Transformable Strings, Instantly Entangled Between 8 or 12 CP Symmetric Universal

Einsten's special Theory of Relativity is only accepted in the neighbourhood of the earth. (M&M experiment) NOT IN SPACE!!!
[115] viXra:1811.0125 , (300 unique-IP downloads)
Testing Proposals for Human Free Will in the Raspberry Multiverse, Local Entanglement and M&M Lightspeed.
Authors: Leo Vuyk.
[119] viXra:1902.0201, (117 unique-IP downloads)
Novel Ideas About Dark Matter and the SuSy Multiverse.
Authors: Leo Vuyk.
[134] viXra:2005.0123 (161 unique-IP downloads)
Alternative Michelson and Morley Experiment Between Two Satellites .
Authors: Leo Vuyk.
[145] viXra:2101.0131, (1270 unique-IP downloads)
What is Wrong with Current Physics to Explain Ball Lightning
Authors: Leo Vuyk.
[146] viXra:2101.0158, (522 unique-IP downloads)
Primordial Black Holes and Dual Herbig Haro Effects for Star-Galaxy Formation
Authors: Leo Vuyk

Below: Only distant from massive objects the luminiferous ether can be measured. see the future LISA Satellite project. and the CHAMP result of Tae Suk Bae.. (Q-FFF Model)

Tuesday, February 06, 2024

The Big Bang and The First Stars and Galaxies by Herbig Haro systems.. JWST photo of NGC628 as example of the first galaxy and star foration

 The Big Bang and The First Stars and Galaxies.

Below: JWST photo of NGC628, as example of the first galaxy- and star formation, by the splitting Tadpole Black Holes driven by plasma Jets, created by the splitted Big Bang Black Hole Singularity, being the former Big Crunch black hole, into dual Herbig Haro systems for star formation, filling the galaxy and the spiral jets, pointing perpendicular to the disc. (up and Down) along the Central Dual black hole Axis. of the GABHs (Galaxy Anchor Black Holes).  

The Big Bang and The First Stars and Galaxies after the Dark Matter singularity black hole explosion into self travelling chunks of Tadpole black holes pushed and guided by their curved plasma tail, away from the local gravity cusps.
The first self propelled Tadpole black holes forming the Lyman Alpha forest or cosmic structure, leaving tubular filament circles behind.

Below:  Black Holes into self travelling chunks of Tadpole black holes pushed and guided by their curved plasma tail, away from the local gravity cusps. even micro ball lightning micro black holes.

Below: the Lefthanded Filament structure left behind by such a Tadpole black hole, trailing the filament by dust and vapour particles. Conclusion:
The vacuum has a lefthanded virtual space frame structure being the origin of our material universe, in contrast with our opposite Anti material entangled universe inside the 12x anti copy raspberry multiverse.. (below)

Saturday, February 03, 2024

Why Hydrogen atoms in the early universe? Q-FFF theory says: By the Penrose -Q-FFF trapped space of each Black hole.


Below: See also;  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/377066296_6x9_2023-B-17-nieuw_Splitting-BH-BB-12

Clear evidence for dual hotspots or dual Herbig Haro  black holes in the JWST observations. see: Galaxy mergers solve early Universe mystery | University of Cambridge

and the Penrose-Q-FFF hydrogen solution of negatively charged hydrogen produced by new spliced black holes  see below: 

Below: the first JWST splitted single Black Hole based Galaxy, surrounded by Plasma stars. again an evidence for the new black hole physics, of the early universe.

Below example of a ball lightning micro black hole, with plasma tails, pushing the black hole away from the local gravity cusps. creating a "Tadpole travelling black hole".

Below: Negative charged Hydrogen production at the outside Trapped Space Horizon of each new black hole.
Even at the dual black holes of each Herbig Haro star forming system.

"One of the most puzzling issues that previous observations presented was the detection of light from hydrogen atoms in the very early Universe, which should have been entirely blocked by the pristine neutral gas that was formed after the Big Bang," Witten said in a press release.

"Many hypotheses have previously been suggested to explain the great escape of this 'inexplicable' emission."

But now there's a new cosmological sheriff in town: the James Webb Space Telescope

see also: https://www.sciencealert.com/hidden-source-of-mysterious-glow-in-the-early-universe-finally-revealed?fbclid=IwAR23pO2iiuIGavIGojTXFZm0ySgRYYqeYxXZ-VvBryCOTPkqEzwBToZJ3p8

Below: How equal sized black holes form Herbig Haro systems forming stars in the middle.

Below: we observe three or even 4 hotspots, supposed to represent at least two Herbig Haro black holes, probably auditioned with one or even two early negative charged stars repelled from the negatively charged black holes.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024


 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS IS WRONG FOR MERGER BLACK HOLES: Roger Penrose CHANGED HIS CCC MODEL ! The "ENTROPY GOES DOWN" saying it, at the END OF HIS VIDEO!! (19.30 min) which is the end of a universal cycle!!! However, he just did not say: "into a big Crunch" as the Q-FFF model does. because in fact The 2e law of thermodynamics is wrong !!! for merging black holes even during and  specially at the end of Inflation. into the big Crunch!!! : See also; https://lnkd.in/eAqA7zjN

see: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/377066296_6x9_2023-B-17-nieuw_Splitting-BH-BB-12

AND: Quantum Function Follows FORM, (Q-FFF Theory) An Entangled Mirror Multiverse String Theory..: Roger Penrose CHANGED HIS CCC MODEL ! The "ENTROPY GOES DOWN" at the END OF THE VIDEO! and the end of the cyclic universe.! (bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com)

see also: https://youtu.be/h-ZmwHOUAlw

The Cyclic Multiverse: based on Increased and Later Decreased Entropy of particle (matter and anti matter) multiverse content. decreased by the splitting BIG Bang Black hole and later by the merging of small black holes into larger ones and thebig Crunch

James Webb Uncovers More Secrets About Ancient Galaxies Nobody Knew like NOODLE shaped galaxies.

Below: Early (by JWST) GNZ11 with enormous large central black hole, .is a support for the Dark Matter Black Hole Splitting Big Bang of Q-FFF Theory
see the new Q-FFF theory: 
A lot of young neighbour stars, with much dimmer neighbours. Is also supporting the new Penrose-Q-FFF New Black Hole trapped Space horizon creating new stars a go go. of all new physics black holes.

see for star and plasma formation around the NEW Penrose-Q-FFF Black Hole bleow:

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Roger Penrose CHANGED HIS CCC MODEL ! The "ENTROPY GOES DOWN" (the second law is wrong!!! )saying it, at the END OF HIS VIDEO!! (19.30 min)

 Roger Penrose CHANGED HIS CCC MODEL ! The "ENTROPY GOES DOWN" saying it, at the END OF HIS VIDEO!! (19.30 min) which is  the end of a universal cycle!!! However, he just did not say: "into a big Crunch" as the Q-FFF model does. because in fact The 2e law of thermodynamics is wrong !!! for black holes even during and specially at the end of Inflation. into the big Crunch!!! : See also;  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/377066296_6x9_2023-B-17-nieuw_Splitting-BH-BB-12

and: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2024/01/roger-penrose-mathematics-what-exists.html

Below we observe the different solutions of the old Penrose CCC model with constant entropy increase,  and the Q-FFF Theory model based on Big Crunches by Entropy decrease into Big Crunch Black Holes forming the Big Bang singularity Black Hole.

So, Penrose's NEW NOTION OF ENTROPY MEANS, THAT just like the Q-FFF Theory, the universal entropy of black hole distribution goes up and also down, during the inflation period, until the big Crunch black hole, forms a so called single "String Knot black hole", compressed by the "local Axion vacuum oscillations". Which are However, also more and more consumed by all the string knot black holes. These dark matter (former dark energy) Black holes, are growing until all Dark Energy Axion strings of the former universe are consumed, ready to explode again, as splitting Black hole Big Bang, by the decreasing Vacuum (Axion) pressure reaching the point of equilibrium point.

Penrose about the end of time and different Entropies up or down. Penrose said: he normalized the entropy and surprize: at the end the Entropy comes way down!!!
However my Q-FFF Theory says: from the Big Bang Black hole splitting , Entropy goes up by black hole /star and gas production, but also going DOWN by Black Hole merging into a Big Crunch!!!So, Penrose's NEW NOTION OF ENTROPY MEANS, THAT just like the Q-FFF Theory, the universal entropy goes up and also down, in the inflation period, until the big Crunch black hole, forms a so called the String Knot black hole, compressed by the local Axion vacuum oscillations, eating these vacuum Axions and growing until Dark Energy Axion strings of the former universe are consumed, ready to explode again, as splitting Black hole Big Bang, by the decreasing Vacuum (Axion) pressure reaching an equilibrium point.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

"NASA HITS A JACKPOT" James Webb Telescope Spots Strange Lights Coming and the W1935 aurora mystery.

Q-FFF Theory says: MOST BROWN DWARFS will be guised by two small Herbig Haro Black Holes created by a former Supernova phenomena. However just like the earth the brown dwarf is connected by two smalll negative charged Black Holes originating the so called Birkeland current caroussel , whic is assumed to be the origin of all auroras

Streamer Lightning by the Heading of each Ball Lightning micro back hole.