Wednesday, March 08, 2006

New Nuclear Polar-Ring Structure

A Mathematical challenge to translate a new geometrical ( Polar Ring) system for magic numbered nuclei, into one formula.
The Large Hadron Collider at Geneva, is perhaps able to find traces of the AXIAL POLAR RING SYMMETRY of ion nuclei in their heavy ion program by the CMS (Muon) detector.
The results could even give new information on the nuclear geometry described below.
latest news: 8 november 2010:
The CMS experiment at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has recorded its first lead-lead collisions at an energy of 2.76 TeV per nucleon pair, marking the start of its heavy ion research program and the search for "axial symmetry of nuclei".

New NUCLEAR POLAR RING geometry of atoms, based on MAGIC NUMBER logic.
Proposal for a new 3-Dimensional nucleon system for atomic nuclei, based on magic numbers.
As is well known, Magic numbers are assumed to be in action for the atomic nuclear system of protons as well as neutrons. See:

Each nucleus has only one polar central axis with an even number of nucleons on it in combination with one or two equatorial symmetric coaxial ring systems.
There are TWO ring systems possible in a symmetric co-axial combination located around the central axis: coined an INNER and an OUTER RING system.

Only the two highest numbered magic numbers: T=82 and T=126 seem to be equipped with this inner ring system.

The rough rules are:
For magic numbered nuclei:
The existence of a linear shaped axis of an even numbered string of nucleons.

The axis symmetrical oriented even numbered strings of nucleons in ring shape, perpendicular oriented to the central nucleon axis.
The whole nuclear geometry, all together in more or less globular shape and as such with axis- and equatorial symmetry.
If the nucleon number of 82 is reached, an additional equatorial "inner" ring of 6 nucleons is present.
For 126 nucleons this number is raised to 20 nucleons devided into three rings with 6,8,and 6 nucleons.

For non magic numbered nuclei:
The existence of a linear shaped axis of an even/or ODD numbered string of nucleons.
The axis symmetrical oriented even/or ODD numbered strings of nucleons in ring shape, perpendicular oriented to the central nucleon axis.
The whole nuclear geometry, all together in more or less globular shape and as such with axis- and equatorial symmetry.
If the nucleon number of 82 is reached, an additional equatorial "inner" ring of 6 nucleons is present.
For 126 nucleons this number is raised to 20 nucleons devided into three rings with 6,8,and 6 nucleons.

Overview of the system:
For T=8 we count the nucleons (dots) from top to bottom:
On the axis = 2 nucleons
On the single ring: 6 nucleons

For T=20, we count dots from top to bottom:
On the axis =4 nucleons
On the three (3) rings: 4,8,4 = 16 nucleons


For T=20, we could even count from top to bottom:
On the axis =6 nucleons
On the three (3) rings: 4,6,4 = 14 nucleons

According to my two kinds of nuclear structure of the T=20 nucleus, I would expect that there are two kinds of Calcium (z=20) atoms. I am not a nuclear specialist, so I am not able to point into examples for calcium.
The only hint I would give is that inside double magic Calcium (20protons+28 neutrons)
I would expect that the proton structure should have an axial amount of 6 protons, combined with three rings of 4,6,4 nucleons.

Why?  because the T=28 neutron nucleus has an axis of 8 neutrons and three rings of 6,8,6 neutrons, which gives maximum space for the proton nucleus

For T=28, we count dots from top to bottom:
On the axis =8 nucleons
On the three (3) rings: 6,8,6 = 20 nucleons

For T=50, we count dots from top to bottom:
On the axis =12 nucleons
On the five rings: 6,8,10,8,6,= 38 nucleons

For T=82, we count dots from top to bottom:
On the axis =16 nucleons
On the seven (7) OUTER rings: 6,8,10,12,10,8,6,= 60 nucleons
On the single (1) INNER ring: =6 nucleons

For T=126, we count dots from top to bottom:
On the axis = 20 nucleons
On the nine (9) OUTER rings: 6,8,10,12,14,12,10,8,6,= 86 nucleons
On the three (3) INNER ring: =6,8,6=20 nucleons.

For T=184, we count dots from top to bottom:
On the axis = 24 nucleons
On the nine (11) OUTER rings: 6,8,10,12,14,16,14,12,10,8,6,= 116 nucleons
On the three (5) INNER ring: =6,8,10,8,6=38 nucleons.
On the ONE extra INNERring: =6

According to the foregoing systematic approach, THE NEXT STEP as new ISLAND OF STABILITY should HAVE 254 NUCLEON!!! See below::
For T=254, we count dots from top to bottom:
On the axis = 28 nucleons
On the nine (11) OUTER rings: 6,8,10,12,14,16,18,16,14,12,10,8,6,= 146 nucleons.
On the three (5) INNER ring: =6,8,10,12,10,8,6=60 nucleons.
On the ONE extra INNERring: =6,8,6=20 nucleons.

Conclusion : between 126-184 and 254, we do not expect to have REAL islands of stability.

Newscientist; 2011 preview: No 'magic' element just yet.

Elements occupying the far depths of the periodic table are so exotic and ephemeral it seems as if they are only barely there. In early 2010, when physicists announced the creation of the superheavy element ununseptium, even the handful of atoms that were made decayed into smaller ones in a fraction of a second.

Theory predicts, however, that superheavy isotopes with lifetimes of minutes can be made. These might have novel properties. What's more, they would confirm the existence of the fabled "island of stability",

See also my book: The New GOD Particle and Free Will is now available also as e-book by under:

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