Tuesday, May 14, 2019

How I came to Quantum FFF theory.

How I came to my theory called Quantum FFF Theory.?

1. By reading a lot books and articles mostly actual internet astronomy.  
Some book titles:
( R.R.Mohan Roy: "Vedic Physics" )
( H. Arp: "seeing red" e.g. page 191-192, )
see my imput on Arp:   "An amateur spots the crucial patterns" 
( G. 't Hooft, "In Search of the Ultimate Building Blocks") 
see the result: http://vixra.org/pdf/1103.0002v4.pdf "3-Dimensional String based alternative particle model".  
(and others like Bohm, Bell, Einstein, etc.)
see for Bohm: 
http://vixra.org/pdf/1704.0047v1.pdf, "Bohmian Double Slit Interpretation by Dual Entangled Universes"
and http://vixra.org/pdf/1210.0177v1.pdf, "Instant Broglie- Bohm Pilot Waves,"
For Bell, see: 
http://vixra.org/pdf/1612.0365v2.pdf  John S. Bell was Right: “How to Teach Special Relativity” and atomic pear shaped contraction
2, By thinking and imagining universal models.
3, by sketching and building small particle models.
4, by doing or promoting  experiments. 
(EM monopole experiments, Ball lightning and EM Drive)
What explanation I am looking for?
1: for the origin of mankind,
2: for the origin of ancient stone cutting technology,
3: for a possible extra terrestrial origin of both.

What was the sequence of my discoveries based on small experiments?
1: Magnetic monopole ideas ( compass with neodymiun  magnets shielded by permalloy/ mu-metal )
2: Ball Lightning ( BL)  is a stringy knot of dark matter particles.
originating bouncing vacuum particles to create radiation and even electrons and plasma out of the vacuum.
3: BL is suggested the same as micro electric dark matter black hole, see ( leo vuyk) also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ball_lightning#Black_hole_hypothesis
4: The cyclic Big Bang was the same as an unstable  electric charged dark matter black hole.
5: Benjamin Libet test results on RPI and RPII for a Charge Parity symmetric Multiverse.
6: how to tap ( recycle) electric charge from micro black hole ( ball lightning)  

The Vacuum Lattice as the base for my Quantum Field Theory.

How to tap ( recycle) electric charge from micro black hole ( ball lightning)