Thursday, September 10, 2020

Extra Fermi Gamma radiation by "Annihilation of pair production by black hole collision horizons

 Wikipedia: "Annihilation radiation is a term used in Gamma spectroscopy for the photon radiation produced when a particle and its antiparticle collide and annihilate. Most commonly, this refers to 511-keV photons produced by an electron interacting with a positron."

In our galaxy center, an extra than expected amount of gamma radiation is observed. However, now a study rules out dark matter destruction as the origin of extra radiation in the galaxy center.  see: see:

However in Q-FFF Theory, it takes the 511 keV (Wikipedia) as  base, with particle pair annihilation as origin.  How pair production is created? by the new physics pair production at the local collider horizons of all the black holes crowding in the center of the Milky Way.

So the black hole horizon should be interpreted as the vacuum particle collider to produce these pairs, which produce the extra gamma rays from all over the bar shaped center of the milky way. 

Interessant is dat waargenomen is dat de vorm van de oorsprong een balkvorm heeft , wat suggereerd dat de begeleidende zwarte gaten van de sterren in die balk een belangrijke oorzaak zijn.

Zie BHs zijn de Galaxy Anchor Black Holes, verantwoordelijk voor de LASOF (Local Anti Symmetric Oscillating vacuum Frame etc.).