A great support for the gravity pressure theory of Q_FFF Theory. ( in a gravity attraction theory the ring shaped gravity pressure effect (7) has gone)
Why we have 4x Ebb and Flow or tides? THREE DIFFERENT GRAVITY BUBBLES. Attention for nr: 7 (the combined pressure effect) which seems the reason that we have 4x Ebb and Flow in 24 hours (low and high water) at the earth. Nr 7 compresses in ring form around the earth the oceans, and compress all the ocean water down into 2 HORIZONTAL directions.
This tiny gravity pressure effect should be observable in high sensitive gravity meters on earth, between 30 degree South and North Latitudes.
see also: Emergent Gravity by Dipole Repeller Rigid String Pressure the Origin of Quantum Gravity and Non Inertial Black Holes.
some other Q-FFF Theory effects:
.see also non inertial black holes. of the hand of God.