Monday, July 18, 2022

How to explain the Magic Numbers and the pear shaped atom nuclei leading to the strong force.

 Perhaps it could be wrong to try to explain it not by math, but by topology. see below:
The Polar Coaxial Ring structure.

Secondly, most Quarks are ordered in tandem.
Each dual nucleus element seems to be always in tandem., by the magnetic alignment of the three quarks able to oppose the tandem particle in the upside down position.

The polar structure of atoms made it logic to propose the base for the Lorentz polarization able to react on vacuum speed described by J.S Bell. for the elongations or contraction of a cable between two equal accelerating rockets. 
see also: Alexander Unzicker:  

.Secondly, most Quarks are ordered in tandem.
Each dual nucleus element seems to be always in tandem., by the magnetic alignment of the three quarks able to oppose the tandem particle in the upside down position.

The Strong Force seems to be a magnetic force  by the triple linear composition of the quarks, leading to the duality structure of the polarized components. This  seems an extra reason to postulate each fermion to have a propeller shape . There are left-hand and right-hand pitch propellers related to plus and minus  charge and polarity.

The transformer particles topology: