Sunday, July 17, 2022

The origin of the Peculiar dual Form of Comet 67P-CG by dual new physics micro Black Holes,

The origin of the Peculiar dual Form of Comet 67P-CG and Comet Thule by dual micro Black Holes, with Herbig Haro characteristic.
The Characteristic of Herbig Haro Bowshocks is based on the Q-FFF Theory on so called dual Penrose_Q-FFF black holes.
It postulates, that nearly equal sized black holes (with <15% ratio) of multiple sizes ( even like micro black hole ball lightning).do not merge but repel each other.
The distance to repel each other seems to be dependent of the nuclear common mass in total.
The peculiar shape of the dual headed comet 67P-CG, seems to be an indication of such a small dual Herbig Haro system creating dual bowshock black holes flying away from each other, until the repelling plasma bar between both BHs has equal force, with the attraction force between both micro black holes..
Gm1+Gm2=Max Distance related to the dual mass ratio.
see: Expanding Earth, by Growing Water based Crashed Comet core.

Below: Comet 67P-CG and Comet Thule both with a dual internal repelling black hole configuration.