Sunday, July 03, 2022

Not only AGN Galaxies with a Black Hole show AGN properties even young stars have jets.

Conclusion: Herbig Haro Bowshocks seem to be little black holes.
Niet alleen zwarte gaten maar ook jonge sterren YSOs tussen tweeo "bowshocks"in vertonen jets:
Jets from Young Stars∗
and: Primordial Black Holes and Dual Herbig Haro Effects for Star-Galaxy Formation.

Below: YSOs Young star objects:  HH 901 and HH 902.
The Bowshocks are observed as the origin of the jets , by deformation of the local vacuum also the origin of quick star and disc formation by so called  Birkeland plasma carousel. ( Q-FFF Model)

How can two equal black holes split into Bowshocks to form stars in between?

Galaxy 4261.

New physics black holes seem the origin of vacuum polarization and Birkeland /Alflen circuit currents.