Sunday, July 03, 2022

Stephan Hawkings idea was Unseen “primordial” black holes might be the hidden dark matter.

Evidence for an old idea.  “It was an old idea of Stephen Hawking’s: Unseen “primordial” black holes might be the hidden dark matter. It fell out of favor for decades, but a new series of studies has shown how the theory can work” by Joshua Sokol: in Quanta Magazine: see:

Dit is het begin van:
However, The Q-FFF Theory based Herbig Haro dual black hole primordial Dark Matter Big Bang interpretation seems to be responsible for new physics forming massive Fermions out of the vacuum at the Penrose “trapped Vacuum Horizon”, which is interpreted as a vacuum string collider forming fermions out of the vacuum strings.

see also: about little dark matter black holes.What is Wrong with Current Physics to Explain Ball Lightning

Below, The Q-FFF Interpretation of the primordial black hole production after the big crunch of giant black hole merging into a singularity into one massless black hole , the end of a former universe