Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Something Powerful Exploded Over and Over Again and It Makes No Sense, except for the BigBang black hole splitting Q-FFF Theory !!

Explanation according to the Q-FFF Model: the big bang was the continuing explosion (splitting) of string black hole nuclei compressed by the local oscillating Higgs-Axion vacuum pressure. Special inside voids of the vacuum where the vacuum pressure could be reduced , not able to keep the black Hole nucleus together. so it will explode. and make a new stracluster around each new black hole which create and repel all plasma stars, travelling as tadpole through the vacuum, looking for a partner to merge or form a dual Harbig Haro spiral system.
see also: The new God Particle and Free Will. (2008).

below: Black holes only eating photons, not spinning propeller shaped Calabi Yau fermions.

Equal sized black hole do not merge but form dual Herbig Haro systems growing stars in the middle out of the self created plasma disc. see: the Penrose-Q-FFF Model of star formation.

 Propeller shaped Fermions able to create and repel from the Black Hole trapped space horizon..