Sunday, December 31, 2023

We seem to live between the splitted Dark Matter Remnant Black Holes created out of an exploding former Big Cruch Black Hole, of the Big Bang.

 Each Black Hole has a " Penrose-Q-FFF trapped Space Horizon" (in Q-FFF Theory) changing Axion vacuum particles into dual charged Fermions leaving the positive Quarks inside the horizon and the Electrons at the outside, both forming charged plasma into repelling stars around the Horizon.

As a result, single black holes form so called travelling Tadpoles, leaving streams of stars /plasma and starclusters behind.
Dual equal sized Black Holes, form Spiral HerbigHaro Galaxy systems , already observed by the JWST at 500 M.light year after the bigbang, 


Or below: Fluffy ball or dual black hole based Peanut shaped early galaxies !!

The Penrose-Q-FFF plasma creating black hole Model

New features of the new Q-FFF theory:
Testing Proposals for Human Free Will in the Raspberry Multiverse, Local Entanglement and M&M Lightspeed.
The O‘Connell Effect in Eclipsing Binaries Explained by Mass Related Light Speed Extinction Distances (Lasof) of Stars and Even Planets. see:
The Semi Relativistic Higgs Field Aether with Mass Related Lightspeed Adaptation.