Monday, January 01, 2024

Michio Kaku: Big Bang DEBUNKED! HOWEVER, Why did it Bang? see Q-FFF Model....

So Why did the universe bang, according to the Q-FFF theory?
Below: By the decreasing Axion-Higgs field tension of a former universe vacuum, on the premordial singularity string black hole nucleus (or big crunch BH of a former universe) gaining more internal tension (resilience) by consuming the old vacuum strings, which set it to explode. 
Again and again, splitting into smaller pieces, creating travelling Tadpoles forming trails of stars:  the cosmic filamentary structure.
At the end: The new largest galaxy system black holes seem to form clusters leading to a new big crunch black hole forming a cyclic system.
HOWEVER: recent JWST and Q-FFF effects on cosmology and some elementary new phenomena of the Q-FFF theory explains:

  The seems a very old representation of the universe, 
including Tadpole Filaments?
Below, NASA/ESA 2016: Cosmic Tadpole with star cluster filament.

Below; Axion-Higgs vacuum pressure (Casimir) reduction on black hole String nuclei make them split or explode !! like at the big bang and farther outside the universe center.
Below: the cyclic universe starting with the reduced Dark Vacuum Energy Big Bang and after the Inflation epoch the Maxium Dark Vacuum Energy.
For Dark Matter knots the opposite seems true !!(see below)

Dual black hole based Peanut shaped galaxies, are created in contrast with so called single Tadpole black holes based starcluster galaxies, (below) also splitted from the exploded big bang nucleus BH.(singularity)
"All black holes" are forming stars /plasma clouds at their "Penrose-Q-FFF Trapped Space Horizon" by the Axion collider effect.

Below: The prindiple of the Tadpole Black Hole travelling against the wind and pushed by its self produced plasma tail. leaving stars and plasma behind.

 Below: their was a COLD STRING KNOT Black Hole Big Bang. making HOT Fermions

The trapped space Axion collision creating pairs of partisles (-and+)
Below Conclusion:  Even the Sunspots, Comets, Ball Lightning are micro Black Holes based on String Knots.

The Geometric aspects of the Q-FFF String Theory. based on transformable Torus forms, builded by 4x curved (elbow) macaroni parts connected by hinges, rotating  only around steps of 90 degrees.
Each macaroni shaped tube is assumed to be constructed by the imaginary basic globules, organized in line around a special curved center, with 8 globules in cross section around the center making the macaroni form. (see below sketches)
The typical rotational form of the so called Calabi Yau models seems to be related to the Fermionic propeller shape leaving such a rotational form behind. (see below)

The Geometryof Strings related to the Fermionic Calabi Yau manifolds.