Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Nikhef -de eerste detectie van laser Higgs for Stone Melting?.

Stone Melting by String Field Higgs Laser Black Hole Heating.
Higgs based Black Hole Heating or Micro Ball lightning producing Plasma tail. (Q-FFF Model)

Below: How Fermion Plasma production around a Black Hole, even Ball Lightning is observed, by the Penrose-Q-FFF dual charged Black Hole Theory.

Even Stephen Hawking was close to this negative charged black Hole solution, (eating positrons) creating Fermions and plasma tail such as is observed by Tadpole Black holes, pushed by its star forming Plasma tail. The tail seems even to  form stars and the filaments creating the cosmic structure after the big bang.  see my book: 
Equal sized black holes do not merge, but form dual black hole based Herbig Haro systems for Star/ galaxy creation