Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Roger Penrose CHANGED HIS CCC MODEL ! The "ENTROPY GOES DOWN" at the END OF THE VIDEO! and the end of the cyclic universe.!

Roger Penrose CHANGED HIS CCC MODEL ! The "ENTROPY GOES DOWN" saying it, at the END OF HIS VIDEO!! (19.30 min) which is  the end of a universal cycle!!! into a big Crunch!!

Suddenly the CCC model is in line with the Q-FFF Model the cyclic bouncing  multiverse proposing from 2008,  Entropy is assumed to be Entropy is Decreasing even early in the cyclic multiverse after inflation .

Penrose says at the end of the video: The Entropy goes down at the end !! after it has grown from the big bang.
Which is 100% against his latest (one way) entropy of HIS OWN CCC theory of the endless expanding universe. (see above)

But the smallest atom/ quark or electron is made of string stuff.  (Q-FFF Theory)

Below: the mystery of the Fermion repelling dual charged Black Hole at the "trapped Space horizon" see Penrose/ Q-FFF theory.
So all black holes start splitting and forming out  of too large supernova stars, making new black holes., which will also merge with other larger black holes.