Tuesday, March 26, 2024

How to Make a Stable Charged Ball Lightning for e- Energy Supply from the Vacuum by Monopole Magnetic Field Interference.

Ball Lightning images reported by 

Also in space Ball lightnings seem to be created by Dark Matter Starspot String/ Quantum Black Hole ejection of Super Nova star explosions.

see also: What is wrong with current physics to explain Ball Lightning;

   Below: a new Standard String/Particle model?

String /Quantum Black Holes represented as a compressed -, compressed by the surrounding Axion Vacuum pressure , like the Casimir effect.

Below:  Fulgurite created by Ball Lightning crashed into a sand dune, supporting the idea that the BL is decaying in heat by transferring heat to the sand able to melt and form channels with a splitting tree configuration.


And: Vuyk, L. (1996) Practical Containment, Development and Exploitation of Energy Contained in Ball Lightning Discharges or Black Holes.

Original document - NL1002570C1 Practical containment, development and exploitation of energy contained in ball lightning discharges or black holes

Below: The principle of space propulsion around the Micro String Black Hole Gravity attraction to the Ultraheavy Mercury/ Moscovium container.
(Like Bob Lazar's research)

Below my first design for the canter of a black hole/ ball lightning. showing the virtual Axion vacuum oscillating trajectories creating BUTTERFLY pressure shapes around the nucleus.
2 Showing also the Penrose TRAPPED SPACE HORIZON at the light horizon of each black hole, creating an Axion  collider effect, creating new particles like e-, e+ AND EVEN QUARKS.
BELOW: Fermion production around the black hole according to the Penrose-Q-FFF Trapped Space Horizon collider Theory.

My own research effort was at the start, inspired by the search for the origin of Ball Lightning phenomena, culminating in his proposal that ball lightning should have strong similarities with a "Micro black hole." 
In 1995 I defended the Micro black hole model for the Ball Lightning phenomenon at the ISBL or International Symposium for Ball Lightning at 
Canterbury (UK)(july 1995) University of Kent at Canterbury, UK, 25-27 July 1995, organized by R.C. Jennison. (see THIS)
see: https://vixra.org/pdf/1307.0068v1.pdf
"Quantum Function Follows Form Theory, the Small Scale, Posters part 1."
By: Leo Vuyk, Architect.
The Netherlands.

see also:
Explosions of Ball Lightning inside Enclosed Spaces 
by Anatoly I. Nikitin 
SciPofilesScilitPreprints.org Go ogle Scholar. 
Below: Heavy facade beams blow away.
First a dough pan was blown away from the stove.

Evaporation and splitting of an electric charged  Black Hole Axion Knot nucleus falling through a tree into smaller pieces and living for ca. 1.5 minutes on the sandy ground.

Alternative  Explanation by Smirnov of The origin of the Long Glow of Ball Lightning after creation. according to: Smirnov's airgel:
"The reason for the long glow of ball lightning is explained by some researchers by the fact that this occurs due to chemical reactions on its surface. According to the Smirnov’s airgel model [16], ball lightning is a frame made of airgel threads.".
However, according to Q-FFF Theory, the origin should be the slowly evaporation of Dark Energy nuclear Axion string particles at the surface, travelling back into the oscillating Axion vacuum, forming also plasma  by the Axion collision effects of the trapped Horizon.