Monday, March 25, 2024

Recent success of the NIF on Hydrogen pellets seems promising, however the creation of semi stable Ball Lightnings seem better.

 How NIF Targets Work

In the recent NIF ignition experiment, a tiny capsule containing two forms of hydrogen, deuterium (D) and tritium (T), is suspended inside a cylindrical x-ray “oven” called a hohlraum. When the hohlraum is heated by NIF’s powerful lasers to temperatures of more than 3 million degrees Celsius, the resulting x rays heat and blow off, or ablate, the surface of the target capsule, called the ablator. This causes a rocket-like implosion that compresses and heats the DT fuel to extreme temperatures and densities until the hydrogen atoms fuse, creating helium nuclei (alpha particles) and releasing high-energy neutrons and other forms of energy

(copy of:

However, the creation of semi stable Ball Lightnings seem a better plan. (below)

How Ball Lightnings are created by interference merging of Magnetic monopole  Photons above water reflection surface and travelling against the local wind.

see for Wind influence of ball lightning below; Domokos Tar.

Exploding Ball Lightning insight a house and through windows. (0,24 mm)
a support for the smallest aggregate of real strings. (Nikitin)
see hole BL formation (0,24mm) through a glass window.
Ball Lightning (60 sec) can explode and split into smaller long living  (30 sec) Ball Lightnings and fall to the dry sandy ground. (see:  India yourube below)