Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Saturday, December 31, 2022

Never-before-seen! NASA's James Webb Space Telescope captured stars and ...

What we see according to my new splitting and gas producing black hole  of Q-FFF theory, is that between the main gas arms of the galaxy, we observe for the first time the starforming  effect of the splitting black holes away from the arms gravitation, into so called PILLARS OF CREATION,  forming dual equal sized Herbig Haro black hole systems forming stars in the middle.
These plasma gas producing black holes (or tadpoles/ proplyds), are guided by their plasma tails, pushing the black hole away from the local gravity center of the arms.

Like in Japans ball lightning,

Friday, December 30, 2022

Why Black Holes repel all local Fermions close by, sometimes, after that the fermions are attracted and pressed into a plasma disc!!!

!!!  Micro Black Holes are the electric energy promise for the energy Past and Future on earth, due to the Penrose Trapped Space horizon.
Why Fermions are repelled close by a Black Hole.
Because the oscillating Axion string space polarization around a black hole (the trapped space time horizon of Penrose) is able to force all Fermions to flip their rotation (Calabi Yau) center away from the black hole. 
( forcing heavy positive protons inside and electrons outside )
Micro Black Holes are the electric energy promise for the energy Past and Future on earth, due to the Penrose Trapped Space horizon.
Why Fermions are repelled close by a Black Hole and ejected into jets in dual Herbig Haro system

Why Fermions are repelled close by a Black Hole.
Because the oscillating Axion string space polarization around a black hole (the trapped space time horizon of Penrose) is able to force all Fermions to flip their rotation (Calabi Yau) center away from the black hole. 
( forcing heavy positive protons inside and electrons outside )
see below Tadpole micro black holes pushed by plasma tails.

Below: The starspots black holes are pushed by their plasma  tails away from the gravity center.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Never-before-seen! NASA's James Webb Space Telescope captured IC 5332, dust and star forming by dual Black Holes..

JWST Telescope:  Star formation is supporting the Q-FFF Theory based star creation by dual Herbig Haro Black holes.
see: Primordial Black Holes and Dual Herbig Haro Effects for Star-Galaxy Formation.
What we see , is that between the gas arms we see the starforming effect of the splitting black holes of the arms into PILLARS OF CREATION, forming dual equal Herbig Haro black hole systems with stars in the middle. ( Q-FFF Theory)

Below: JWST image of IC 5332.

Below: close up of s comparable pillars of creation of star  formations between two Herbig Haro black holes.
The Q-FFF Magic: 
The dust pillars itself is created by multiple splitting Tadpole black holes looking for an equal sized  partner to form a Herbig Haro system for star creation. ( Q-FFF Theory)

The new physics (Q-FFF) principle of: 
"dual dark matter black hole star formation". both plasma tails forming a bar later a new star.

Why Black Holes repel all local Fermions close by into a 2 jets,
 after they are attracted  into a plasma disc!!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

In aanvulling, hopelijk iets meer duidelijkheid over de Q-FFF Theory. (also in English)

Een korte uitleg bolbliksem en het zwarte gat t/m de Big Bang op basis van vervormbare string micro deeltjes. ( volgens mijn Q-FFF Theorie) see also: https://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk

De naam is:; "Quantum Function Follows Form" ( Q-FFF) theorie en met name m.b.t. de kleinste deeltjes.
De Theorie vult de gangbare theorieën over de kosmos aan, en laat de meeste bekende theorieën in takt.
MAW, de Bolbliksem t/m de Big Bang zijn bij mij gebaseerd op nieuwe eigenschappen van z.g. "Transformable STRINGS".
Die interne eigenschappen van deze Strings te beschrijven als een nog onbekend soort materie of substantie, in de vorm van kleine balletjes (de Axion String mother Ring, zie fig 1)
Volgens de huidige Fysica, is alle materie gebaseerd of fotonen en Bosonen of Fermionen.
Echter Q-FFF neemt aan, dat al deze deeltjes een en hetzelfde vervormbare tring deeltje als basis hebben.
Alle fotonen en eenvoudige Fermionen (de electron en de positron) bestaan uit slechts een enkelvoudige "transformable string" die verschillende vormen hebben.
Alle Fermionen zijn gebaseerd op een of meer elektronen of positronen, die elk samen kunnen gaan met een of meer fotonen om zwaardere Fermionen zoals Quarks te formeren.
Bososnen zijn deeltje die samengesteld zijn uit meerdere fotonen in een ringvorm ( bijvoorbeeld de Higgs: 3x fotonen)
Alle Strings hebben een en dezelfde "primal ring" vorm als basis. Deze primal ring kan vervormen door botsing met andere deeltjes, middels drie interne draaipunten verdeelt, die over de "primal ring" aanwezig zijn. ( zie de Axion String mother Ring, figuur:1 )
Een bolbliksem is voor te stellen als een samengeperst bosje strings, samengeperst door het lokale string vacuüm dat druk uitoefent door continue oscillatie langs z.g. flux tubes die samen een space frame vormen dat verbonden is door knooppunten op een "lokaal stabiele" afstand van elkaar ( de Planck lengte geheten),
Tevens lijkt er een verband te zijn tussen bolbliksems en (mini) zwarte gaten.
Ook blijkt dat zonnevlekken, kometen en z.g. Proplyds/ Tadpoles sterk gelijkenis op bolbliksems hebben en voorzien zijn van plasma staarten die wij op aarde waarnemen
(zie fig 2: Tadpoles en fig.3: "ball lightning explained by Q-FFF new Physics" en :4 Japan BL)

Er is er reden voor een nieuw postulaat namelijk:
Dat alle string knopen door de druk van het lokale vacuum onstabiel zijn ( door het afnemen in kern deeltjes) totdat de afmeting van de string knoop groter is dan de afmeting van de lokale flux tubes of Planck lengtes. 
Zulke stabiele string knopen komen voor als kometen ontstaan aan de oppervlakte van sterren als de zon door magnetische interferentie.
Echter, onstabiele string knopen ( bolbliksems micro kometen zoals sprites and mega cryo meteoren (vallende ijsklonten), lijken door middel van magnetische interferentie te ontstaan ten tijde van hevige magnetische onweerswolken.
De Kometen (mini Zwarte gaten) die vroeger op aarde neerkwamen zitten waarschijnlijk nog steeds diep begraven in de aarde en vormen de oorzaak van alle vulkanen op aarde. de ZWAARTEKRACHT verschillen die hierdoor zijn ontstaan lijken ook op enige hoogte boven de aarde meetbaar te zijn.
( fig. 5)  (zie ook fig: 6, 7.)

Fig :  1.
Fig: 2.
Fog: 3.
Fig: 4.
Fig: 5.

A short explanation of ball lightning and the dark matter black hole up to and including the Big Bang based on deformable string micro particles. (according to my Q-FFF Theory) 

A short explanation ball lightning and the black hole up to and including the Big Bang based on deformable string micro particles. (according to my Q-FFF Theory) The name is:; "Quantum Function Follows Form" (Q-FFF) theory and especially with regard to the smallest particles. The Theory complements the prevailing theories about the cosmos, and leaves most known theories in tact. MAW, the Ball Lightning to the Big Bang are based on new properties of so-called "Transformable STRINGS". To describe these internal properties of these Strings as a still unknown kind of matter or substance, in the form of small balls (the Axion String mother Ring, see Fig. 1)

According to current Physics, all matter is based either photons and Bosons or Fermions.However, Q-FFF assumes that all these particles have one and the same deformable tring particle as a base. All photons and simple Fermions (the electron and the positron) consist of only a single "transformable string" that have different shapes. All Fermions are based on one or more electrons or positrons, each of which can go along with one or more photons to form heavier Fermions such as Quarks. Bososnen are particles composed of multiple photons in a ring shape (for example, the Higgs: 3x photons)All Strings have one and the same "primal ring" shape as a base. 

This primal ring can deform by collision with other particles, distributed by three internal pivot points, which are present over the "primal ring". ( see the Axion String mother Ring, figure:1 ) Well, A ball lightning can be imagined as a compressed bunch of strings, compressed by the local string vacuum that exerts pressure by continuous oscillation along so-called flux tubes that together form a space frame that is connected by nodes at a "locally stable" distance from each other (called the Planck length), there also seems to be a connection between ball lightning and (mini) black holes. It also appears that sunspots, comets and so-called Proplyds / Tadpoles have a strong similarity to ball lightning and are equipped with plasma tails that we observe on earth (see fig. 2: Tadpoles and fig.3)  "ball lightning explained by Q-FFF new Physics" and :4 Japan BL)

There is reason for a new postulate namely: That all string knots are unstable due to the pressure of the local vacuum (due to the decrease in core particles) until the size of the string knot is larger than the size of the local flux tubes or Planck lengths. Such stable string knots occur when comets form on the surface of stars like the sun due to magnetic interference. 

However, unstable string knots (ball lightning micro comets such as sprites and mega cryo meteors (falling ice cubes), seem to arise through magnetic interference at the time of heavy magnetic storm clouds. The Comets (mini Black Holes) that used to land on Earth are probably still buried deep in the Earth and are the cause of all volcanoes on Earth. the GRAVITATIONAL differences that have arisen as a result also seem to be measurable at some height above the earth.
( fig. 5)

also fig: 6 and 7.

Fug: 6,

Fig:  7.
fig 8,  my new E-Book.(LuLu)  https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/leovuyk


Monday, December 26, 2022

The Dual New Penrose-Vuyk Black Hole, Based on a Compact String Nucleus.

  The Dual New Penrose-Vuyk Black Hole, Based on a Compact String Nucleus.

see: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358377244_The_New_Penrose-vuyk_Black_Hole_Based_on_a_Compact_String_Nucleus

Two kinds of Black Holes Super Nova BHs and Magnetic Interference Micro BHs. A new theory of Ball Lightning, Comets, Sunspots ( former crashed comets), Sprites and Elves. Stable ball lightnings seem to be possible by magnetic and even Laser interference to form String Knot nuclei of ball lightning micro black holes. Stable Interference micro black holes seem to be formed already in the NIF (National Ignition Factory at Livermore USA) see below fig 6. 

For the e-book: "Science Fiction into Reality"

see: https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/leovuyk

and: https://www.flickr.com/photos/93308747@N05/albums

see also:

The basic elements of Q-FFF Theory, already in 2016..:

1: Black holes (BHs) are the same as Dark Matter, they all consume photons, even gravitons
and the Axion-Higgs field, ( for short: Higgs field) but REPEL Fermions due to their
propeller shape polarization away from the BH. They produce electric charged plasma.
2: Dark Energy is the oscillating ( Casimir) energy of the massless Axion-Higgs Field
equipped with a tetrahedron lattice structure with variable Planck length around black holes..
3: Quantum Gravity = Dual Push gravity= Attraction (Higgs-Casimir opposing Graviton
4: The Big Bang is a Splitting dark matter Big Bang Black Hole (BBBH), splitting into
smaller Primordial Big Bang Spinters (PBBS) forming the Fractalic Lyman Alpha forest and
evaporating partly into a zero mass energetic oscillating Higgs particle based Higgs field.
5: Dual PBBSs hotspots, produce central plasma concentration in electric Herbig Haro
systems as a base for star formation in open star clusters as a start for Spiral Galaxies.
6: Spiral Galaxies will keep both Primordial Dark Matter Black Holes as Galaxy Anchor
Black Holes (GABHs) at long distance.
7: After Galaxy Merging, these GABHs are the origin of Galaxy- and Magnetic field
complexity and distant dwarf galaxies .
8: Black Holes produce Plasma direct out of the Higgs field because two rigid massless but
mutable Higgs particles are convertible into symmetric electron and positron (or even dual
quark-) propellers (by BH horizon fluctuations).
9: The chirality of the (spiralling) vacuum lattice is the origin our material universe. (propeller
shaped positrons merge preferentially first with gluons to form (u) Quarks to form Hydrogen
with electrons.
10: The first Supernovas produce medium sized Black Holes as the base for secondary Herbig
Haro systems and open star clusters.
11: ALL Dark Matter Black Holes are supposed to be CHARGE SEPARATORS with
internal positive charge and an external globular shell of negative charged Quark electron
12: The lightspeed is related to gravity fields like the earth with long extinction distances to
adapt with the solar gravity field.
13. Quantum FFF Theory states that the raspberry shaped multiverse is symmetric and instant
entangled by so called WORMHOLE BRIDGES (ER=EPR) down to the smallest quantum
level between different raspberry berries=universes. Non local entangled down to each
quantum and even living or dying CATS in BOXES.
14 Large Primordial Big Bang Splinters (PBBS) are responsible for the creation of the Lyman
Alpha forest structure and first spiral galaxy forming of the universe, but they seem to be also
responsible for the implosion of the universe at the end in the form of Galaxy Anchor Black
Holes (GABHs) located mainly outside galaxies. see: (Quasi-soft Chandra sources)
15, As a consequence of 12-14, Time is always local time in combination with cyclic period
time of the multiverse.
16, If our material universes has a chiral left handed oscillating Higgs field, then our material
Right Handed DNA helix molecule could be explained.
However it also suggests that in our opposing symmetric ANTI-MATERIAL entangled
neighbor universe the DNA helix should have a Left handed spiral.
According to Max Tegmark: in an entangled multiverse we may ask: is there COPY PERSON
over there, who is reading the same lines as I do?
If this COPY person is indeed living over there, then even our consciousness should be shared
in a sort of entangled DEMOCRATIC form.
Then we are not alone with our thoughts and doubts, see:
Democratic Free Will in the instant Entangled Multiverse.
17, All particles and waves should be entangled with anti-copy particles and Higgs field based
waves in our opposing anti universes.
Then wave particle duality and the so called one particle double slit interference could be
explained by accepting that real shaped 3D photon particles only exist in their function of
Gluons. However Gluons should transfer form information to the oscillating luminiferous
Higgs field ether, within about 1 cm distance from a fermion.(see: Babcock and Bergman
18, Different elementary particles have different qualities by their different complex stringy
shape. Leptons and Quarks have a propeller shape with left or right handed pitch creating
charge difference. Gluons, Photons and Neutrino particles have no pitch.
20 All particles can be converted to one or more Higgs particles, Lepto Quarks are also
compound particles with an exception for the electron and positron..
21 All particles are assumed to be present as Higgs particles already in the cyclic Big Bang
Black Hole (BBBH) after the former multiverse has collapsed into a Big Crunch Black Hole
22, We seem to live inside one material universal bubble of an instant entangled (Charge
Parity Time) CPT symmetric raspberry bubble multiverse. Each quantum jump or wave
function collapse or human choice is guided by this instant entanglement at long distant.

If our material universes has a chiral oscillating Higgs field, then our material Right Handed
DNA helix molecule could be explained.
However it also suggests that in our opposing ANTI-MATERIAL multiverse neighbor
universe the DNA helix should have a LEFT HANDED spiral.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Singularity black hole big bang seems to be cyclic out of a former univers.

see: Science Fiction into Reality.  (EBook by Leo Vuyk)
 The Dual Black Hole Herbig Haro System, responsible for Star and Galaxy formation.
see also: What is Wrong with Current Physics, to Explain Ball Lightning.

Science Fiction into Reality. 
the Black Hole Horizon Magic:
Fermion repelling black hole horizon, creating a double charged layer (+ inside and - outside) at the Penrose Trapped space collider horizon.
In between with a small layer of Pair (+/-) Annihilation and Gamma radiation.

New Science Fiction Physics is postulated by

the Q-FFF model based on logic geometrical design of Transformer Strings.

(Q-Function Follows Form at the smallest scale)

First the important outcome is, that a planned  new Particle Collider (like of Cern Geneva.) is not needed.

Because black holes are friendly for all matter and will not consume the earth.

All black holes like sunspots or ball lightning, will repel normal matter due to its “Trapped space” horizon as the reason for all matter repulsion horizon at short distance due to the propeller shape of all Fermions, flipping its Lorentz polarization close to the black hole.

Indeed Larger black holes eat smaller ones, as the base for the future Big Crunch.

In contrast, equal sized black holes repel each other to create Herbig Haro "bow shocks" and Stars in the middle connected by electric Birkeland currents.

Black Holes are made of a Dark Matter compact String nucleus equipped with a Penrose “Trapped Space Horizon.” Transforming colliding opposing virtual vacuum particles into real particles.

This black hole vacuum collider seems an effective creator of real particle pairs forming charged Quarks and Leptons. Positrons inside and Electrons at the outside of the horizon, the origin of Birkeland currents.

As a result,  such a new electric Dark Matter String Nucleus Black Hole seems a charge splitting plasma producer, outside the “trapped Fermion Repelling Horizon” (Penrose-Q-FFF Theory). see: 


Real Ball Lightning micro black holes created in the Lab by high current through silicon wafer.

see also: Fulgurite Created by Lightning Bullet Also Known as Ball Lightning, According to Quantum FFF Theory.

The Science Fiction into Reality, of the Cyclic String Universe, as part of the Raspberry Multiverse.

 Below: my new EBook:  "Science Fiction Into Reality" (LuLu.com) 
Representing the cyclic Universe as part of the Multiverse.
The Dual Black Hole Herbig Haro System, responsible for Star and Galaxy formation.
and: What is Wrong with Current Physics, to Explain Ball Lightning.

The Dual Herbig Haro Magic and The new physics principle of the self organizing universe by dual Herbig Haro black holes for star production out of the vacuum string.
Science Fiction into Reality. 
the Black Hole Horizon Magic:
Fermion repelling black hole horizon, creating a double charged layer (+ inside and - outside) at the Penrose Trapped space collider horizon.
In between with a small layer of Pair (+/-) Annihilation and Gamma radiation.

Science Fiction into Reality. (Book Leo Vuyk)
New Science Fiction Physics is postulated by the Q-FFF model based on logic geometrical design of Transformer Strings. 
(Q-Function Follows Form at the smallest scale)
First the important outcome is, that a planned  new Particle Collider (like of Cern Geneva.) is not needed.
Because black holes are friendly for all matter and will not consume the earth.
All black holes like sunspots or ball lightning, will repel normal matter due to its “Trapped space” horizon as the reason for all matter repulsion horizon at short distance due to the propeller shape of all Fermions, flipping its Lorentz polarization close to the black hole. 
Indeed Larger black holes eat smaller ones, as the base for the future Big Crunch. 
In contrast, equal sized black holes repel each other to create Herbig Haro "bow shocks" and Stars in the middle connected by electric Birkeland currents.
Black Holes are made of a Dark Matter compact String nucleus equipped with a Penrose “Trapped Space Horizon.” Transforming colliding opposing virtual vacuum particles into real particles. 
This black hole vacuum collider seems an effective creator of real particle pairs forming charged Quarks and Leptons. Positrons inside and Electrons at the outside of the horizon, the origin of Birkeland currents. 
As a result,  such a new electric Dark Matter String Nucleus Black Hole seems a charge splitting plasma producer, outside the “trapped Fermion Repelling Horizon” (Penrose-Q-FFF Theory).