Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Friday, February 03, 2017

The Origin of Hubble Redshift: Black Hole Vacuum Absorption.

According to Quantum Function Follows Form Theory, the Big Bang was the evaporation and splitting of a former Big Crunch black hole nucleus of compressed Axion Higgs particles into the oscillating Axion /Higgs field vacuum lattice respectively chunky nuclei of dark matter black holes.
The vacuum Lattice is supposed to represent a dynamic reference frame and the so called Dark Energy or Zero Point Energy acting as the motor for all Fermion spin and as the transfer medium for all photon information, leading to local lightspeed and local time.
The energetic vacuum lattice is also assumed to act as a Gravity Quantum Dipole Repeller  because gravitons do not supposed to attract- but repel Fermions with less impulse than the vacuum particles.
So, Feynman diagrams become more complex than before..
Recent measurements by Yehuda Hoffman et al. did show the repelling effect of “empty space” in opposition of the “attracting gravity effect” of super clusters which he called “Dipole Repeller” effect.
Recently I found that the merging of galaxy clusters itself show dynamic observational signs of a contraction of the vacuum inside the merging galaxy clusters by the anomalous central clustering of the dark matter black hole content which seems to be stripped from the individual galaxy clusters located at the borders of the new super cluster.
( see Abell 520 and bullet cluster: “no inertia effect of dark matter black holes”.)
If there is vacuum absorption inside galaxy clusters, (Black Holes EAT the  vacuum (Axion
Higgs Field) then we also may assume that the universal vacuum between galaxy clusters should be also subjected to this absorption process, ( which surpass the redshift of relative speed) as a sign for universal contraction and negative entropy, leading to a cyclic universe.
All Black holes EAT the dark energy Axion-Higgs vacuum lattice supposed to be the origin of the Hubble redshift and universal contraction.
The Real Origin Of Hubble Redshift: Black Hole Vacuum Absorption.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Quantum Dipole Repeller Gravity.

According to professor Jehuda Hoffman it is called Dipole repeller gravity. So translated for Q-FFF Theory::Quantum Dipole Repeller Gravity pushing our Galaxy.
According to Quantum FFF Theory, empty space is filled with a fast oscillating lattice of massless Axion-Higgs field particles as a half base for our opposing dipole pressure Higgs-graviton gravity on earth. 
Now prof. Yehuda Hoffman shows us a support for this hypothesis.

Strong support for DUAL-PUSH-GRAVITY ( Higgs- Graviton) of Quantum FFF Theory.
( or Opposiing Dual Pressure Gravity) 
See:  "dipole propeller" "Push and Pull drive our Galaxy's Local Group race through Space"
According to Quantum FFF Theory, empty space is filled with a fast oscillating lattice of massless Axion-Higgs field particles ( dark energy) as a half base for our double push Higgs-Graviton gravity on earth.
Now prof. Yehuda Hoffman shows us a support for this hypothesis, see below.
"Empty space" has a higher dark energy filling than space around galaxy clusters, because all black holes EAT the vacuum space.and fermions transform the oscillating Axion-Higgs field into less energetic oscillating Gravitons..
see below.
see: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releas…/2017/…/170130110921.htm

Feynman Diagrams for Dipole Repeller Forces.
Attraction and Repulsion forces created by Dipole Repeller effects between the Higgs Field vacuum (OOO) and 5x opposing Photons. ( UOU, ROU, LOU, ROR, LOL) According to Quantum FFF Theory.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Local Time and Multi-Universal Cycle Time according to Quantum FFF Theory. (FFF= Function Follows Form)

Construction principles for chiral “atoms of spacetime” based on geometrical 3-D chiral lattice models and consequences for spacetime, general relativity based space curvature and Time variation, including cyclic Multi- Universal time, and local time.
see also:
According to Quantum FFF Theory, the fourth dimension (Local Time) seems to be the oscillation based photonic transfer speed (potential time base) of the Higgs doublets along the local Cosmic lattice edges of the vacuum spin field.
Higgs particle doublets are supposed to oscillate in "tandem" or doublets (like a boxer piston engine) along each vacuum lattice edge, to be able to transfer photonic information properly.
This system need to have Higgs particle doublets because otherwise it would be impossible to have a decent information transition system at the information properly.
In this system, one lattice edge is supposed to equal one Planck length.
The spiral structure of the vacuum lattices gives the vacuum a chiral influence on spinning and merging.
Fermion particles and a photonic polarization. The chirality of this system is supposed to be the origin of our material universe as a member ( 8 or 12?) of the symmetric configuration of the raspberry shaped multiverse .
Around black holes, the Higgs lattice system will be absorbed by the black hole and as a consequence, the vacuum is thinned and the Planck length will vary and locally even increase!!!
As a consequence, the lightspeed of radiation passing the black hole, will decrease and suffer a redshift.
However, if we assume that black holes are the same thing and origin of Dark Matter, then the Hubble redshift is not a tell tale of the expansion of the universe.
TIME is assumed to run forward (right-handedness of clocks) because the universe is like a huge pinball machine.
Spinning Fermions (the pinball) are driven by the oscillating Higgs field (the electric springs) which is supposed to be the origin of the general increase of entropy base of the second law of thermodynamics.
However dark matter in the form of black holes will eat the dark energy of the Higgs field and decrease entropy again, reason to postulate a pulsating and cyclic multi-universe.
Universal Symmetry is not broken if we accept that each material universe is entangled at a  long distance with an anti-material copy universe, equipped with opposite chirality inside the oscillating Higgs lattice field.
As a consequence, Time never runs back in anti-material entangled universes, clocks have lefthanded rotation over there and my human copy me, has his hart in my observation at the right side of his body!.
see: http://vixra.org/pdf/1102.0052v3.pdf
and: http://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Why is reality not what it seems? ( Carlo Rovelli)

IMHO, because we live in one material universe of an 8 or 12 fold CP symmetrical copy multiverse.
As a consequence everything is-, even humans are instantaneous entangled with 7 or 11 copies of ourselves.
To find out we need to extend a simple experiment already done by B.Libet  in 1964.
Benjamin Libet measured the so called electric Readiness Potential (RP) time to perform a volitional act, in the brains of his students and the time of conscious awareness (TCA) of that act, which appeared to come 500 m.sec behind the RP.
The “volitional act” was in principle based on the free choice to press an electric switch button.
The results of this experiment gives still an ongoing debate in the broad layers of the scientific community, because the results are still (also in recent experiments) in firm contrast with the expected idea of Free Will and causality.
However I would propose the absurd but constructive possibility that we are not alone for decision making in a multiverse as an individual person.

see: Democratic Free Will and Telepathy in the Instant Entangled Multiverse.

One of the Copenhagen interpretations of human observation influencing wavefunction collapses.
E.g. for human observation of dead or alive Cats in boxes.
According to Quantum FFF Theory however, humans are not supposed to kill cats in boxes only by observation.
The alternative Quantum Function Follows Form Model interpretation of (Charge Parity (CP) symmetric) instant entanglement based collapse between multiple universes.
E.g. NO human influence on dead or alive cats in boxes.
Mirror symmetry between CP symmetric entangled multi-universes, means, that all wavefunction collapses are entangled between (anti-) copy wavefunctions.
see also:

Er=epr in the Supersymmetric Cyclic Multiverse and in the Lab Without Strange Cats.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Single and Dual Black Hole Quantum Gravity.

Quick Star / Galaxy production by Casimir/Higgs field vacuum pressure gravity in Butterfly form combined with static electric fields, in between a Dual Herbig Haro black hole system forming a "pressure cooker" effect on plasma dust and gas into the center of the system.
see also:
Quantum Gravity and Electro Magnetic forces by
dual repulsive vacuum oscillation spectra in FFF-theory.

SINGLE Black Hole Quantum Gravity and Plasma creation direct out of the Higgs field.

Q-FFF Theory: Second:
Quantum Gravity should be based of TWO different forces.
A: The Axon-Higgs field pressure ( also called Casimir effect) created by the oscillating vacuum lattice.
B: The photon based field like the Electro-magnetic transmission field, which is half of the Feynman diagram component .
Black Holes have not only hairs, but they repel all propeller shaped rigid string Fermions. 

Friday, January 20, 2017

How far away is your parallel self?

Mapping the multiverse:
How far away is your parallel self? (New Scientist, 18-Jan.2017)

Quantum FFF Theory tells us the need for a distant parallel self to become conscious in the quantum universe, called:
Democratic Free Will and Telepathy in the Instant Entangled Multiverse.
see: http://vixra.org/pdf/1612.0026v2.pdf
"Benjamin Libet measured the so called electric Readiness Potential (RP) time to perform a volitional act, in the brains of his students and the time of conscious awareness (TCA) of that act, which appeared to come 500 m.sec behind the RP.
The “volitional act” was in principle based on the free choice to press an electric switch button.

The results of this experiment gives still an ongoing debate in the broad layers of the scientific community, because the results are still (also in recent experiments) in firm contrast with the expected idea of Free Will and causality.
However I would propose the absurd but constructive possibility that we are not alone for decision making in a multiverse as an individual person.
Even Max Tegmark suggested already about the multiverse: “Is there a copy of you reading this article?”"
see also: NewScientist article: Mapping the multiverse,
and: https://www.flickr.com/photos/93308747@N05/albums/72157651824791041

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Very bright mysterious object discovered in the active galaxy Cygnus A.

Astronomers are baffled by this newly discovered mysterious object twice as bright as the brightest known supernova at these frequencies!
Suggestion according to Quantum FFF Theory:
Cygnus A also shows a second hotspot (Galaxy Anchor Black Hole: GABH) at the right side, (A) which is assumed to be the tell tale of a merger galaxy with comparable dual GABHs ( hotspots) of the same scale.
Consequently also a second GABH could be found hidden at the left GABH.( B)  
 see: http://strangesounds.org/2017/01/mysterious-object-discovered-galaxy-cygnus-a.html

The origin of Galaxy killing in clusters according to Q-FFF Theory.

"T.Brown": We conclude that the observed decrease of gas content in the Galaxy group and cluster environments cannot be reproduced by starvation of the gas supply alone and invoke fast acting processes such as ram-pressure stripping of cold gas to explain this."
( see: Galaxy Murder Mystery:  https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/01/170116160620.htm )

Quantum-FFF theory answer:
Ram Pressure Stripping (Galaxy killing) is supposed to be originated, by the increasing electric/ spacetime complexity inside the network of external electric dark matter black holes (or: GABHs: Galaxy Anchor Black Holes) around multiple merged cluster galaxies.
The complexity is supposed to kill the formation of dual black hole based linear electric Herbig Haro (HH) systems!
HH systems are supposed to form a central star forming pressure cooker effect.
Galaxy cluster killing seem to be a support for a cyclic universe and the start of the Big Crunch!
However, not only inside the center of galaxy clusters, star formation is shut down by the increasing complexity of black hole population but also in the center of complex elliptical galaxies, this effect is observed!
(see Red and Dead Galaxies, below.)

Red and Dead Galaxies as the start of the Universal contraction and Big Crunch.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Micro interference Black Holes as the origin of (Ball) Lightning and Comets

ALL Black Hole sizes seem to be are allowed: from Big Bang related Lyman Alpha Forest BHs, down to Lightning channel Micro (interference) BHs!!

see also: Down going Micro BH hotspots cleaning the vacuum of the oscillating Higgs field for fast super lumminal charge transport.

Not only down, but also upwards going micro black holes cleaning the vacuum for a super lumminal charge transport channel.:

Discovery of the xray source at the TIP of each lightning


Interference BHs:
see also: Ball Lightning, Micro Comets, Sprite-Fireballs, Solar Bright Points and Xray/Gamma Flashes according to Quantum FFF theory.
Silicon Based Ball Lightning Globule Structures and Signs For accumulation and retarded decrease of tunneling energy bullets.

Friday, January 13, 2017

How to solve the GPS inaccuracy above 3000 km altitude

The Champ-GPS outliers leading to inaccurate positions at high altitude above 3000 km could be solved, by: 
A: software adaptation for the outlier origin : the absolute Earth speed around the sun.  and 
B: by a new GPS alike position at the surface of the moon. According to Quantum FFF Theory “variable lightspeed postulate”.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Variable lightspeed experiments in space and laboratory, (Linear gravity potential from the source)

Variable lightspeed by gravity direction dependent lightspeed frame dragging. According to Quantum FFF Model

Einstein did already suggest a possible variable lightspeed.
Einstein wrote in 1912 :
The principle of the constancy of the speed of light can be kept only when one restricts oneself to space-time regions of constant gravitational potential.
see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variable_speed_of_light

Einstein "did not need the ether" mathematically, so he stopped thinking to make it more complex.

However in Quantum FFF Model, the gravitational potential is subject to gravitational linearity from the source. (earth). So I suggest a cigar shaped gravitational potential around the earth. called LASOF.
See: The CHAMP-GPS outliers.
Local Anti-Symmetrical Oscillating vacuum Frame (LASOF). 
Cigar shaped LASOF bubble structure around the earth, with 2 proposals with future experiment. A: a two-way triangle satellite (balloon) signal interference experiment and B: a two way lightspeed interference laboratory experiment with a vast rotating mirror drum.
See CHAMPs-GPS outliers in:
Experiments to determine the mass related Lightspeed extinction volume
around the Earth and around spinning objects in the Lab.
an example: Comparison of the absolute kinematic orbit solution w.r.t. RSO.
Tae Suk Bae, 2003, Ohio State university.

According to my Quantum FFF Model, the lightspeed is related to massive objects like planets moons etc.
see  also:
Reconciliation of GR and QM by a New Gravity-Black Hole and Lightspeed Model Called Quantum- FFF Theory.
The Semi Relativistic Higgs Field Aether with mass related lightspeed adaptation.

See some posters at:
see also:
The O‘Connell Effect in Eclipsing Binaries Explained by Mass Related Light Speed Extinction Distances (Lasof) of Stars and Even Planets.

Q-FFF Theory: Second:
Quantum Gravity should be based of TWO different forces.
A: The Axon-Higgs field pressure (also called Casimir effect) created by the oscillating vacuum lattice.
B: The photon based field like the Electro-magnetic transmission field, which is half of the Feynman diagram component .
Black Holes have not only hairs, but they repel all propeller shaped rigid string Fermions.