I also propose that each universe is a complex clockwork, driven by a tetrahedral vacuum lattice of oscillating but rigid Primal Ring (PR-Higgs) shaped particles= dark energy.
Those primal ring (PR) particles should be able to transform by mutual collision into different propeller shaped rigid strings called electron- positron pairs.
PR particles also change shape by collision processes with spinning electrons or positrons, into monopole 1x graviton, 5x photons = 5x gluons or 6x neutrinos
Electrons and positrons are able to merge with photon/gluons to form all fermions (leptons and baryons) in a mutual click-on scenario.
Click-off scenarios are also possible by collisions with e.g. gluons or PR particles.
All fermions have the form of a propeller able to spin over two axes, by the collision with the PR vacuum particles =dark energy.
However, fermions are also able to change form by collision with oscillating vacuum lattice rings.
However, Parroting or the (Veto) decision/ idea making process in groups of living creatures like parrots or humans, need also spooky multiverse action at a distance like the pilot wave double slit phenomenon.
see: Democratic (Veto) Free Will and Telepathy in the Instant Entangled Multiverse.
and: Free Will Readiness Potential Ratios, the Key for a Multiverse Number Calculation.
or: http://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk
An other example of entanglement inside the Stern Gerlach experiment.