Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Macroscopic Casimir cavity inertial acceleration

Dual micro black holes form macroscopic Casimir cavities, able to create INERTIAL acceleration (A) on a mass (B) located asymmetric at the mutual black hole axis.
According to Quantum FFF theory. ( For system principels, see Flickr nr: 348. Vajra antenna for creation and housing of the system) https://www.flickr.com/photos/93308747@N05/24013992744/in/photostream
See also Alcubierre drive. (Wikipedia)

Humanity is cruising into a new era of space exploration ( Mars) and energy abundance.
The NASA Alcubierre warp drive with a macroscopic Casimir cavity system seems to be possible

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Macroscopic gravitating Casimir Cavities travelling as LIGO waves.

Dual rotating Black hole merger (LIGO) seems to emit macroscopic gravitating Casimir Cavities travelling with the speed of light.

According to the Quantum FFF Model, Black Holes are deluting (eating) the vacuum lattice based dark energy or fluctuations as Casimir plates do.  As a consequence it is assumed that travelling Casimir Cavities are the origin of the LIGO gravity waves and NOT Graviton packets.


Tuesday, February 16, 2016

LISA Pathfinder should also measure Lightspeed differences by LASOF frame dragging of the earth.

Gravity direction dependent Lightspeed differences around the earth and the sun by ellipsoidal LASOF frame dragging,  and a dynamic  ETHER reference frame measured by LISA?
LISA Pathfinder should also be able to measure lightspeed differences outside the earth LASOF ellipsoid ( according to Quantum FFF Theory:  Function Follows Form).
LASOF = Local A-Symmetrical Oscillating vacuum Frame.
Dayton Miller suggested already in 1925, that the altitude of lightspeed measuring above the earth surface ( Mount Wilson) has a direct positive effect on the ether wind measurement results, which is in line with the LASOF ellipsoid drag area around the earth.
see also : the OƇonnell LASOF effect: http://vixra.org/pdf/1409.0164v2.pdf

for Lisa see: http://sci.esa.int/lisa-pathfinder/57385-freely-floating-in-space/

Since the LISA  has also gravity direction anomaly equipment, the so called satellite FLYBY anomalies could come to more clarity. see: https://plus.google.com/106755671021793983696/posts/G8SZZ641K3z

Gravity anomaly effects based on dual micro black hole lighthouse effects inside the earth, ( Flyby anomaly) and others.

Pencil alike gravity Lighthouse effects at the Saturn rings.

Spooky gravity lensing effects on earth.
The same effects  at Comet 67P CG.

My first poster on gravity related light speed and Michelson and Morley:

Star and Galaxy forming inside Primordial Herbig Haro Black Hole Systems

Recent Chandra Support for the splitting black hole big bang!

Giant black hole (dual) with X-ray jet found in the early universe as remnant of the black hole splitting BIG BANG according to Quantum FFF Theory. ( First star and  later galaxy creation in the middle of Herbig Haro systems)

How The Dark Matter Black Hole splitting of the Big Bang originated  self combining binary black hole systems (Herbig Haro) as the start of star and spiral galaxy forming in between. (in Quantum FFF Theory.

In combination with the Dual BH Casimir-LIGO lighthouse effect.

Herbig Haro Star formation inside nebula:

Visual evidence for dual splitting and pairing black hole phenomena with star formation in between .

Friday, February 05, 2016

The great Penrose High-Low Entropy difference.

The great Penrose High-Low Entropy difference.
Big Bang and Big Crunch originated by the splitting pairing and recycling via merging of cnetral galaxy S-nova black holes . According to Quantum FFF Theory.
If collapsing stars ( supernova black holes) are the only origin of the contracting universe, then we have no information loss and there is entropy decrease!
Fermions with spin and Lorentz polarization can not enter the black hole according to Quantum FFF Theory, only other black hole singularities can. see also:

 see Penrose: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7ZvVkboMfY
And also: https://tudelft.academia.edu/LeoVuyk

Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Super Nova, the start of all early spiral galaxies and some dwarfs.

Ring of fire galaxy NGC 1512. (a dwarf galaxy)  A firm support for the Hyper Super Nova start of all early spiral galaxies and some dwarfs. 
The ejected Starspot pairing black holes are the proposed start of new stars in between them  at the rim. According to Quantum FFF Theory. see:

(LĆ³pez-SĆ”nchez :AAO/MQU)
Quote: "Galaxies grow by churning loose gas from their surroundings into new stars, or by swallowing neighbouring galaxies whole. However, they normally leave very few traces of their cannibalistic habits."

YES off course, however what create that gas? Herbig Haro systems between two paired Black Holes.

What created the merging dwarf elliptical (Ngc 1510): a secondary Supernova black hole created by Ngc1512 dwarf spiral stellar explosion!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Splitting and pairing black holes the origin of a magic self organizing universe

Splitting and pairing elecric dark matter black holes. Magic self propelling in space and even on earth according to Quantum FFF theory.

Attention: In contrast with paired "free floating " dark matter black holes outside the crowded galaxy centers, these central supernova dark matter black holes are supposed to form Pulsar black hole binaries creating food for the growing central black hole. The growing central black hole is supposed to be the start of the Big Crunch dark matter black hole.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Family generation of dark matter production history in the fractal univers.

Large scale dark matter  shows dual ring structure. (above) Single galaxy dark matter of the Milky Way also! (below) (Q-FFF model)

Friday, January 29, 2016

Alternative ( N+S) Monopole radiation based magnetic field interpretation

Alternative ( N+S) Monopole radiation based magnetic field interpretation measured with permalloy tube and a simple self leveling compass.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Long distance paired galaxy merger dark matter black holes and primordial stellar BHs.

Comparison between long distance paired galaxy merger dark matter based Galaxy Anchor Black Holes (GABHs) and short distance dark matter  Cepheids proposed to be the result of paired primordial Stellar Anchor Black holes (or Herbig Haro bowshocks) without a galaxy merging function.
see also: https://www.flickr.com/photos/93308747@N05/24551977342/in/photostream

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

ZPE energy by Vajra antenna?

Harvesting Free Energy from the Higgs field around two black holes or ball lightnings by a Vajra configured antenna system.

According to Quantum FFF theory, Fermions are all pushed away from the black hole horizon, with different strength for Quarks or electrons, due to the Fermion propeller shape and opposite Lorentz polarisation against the Higgs vacuum inflow to the black hole.
The inflowing Higgs field including all integral radiation however, will be absorbed by the black hole and NOT radiated back .
As a result this is supposed to feed the black hole nucleus and let the black hole grow from a certain nuclear size without external extra help such as magnetic interference energy found in Sprites and Lightning!!
For smaller black hole nuclei however, the energetic inflow of the Higgs/photon field seems to be able to collide and ruin the BH nucleus, as is often observed for Balllightning.

I would call this the "CRITICAL Black Hole Nuclear Evaporation SIZE" which seem to be between ball lightning nuclei and Cometary nuclei..
To use the BH electrical anode field ( see below) for harvesting free ZPE energy however, we need at least two stabilized  micro BHs of the same size as ball lightnings have.
To stabilize such nuclei, will need a constant input of magnetic field interference coming from at least three precise directions, in accordance with the Silicon lattice used for the production of small fireballs in the lab.
As a consequence we need to create two sets of at least three antennas focussing radio energy into a central point, which could resemble the ancient weapon of the Gods called Vajra.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Dark 'noodles' may lurk in the Milky Way

New discovery by Australian scientists radically challenges our understanding of gas conditions in the Milky Way

YES: SABHs ( Stellar Anchor Black holes) related to planetary systems which are supposed to be all the remnants of open star clusters . according to Quantum FFF Theory. 
However not all sizes of black holes can have the same Hazelnut lensing effect. 
Conclusion this research could be the start of the discrimination between the sizes of BHs related to their function as Herbig Haro bowshock BHs etc. and a recently proposed Plasma creation out of the Higgs vacuum or a so called secondary inflation of the universe. 
(See Bok globules below)

(text from Sciencedaily) 
They figured out this behaviour was the work of our Galaxy's invisible 'atmosphere', a thin gas of electrically charged particles which fills the space between the stars.
"Lumps in this gas work like lenses, focusing and defocusing the radio waves, making them appear to strengthen and weaken over a period of days, weeks or months," Dr Bannister said.
These episodes were so hard to find that researchers had given up looking for them.   But Dr Bannister and his colleagues realised they could do it with CSIRO's Compact Array..
January 21, 2016 Source: CSIRO Australia
Invisible structures shaped like noodles, lasagne sheets or hazelnuts could be floating around in our Galaxy radically challenging our understanding of gas conditions in the Milky Way. Astronomers say the structures appear to be 'lumps' in the thin gas that lies between the stars in our Galaxy. The observations were made possible by an innovative new technique.
Journal Reference:

  1. K. W. Bannister, J. Stevens, A. V. Tuntsov, M. A. Walker, S. Johnston, C. Reynolds, H. Bignall. Real-time detection of an extreme scattering event: Constraints on Galactic plasma lensesScience, 2016; 351 (6271): 354 DOI:10.1126/science.aac7673
  3. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/01/160121145140.htm

Thursday, January 21, 2016

LHC 125+750+XXX? GeV, LHC Higgs results, presented as 3D Quantum knots

Strings could be rigid particles but internal shape-convertible by mutual collision and able to interlock with one or even more other particles to form quarks and some fermions.(muon taon)
This could lead to a Sub quantum torus folding topology or 3-D Particle system called Quantum Function Follows Form model.
A 16 dimensional torus as a base for a convertible Higgs vacuum particle could be the base for everything in the universe.

If the single Hiiggs vacuum particle has the torus form with internal equally shaped 4x quarter parts forming 4x macaroni shape, then we may call these parts 4 dimensions.
If those 4 parts are connected by three hinges, able to rotate with adjacent quarter parts over 90 degrees clicks, then we may count: 3x4= 12 extra dimensions.
Conclusion, the Higgs torus particle could have 12+4=16 dimensions.
see also: https://www.flickr.com/photos/93308747@N05/albums/72157633110734398

Secondly, that complex photon based knots are supposed to be the origin of complex massive particles created in the LHC. (with 125, 750 and more GeV, see below)
However in the Quantum FFF Model, the oscllating Higgs lattice length has the Planck scale and fills the vacuum lattice up with decreasing lattice densities around black holes.
The Higgs is bounching with fermions and change form into all sorts of photons which keep up with the local lattice photon transfer speed around massive objects such as Earth and the Sun.
see: https://www.academia.edu/8467271/The_O_Connell_effect_in_eclipsing_binaries_explained_by_mass_related_light_speed_extinction_distances_LASOF_of_stars_and_even_planets

Around black holes, the local  polarisation of the Higgs lattice is supposed to be the origin of energetic dual Higgs collision and form change into "pair production" Fermions like the Electron and Positron, Muon Taon and even Quarks.
This is supposed to be the origin of a secondary inflation process as a continuous process building stars and galaxies.
see : https://www.academia.edu/6610669/3_Dimensional_String_Based_Alternative_Particles_Model

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The LIGO rumors keep on. Did they find remnants of the ETHER DRIFT?

Did they find the ETHER DRIFT?
Lubos Motl wrote today:
"LIGO rumors reflect genuine, healthy excitement
Steven T. Corneliussen of Physics Today wrote a somewhat critical text about the wave of LIGO rumors that escalated one week ago: Physics gossip vs. physics news
Cosmologist Lawrence Krauss is often cited as a source, mainly because his rumors are relatively quickly spread through a large number of his Twitter followers
 Your humble correspondent is often quoted as the propagator of the most precise rumors.
Wait for February 11th to hear the announcement. And you will learn about at least two events.
And at least one of them will be the detection of a merger of two black holes each of which weighs at least 10 solar masses. ;-)"
My reaction:
The time LIGO takes befor the publication is so large that there must be more at stake here.
I expect that the discovery of the LIGO project is breath taking beyond the merging of black holes.
I guess the detection of the aether would do the job to take our breath..
The apparatus resembles a large scale perfect Michelson and Morley  experiment able to show microscopic variabilities.
see: https://www.academia.edu/8467271/The_O_Connell_effect_in_eclipsing_binaries_explained_by_mass_related_light_speed_extinction_distances_LASOF_of_stars_and_even_planets