Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Complex Galaxy evolution by merging clustering and even central BH chopping like Merkarian 231

Complex Galaxy evolution by merging clustering and even central BH chopping like Merkarian 231.
The Ratio related ability to merge or split into Equal parts of black holes according to Quantum FFF Theory.
The equal Herbig Haro ratio seems to be important tot form HH systems even as the origin of Cygnus A dual Hotspot black holes.
Markarian 231 is postulated to be the intermediate stage to produce extra HH systems for more complexity. to form triple and dual radio galaxies (see below)
The result of Markarian BH splitting seems to be found in Triple - Double Radio Galaxies.

The Ratio related ability to merge or split into Equal parts of black holes according to Quantum FFF Theory.
The equal Herbig Haro ratio is important tot form HH systems even as the origin of Cygnus A dual Hotspot black holes.
Markarian 231 is postulated to be the intermediate stage to produce extra HH systems for more complexity

The result of Markarian BH splitting seems to be found in Triple - Double Radio Galaxies ( below)

Tadpole BHs accelerated and guided by plasma tails, looking for a partner, are assumed to be the exploded Starspot-BHs of supernova BHs

Starspots are just like Sunspots mini interference BHs able to produce "Tadpoles" propelled by guiding plasma  tails, away from massive objects like BHs or into stellar winds!

Monday, July 10, 2017

Markarian 231, seems to be the infant stage of Cygnus A quasar, both equipped with dual black holes !!

How?  According to Quantum FFF Theory, Black holes need a different NEW  physics theory , they repell fermions and produce  plasma Hydrogen around the double charged horizon etc. 
A different Black Hole Horizon Interpretation leading to Entropy Reduction and Violation of the Second Law.

However trhere is a large mass difference between the two BHs 150 million times the mass of the sun and the other 5 million times the mass of the sun.
According to Q/FFF Theory, this will not create a Cygnus A system with equal sized Bhs. The smaller BH should split the larger BH into two equal parts which could do the trick.
see below±

 Markarian 231.

.The great misconception in astronomy.

No SMOOTH BIG BANG after the ( new physics) black hole nucleus splintering explosion

No SMOOTH BIG BANG because it was the splintering nucleus explosion of the big crunch Axion Higgs-dark matter black hole!!! 
see: http://vixra.org/pdf/1503.0186v6.pdf


Quote "As a kid, I was fascinated by cosmology. I wanted to know how the universe began, possibly disproving gods along the way, and I gobbled up anything that hinted at the answer.
At the time, I had to be content with vague slogans. As I learned more, I could match the slogans to the physics, to see what phrases like “the Big Bang” actually meant. A large part of why I went into string theory was to figure out what all those documentaries are actually about.
In the end, I didn’t end up working on cosmology due my ignorance of a few key facts while in college (mostly, who Vilenkin was). Thus, while I could match some of the old popularization stories to the science, there were a few I never really understood. In particular, there were two claims I never quite saw fleshed out: “The universe emerged from nothing via quantum tunneling” and “According to Hawking, the big bang was not a singularity, but a smooth change with no true beginning.”
As a result, I’m delighted that I’ve recently learned the physics behind these claims, in the context of a spirited take-down of both by Perimeter’s Director Neil Turok."

My own splintering explosion interpretation according to Quantum FFF Theory.

Cugnus A is a relative near quasar. ( see below) There is only a scale difference between the Cygnus A quasars and Herbig Haro systems, but the physics is based on the same binary black hole system.  Binary black hole quasars are also found in their founding PAIRING stage , see;  Markarian 231. below.

Markarian 231.

Thursday, July 06, 2017

The Great Misconception in Astronomy

see also: 

A Different Black Hole Horizon Interpretation Leading to Entropy Reduction and Violation of the Second Law.

Monday, July 03, 2017

Tadpoles: ( NOT PLANETS) but young black holes propelled by plasma tails looking for a partner, forming a HH system.

In mainstream physics, Tadpoles are primordial planets, however, in Quantum FFF Theory,
Tadpoles are young black holes (former starspot black holes expelled by supernova explosions)  propelled by plasma tails looking for a partner, forming a HH system.
In Quantum FFF theory, stars and galaxies need at least two “new physics” black holes to form a Herbig Haro sytem, see below.

see also: An Alternative Stringy Black Hole nucleus with Entropy Decrease and Plasma Creation.

Triple aligned Herbig Haro system below:

Saturday, July 01, 2017

J1216+0709 : A radio galaxy with three episodes of AGN jet activity

J1216+0709 : A radio galaxy with three episodes of AGN jet activity.

see also:
 a `Triple-Double Radio Galaxy (TDRG)' J1216+0709 detected in deep low-frequency Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) observations. 
J1216+0709 is only the third radio galaxy, after B0925+420 and Speca, with three pairs of lobes resulting from three different episodes of AGN jet activity. 
See THIS  by P.Kharb.

A Triple Radio Lobed Radio Galaxy
In Quantum FFF theory, stars and galaxies need at least two new physics black holes for a Herbig Haro sytem. However multiple Herbig Haro systems seem also possible.

Friday, June 30, 2017

The origin of galaxy alignment in the early universe.

"A new study based on observations with the Hubble Space Telescope has shown that the most massive galaxies in the universe, which are found in clusters like this, have been aligned with the distribution of neighboring galaxies for at least 10 billion years." 
QUANTUM FFF THEORY SAYS: off course due to the big bang fractal splitting of the Big Bang black hole, see:




Monday, June 26, 2017

The origin of “dead” galaxies:

The origin of “dead” galaxies according to Quantum FFF Theory, is assumed to be based on very stable external dark matter black hole configuration with a growing internal central dark matter black hole, growing by smaller black hole mergers (not by Fermion merger mass) and absence of neighboring galaxy merger potential.                 

According to Quantum FFF Theory, early Galaxies have growing potential by the number and size of external primordial dark matter black holes initially formed as big bang splinters able to pair into Herbig Haro star-galaxy systems, which can merge with others. 

If no galaxy merger candidates are available in the neighborhood, the galaxy will soon reach a maximum size and die.  Some Elliptic galaxies die also by reaching maximum merger potential. see also: 

See: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/06/170621145150.htm
"By combining the power of a 'natural lens' in space with the capability of NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers made a surprising discovery -- the first example of a compact yet massive, fast-spinning, disk-shaped galaxy that stopped making stars only a few billion years after the big bang"

Below: Poster with configuration examples of paired dark matter black holes.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Mass in Motion According to Quantum FFF Theory.

According to Quantum FFF Theory, stable Polarized propeller shaped Fermions (Nuclear Quarks) are supposed to be the origin of stable non accelerated motion through the resistive oscillating vacuum (Axion) Higgs field.
Recent observations in the LHC do support the idea of  Fermion polarization into a constant specific space based direction, which could support the idea of a constant battle between a resistive vacuum and polarized spinning propeller shaped Fermions pushed forward by the same vacuum at the same time to compensate the resistance.
Even a so called Lorentz Fitzgerald contraction seem to be the logic result, which was described by John Bell in his essay: “How to Teach Special Relativity”
The recently observed Axial symmetric pear shaped atom Barium nuclei ( LHC) are an extra support for the atomic interaction with a new massless oscillating Axion-Higgs vacuum reference frame postulated by Quantum FFF Theory.

John S. Bell was Right: “How to Teach Special Relativity” and atomic pear shaped contraction.
see also:

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Magnetic Monopole Test to Demonstrate the Existence of a Anti Maxwell Dead Zone around a current in a wire..

According to Quantum FFF Theory (Function Follows Form at the quantum level) the
magnetic quantum field has always TWO different shaped monopole vector components: a
North- and a South vector field component.
This is comparable with the electric Quantum field, equipped with Plus and Minus vector components but it is in contrast with all other quantum fields like the neutrino- gravity-or x-gamma ray field.

After interference of the magnetic wave with a real spinning propeller shaped Fermion
particle, TWO real monopole magnetic photon particle based waves from opposite direction
will collapse and come to life as two real rigid shaped photons, as the result of two individual
mutated oscillating Higgs field particles from the vacuum.
These photons should do the magnetic job by interlocking temporarily with the Fermion, and give the Fermion a push to the left respectively a push to the right fully in line and according to the Lorentz force law.
However, based on observation of iron filing-powder patterns close to direct currents in a
wire, it is assumed that these monopole ( N+S) particle/ wave dualities travel only locally
parallel to each other without a magnetic field effect inside the Higgs field.
This in contrast with the natural opposing curvature of the so called B field. .As a result, the
magnetic field strength- created by the wire itself-locally drops down to zero, with a up to
zero reduced Lorentz force on the iron filing atoms.
As a consequence, this is in contradiction with Maxwell’s magnetic field law around an
electric direct current wire and I call it the “tubular local magnetic dropping zone” ( dead
zone) around the electric wire, which can be used for reaction less drive propulsion and
Levitation in combination with different forms of strong tubular or spiral magnets.
Magnet optimization is suggested to form spiral configurations of high performance magnet
plating with spiraling electric coils in between.
The Lorentz force created on the wire by the static magnetic field of the tubular or spiral
magnet (s) is supposed to be the only force in the system, by the absence of a reaction force
on the magnet due to the local magnetic dropping zone.
Three circular anti-Maxwell propulsion systems in triangle configuration, should be enough
to create stable piloting and flight Experiments with coiled magnetized iron tubes has
already shown this new physics reaction less propulsion effect.