Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Thursday, March 08, 2018

New Standard model based on one mass less Axion Higgs (AxHi) field particle.

The New Standard Model of Quantum FFF Theory, with Transformer Toroid Axion Higgs, (AxHi) as the zero mass Virgin String particle. also called Axion cosmology.
The resilient transformable Axion Higgs ring is postulated to be the able to form all single and compound particles only by 90 degree rotation of three hinges.

see: The Massless Axion-Higgs Vacuum Rigid String particle, even in Micro and Macro Dark Matter Black Hole Nuclei. see also: http://vixra.org/abs/1711.0443  or


Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Free Will Readiness Potential Ratio experiment, the Key to a Multiverse Number Calculation.


Benjamin Libet measured the so called electric Readiness Potential (RP) time to perform a volitional act, in the brains of his students and the time of conscious awareness (TCA) of that act, which appeared to come 500 m.sec behind the RP.
The “volitional act” was in principle based on the free choice to press an electric switch button.
The results of this experiment gives still an ongoing debate in the broad layers of the scientific community, because the results are still (also in recent experiments) in firm contrast with the expected idea of Free Will and causality.
However I would propose the absurd but constructive possibility that we are not alone for decision making in a multiverse as an individual person. Even Max Tegmark suggested already about the multiverse: “Is there a copy of you reading this article?”
We could be instant entangled with at least one instant entangled anti-copy person living inside a Charge and Parity symmetric copy Universe.
In that case we could construct a causal explanation for Libet’s strange results.
New statistical differenctial research on RPI and RPII of extended Libet experiments described here should support these ideas as a base for the number of participants ( and even universes) involved.
Wikipedia says: “Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens participate equally”.
Free will in a multiverse seems to be based on: all instant entangled ideas of copy persons living in all CP symmetric copy universes, have the same possibility to Veto an act and participate equally.  
If we are able to “Tap into” those instant entanglement connections” sent out by other people, then even telepathic effects (mind reading) could be explained.
see also:  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323612709_Free_Will_Readiness_Potential_Ratios_the_Key_for_a_Multiverse_Number_Calculation 

Saturday, March 03, 2018

SKYRMION knotted relation with Ball Lightning found ! or EDMBHs

At last, new evidence for a knotted structure of Dark Matter base Ball Lightning as assumed by Quantum FFF Model.
The evidence for a Magnetic interference ( unstable) quantum knot with short term release of energy like ball lightning is the holy grail of new string theory based  physics, with Skermions as the base for.micro and macro dark matter black holes, Sunspots and ball lightning. 
"Skyrmion Interference Black Holes, Photonic molecules, Ball Lightning, Micro Comets, Sprite-Fireballs and Sunspots according to Quantum FFF theory."

See recent article:

"Synthetic electromagnetic knot in a three-dimensional skyrmion"
 which I found at:

For the Quantum FFF Theory model see:
Skyrmion Interference Black Holes, Photonic Molecules, Ball Lightning, Micro Comets, Sprite-Fireballs and Sunspots According to Quantum FFF Theory. 

See also: Knotted structures called skyrmions seem to mimic ball lightning

Thursday, March 01, 2018

Israeli scientist detect Signs of Dark Matter and early stars, direct after the Big Bang

It is dr. Rennan Barkana who recently detected signs of dark matter in the Cosmic Background radiation by 21 cm cosmology.
and:  https://arxiv.org/pdf/1605.04357.pdf
"The Rise of the First Stars: Supersonic Streaming, Radiative Feedback, and 21-cm Cosmology"

This seems to be in line with the Quantum FFF Model of the Dark Matter exploding Big Bang Nucleus into electric dark matter black hole splinters, able to form dual Herbig Haro hotspots with star formation in between.
see below:

First publication by Halton Arp/ Leo Vuyk.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Researchers suggest that there may be new physics to explain the inconsistency of the Hubble yardstick

Improved Hubble yardstick gives fresh evidence for new physics in the universe
"The team's ( prof Riess) new study extends the number of stars analyzed to distances up to 10 times farther into space than previous Hubble results
This means that the acceleration itself might not have a constant value in the universe but changes over time in the universe.
 Riess shared a Nobel Prize for the 1998 discovery of the accelerating universe
 Yet another attractive possibility  ( according to Quantum FFF Theory) is that dark matter (an invisible form of matter not made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons) interacts more strongly with normal matter or radiation than previously assumed."
Geplakt uit <https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/02/180222162005.htm>

For the Quantum FFF Theory solution , see:
Dipole Repeller Gravity Effects at Different Universal Scales as the Origin of Large Scale and Local Quantum Gravity and Hubble Redshift.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Sabine Hossenfelder tries to understand how dark matter forms galaxies

 for the answer, see:
The Massless Axion-Higgs Vacuum Rigid String particle, even in Micro and Macro Dark Matter Black Hole Nuclei.

and According to Quantum FFFTheory suggestion, Dark matter is the same as new physics black holes, able to split and pair into Herbig haro systems with star formation in between, as observed in Cygnus A:

Saturday, February 24, 2018

The young star mystery around the MW center.

"The fact that these stars exist so close to the supermassive black hole is unusual because they are so young; how they could've formed in such a hostile environment is a mystery." 

However Quantum FFF Theory says: all BHs are equipped with a narrow Fermion repelling horison producing Fermion pairs. positive and negative charged, able to form positrons and Neutrons according to my new physics 3D particle model  !! see: http://vixra.org/pdf/1712.0122v1.pdf  and:


See for plasma production at the BH horizon below:

Thursday, February 22, 2018

"Composite Higgs" models made from monopole string theory photons / Gluons

In Quantum FFF Theory, the Higgs Quantum knot of 125 GeV is assumed to be made out of monopole magnetic photons able to interfere with each other into a three particle knot.
However, the heavier Higgs particle are supposed to be a combination with the 375 GeV Higgs made out 4x xray photons ( see images below) 
However, All massive Higgs particles are assumed to be the base for stable- and unstable ( Ball lightning) black holes.
The mass less Axion Higgs ( ring shaped) is assumed to be the oscillating vacuum particle and responsible for dark energy and Casimir effect. 
See also: 
The Massless Axion-Higgs Vacuum Rigid String Particle, Even in Micro and Macro Dark Matter Black Hole Nuclei.

( Wikipedia: ) In particle physicscomposite Higgs models (CHM) are speculative extensions of the Standard Model (SM) where the Higgs boson is a bound state of new strong interactions. These scenarios are the leading alternative to supersymmetric models for physics beyond the SM presently tested at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Quantum Gravity Pressure Differences between Black Holes and (Neutron) stars, or Planets.

To fill a little hole in the swampland, I would suggest:
First, that there are no attraction forces in the universe.
2e: the Higgs field ( called Axion Higgs particle based field) has no mass only oscillating energy ( Casimir effect)
3e: gravitons and all other Photons and Gluons are Axion Higgs particles transformed by collision with spinning propeller shaped Fermions or Bosons..
4e: The New Black Hole is a compressed but resiliant Axion-Higgs field particle nucleus.
5e: Stable Black holes do not produce gravitons but produce fermion pairs at a small globular horizon leading to real plasma, which is negative charged from the outside.
Conclusion Gravitons do not escape form the black hole.!!!
Only Space itself does the gravity job for black hole surfaces..
Also called emergent gravity: http://vixra.org/pdf/1710.0050v1.pdf
For Fermionic matter like (Neutron) stars Gravitons are assumed to push back as a balancing element between two pressure fields..
see also: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.nl/

BH nucleus and Neutron star "not to scale"

 According to Quantum FFF Theory, Gravity should be a dual pressure effect between the small pressure of pushing gravitons contra the dark Casimir emerging oscillating quantum vacuum lattice. In combination with the recoil of black hole resilience a lot more can be explained, such as the cyclic universe.
As a consequence, stable growing Black Hole nuclei are resilient Axion Higgs Quantum Knots, which give balancing recoil to the outside pressure of  the oscillating dark energy based Axion Higgs vacuum field. 
As a result, NO pushing gravitons are produced or emitted as is the case in Neutron stars and normal matter, assumed to be the origin of dual pressure quantum gravity postulated by Quantum FFF Theory ( Function Follows Form) 

Dual Speedy Galaxy Outflows related to dual Galaxy Anchor Black Hole (GABH) systems.

A new look at DUAL speedy outflows explained by Quantum FFF Theory..
Two collimated central jets ( orange) combined with spiraling outflow ( Grey) is assumed to be related to two Black hole systems. (A and B, according to Q-FFF Theory)
A: the dual Galaxy Anchor Black Hole system (1st GABH) which was responsible for the creation of the ( Herbig Haro) Star/Galaxy system.
B: The multiple expelled Super Nova black holes (2nd GABH system) spread through the globular shaped Galaxy Halo system. ( see sketch below)

Also supporting the Herbig Haro dual Electric Dark Matter BH (EDM-BH) galaxy system postulate as the origin of fast star/ galaxy formation after a cold Black Hole exploding Big Bang.
And supporting the cyclic ( bouncing) universe idea, by a large scale BH and galaxy merging process in combination with the continuous absorption of the oscillating Axion Higgs field vacuum (Space Time) by all EDM-BHs.
This space time absorption is also assumed to be the origin of increasing (Hubble) redshift of "standard candles" far away.
Conclusion: We are living inside one material universe as part of an exploded EDM-BH Big Bang Raspberry shaped entangled mirror multiverse.  see: http://vixra.org/pdf/1604.0229v2.pdf 

Vacuum absorption around a BH and dual pressure gravity around normal massive objects.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

A new sign for the Big Crunch and a cyclic multiverse.

NASA has just discovered that the (central) biggest black holes in the known universe are growing faster than previous researches revealed. 
Conclusion: the Big Crunch has started over there. see the cyclic multiverse model called Quantum FFF Theory http://vixra.org/pdf/1711.0379v2.pdf


and: https://newatlas.com/alma-giant-space-donut/53421/

The mystery of cool corusus of galaxy clusters and small black holes
The Virgo and Perseus cluster have cool corusus and show unresolved 3.5 KeV radiation. The solution: In these centers only small black holes are pushed by external so called GABHs (Galaxy Anchor Black Holes) to be eaten by the giant black hole.