see also:
3-Dimensional String
based alternative particle model.
Muon decay.
The Muon decaying compound “click-on” Particle (see
Below ) coded: (ORO,LOL,LOL). Is able to decay into
three single parts: ORO+LRL+LLL. (changing one LOL
into a LRL Particle (one hinge rotation over 90 degrees: R>L)
and one LOL into a LLL Particle (one hinge rotation over 90 degrees: O>L).
These particles are called: the Electron(ORO), the
anti-electro-neutrino (LRL) and the muonic neutrino
Kaon decay.
For normal Kaon plus decay, the main decay routes
according to the literature are: (A: mu+, muonic
neutrino)or (B: pi+, pi0)
The Kaon + Particle is coded: for the
U-Quark:(OLO,ROR)and for the anti-S Quark:
For the A route: it is proposed that the u-Quark
(OLO,ROR)decays into (LLL,ROR) which Particle is
supposed to disintegrate and produce the (LLL) muonic
neutrino and one undetected Gluon (ROR) will disappear
into the Gluonic “sea”.
The anti-s-Quark (OLO,OLO,ROR)will change into a
positive muon (OLO,ROR,ROR).
For the B route: it is proposed that the U-Quark
(OLO,ROR) does not decay and that the anti-S Quark
also decays into (OLO,ROR,ROR) which is in combination
with the U-Quark a positive pion+ Particle.
The pion-0 Particle coded: U, anti-U Quark: (OLO,ROR),
and (ORO,LOL) are mirror symmetric and able to emerge
directly from the vacuum as so called pair production
Rare Kaon–Plus decay.
A rare Kaon plus Particle decay: K+ => pi+, nu, nubar
, (pi + , neutrino anti-neutrino) is recently
discovered and now acknowledged by a Brookhaven AGS
experiment 949:see:
Interestingly this rare Kaon decay can easily be
derived from the “Higgs Torus Particle” system
The most simple explanation by this Higgs Particle
click-on system is to assume that the decay is the
same as route B mentioned before and in addition that
the Pion 0 Particle (OLO,ROR)+(ORO,LOL) decays into
two neutrinos.(OLO)=>(RLR) and (ORO)=> (LRL).
(ROR) and (LOL) Gluons are supposed to “disappear into
the Gluonic “sea” as described above under route A.
Kaon Long/ Short decay.
It is proposed that the Kaon and anti Kaon Particles
(ds)are mixing with themselves and with the Eta (ss)
Particle by the continuous changing of one Gluon into
a Lepton to change the d Quark into an s Quark and
backwards a Lepton into a Gluon from s into a Quark.
(d<=> s)
At the same time it is proposed that the backward
changing d into s last longer due to the slight
chirality of the vacuum .
The angle of attack of the Tandem oscillating Higgs
Particles to the Quarks, must be slightly different.
This is reason to propose that it is the S, anti-S
(Eta Particle) that is the reason for the strange Kaon
decay time-differences
Explanation: the Kaon 0 Particle coded as: d-Quark:
(ORO,LOL,LOL) anti-s Quark: (OLO,OLO,ROR)
will change into an Eta (s) Particle: s Quark:
(ORO,ORO,LOL) anti-s Quark: (OLO, OLO, ROR) by the
Direct Weak attack mechanism of the tandem vacuum
Particles to change three hinges of one compound
Particle at once (OLO <=> ROR, or ORO <=>LOL).
Then after a while, the intermediate (s anti-s) Eta
Particle will be changed into the
anti-Kano-0, coded: S: (ORO,ORO,LOL) anti-D:
Thus it is assumed that the origin of this strange
Long and Short Kaon decay mechanism is to find in the
difference in transition speed for the LOL Gluon into
the ORO Electron (needed to change the d Quark into an
s Quark) which is supposed to be faster due to the
chirality of the vacuum than the transition speed to
change the OLO Positron into the ROR Gluon (needed to
change the anti-s Quark into an anti d Quark, to
produce the anti Kaon-0 Particle).
see also: Tomaso Dorigo,