Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Monday, August 20, 2018

The Big Bounce depicted for only one universe according to Quantum FFF Model.

The Splitting Electric Dark Matter- Black Hole- Big Bang and the Cyclic Multiverse.
see also:
The Magic of the New Electric Dark Matter Black Hole on Earth and Space..

Primordial Electric Dark Matter Black Holes outside Galaxies responsible for the creation and contraction of a Cyclic Universe.


According to Quantum FFF Theory, we live inside one of a specific number of Charge Parity symmetric copy universes coming out of a huge ( Axion/Higgs rigid string black hole nucleus = Dark Matter). All copy string particles are guided by long distance (holographic) multiverse entanglement and transformable by mutual collision into all Standard model particles and more. Such as  monopole bosons or massless Axion/Higgs vacuum particles (Dark Energy) , responsible for the Casimir effect and half of all other SM semi pressure forces.        

LOOK at the Hawking points ! Roger Penrose at all. seems to know that these points are the remnant black holes of a former universe.  Of course !
In Quantum FFF Theory, they represent exploded and evaporating Big Bang Black Hole chunks ( Splinters) of the original virgin-particle Big Bang Nucleus concentrated by a Big Crunch. ( see above)
It is all in the details.

The Beginning and End of Time.
Multiverse cycle time versus quantities of real (SM) particles, Dark Matter Black Hole (DMBH) nuclear particles and dual oscillating Dark Energy Axion/Higgs /Casimir field particles.

The entangled cyclic Multiverse depicted as continuous flow of increasing and decreasing numbers of Higgs particles located inside Electric Dark Matter Black Hole ( EDMBH) Nuclei, or free oscillating in the chiral Tetrahedron shaped vacuum lattice or derived as real SM particles.

A= The End of Time of the former multiverse.
All SM (StandardModel) particles and most Axion Higgs particles equipped with internal pressurized tension are located inside the Big Crunch Black Hole Nucleus, compressed by the decreasing- pressure and number of  the oscillating Axion/Higgs /Casimir vacuum particles, with the Big Bang explosion as result.
B= If the decreasing Vacuum pressure is equal to the growing Big Crunch Black Hole ( BCBH), The beginning of Time and expansion has started, by the Big Crunch/ Big Bang Nucleus splitting into primordial BHs into a fractal shaped Lyman Alpha forest, the start of pairing and plasma forming dual Herbig Haro BH hotspots with bullet stars in between, forming galaxies by a fast Super  Nova process. Primordial BHs partly evaporate into the Dark Energy Axion/Higgs field.
C= The start of the Multiverse vacuum contraction due to vacuum absorbtion by the growing numbers of dark matter (Supernova) black holes.   
The HUBBLE REDSHIFT is supposed to be A SIDE EFFECT of proliferated dark matter black holes of various sizes ABSORBING and DILUTING the Higgs vacuum lattice, the origin of   local variable PLANCK lengths and LIGHTSPEED.                       
Examples are (star-)sunspot BHs– Cometary nuclear BHs,  DUAL Herbig Haro BHs as presursors of SABHs and GABHs ( Stellar- or Galaxy Anchor BHs).
D= The total number of particles during the cyclic process is constant!
According to the Quantum Function Follows Form model.
See:  <a href="https://tudelft.academia.edu/LeoVuyk/Papers" rel="nofollow">tudelft.academia.edu/LeoVuyk/Papers</a>

Extract of the Quantum Function Follows Form model.

1: Black holes are the same as Dark Matter, they all consume photons, even gravitons and the Higgs field, but REPEL all infalling Fermions at a new Repulsion horizon .  Positron electron pairs are produced with only few annihilation effects due to merging of positrons with Gluons into positive charged Quarks, located at the inside leaving the electrons at the outside of a globular plasma shell around the BH.
2: Dark Energy is the oscillating ( Casimir) energy of the Higgs Field equipped with a tetrahedron lattice structure and variable Planck length, which is increased around black holes by the Higgs field absorption of the BH.
3: Quantum Gravity = Dual Push gravity= Attraction (Higgs-Casimir pressure opposing Graviton pressure).
4: The Big Bang is a Splitting dark matter Big Bang Black Hole (BBBH), splitting into smaller Primordial Big Bang Splinters (PBBS) forming the Fractal Lyman Alpha forest and evaporating partly into a zero mass energetic oscillating Higgs particle based Higgs field.
5: Dual PBBSs hotspots, produce central plasma concentration in electric Herbig Haro systems as a base for star formation in open star clusters even as a start for primordial Spiral Galaxies and galaxy clusters.
6: Spiral Galaxies will keep both Primordial Dark Matter Black Holes as Galaxy Anchor Black Holes (GABHs) connected by dual jets at long distance: (Milky Way= 27k Light years, based on recent observation)
7: After Galaxy Merging, these GABHs are the origin of
Galaxy- and Magnetic field complexity and newly formed dwarf galaxies in between GABHs
8: Black Holes produce Plasma direct out of the Higgs field by pair production. Two high energy Higgs particles ( by fluctuations at BH horizons) are convertible into symmetric electron and positron (or even dual quark-) propellers.
9: The chirality of the (Left Handed spiralling) vacuum lattice is the origin our material universe. Consequently A; propeller shaped positrons merge preferentially first with gluons to form (u) Quarks to form Hydrogen, B: neutrinos are always left handed .
10: The first Supernovas produce medium sized electric dark matter Black Holes as the base for secondary electric Herbig Haro systems the base for open star clusters.
11: ALL Dark Matter Black Holes are supposed to be CHARGE SEPARATORS with internal positive charge and an external globular shell of negative charged Quark electron plasma. Even interference black holes (Ball lightning- Comets and Sunspots) seem to have the same qualities.
12: The light speed is related to gravity fields like the earth with long extinction distances to adapt with the solar gravity field both acting as reference frames. (See radar reflection anomaly on Venus)
13. Quantum FFF Theory states that the “raspberry shaped multiverse” is symmetric and instant entangled down to the smallest quantum level. Also down to living and dying Schroedinger CATS.
14 Large Primordial Big Bang Splinters (PBBS) are responsible for the creation of the Lyman Alpha forest structure and first spiral galaxy forming of the universe, but they seem to be also responsible for the implosion of the universe by the absorption of the Higgs field, in the form of Galaxy Anchor Black Holes (GABHs) located mainly outside galaxies. see: (See Quasisoft Chandra sources)
15, As a consequence of 12-14, Time is always local time in combination with cyclic period time of the multiverse.

16, If our material universes has a chiral left handed oscillating Higgs field, then our material Right Handed DNA helix molecule could be explained.
However it also suggests that in our opposing symmetric ANTI-MATERIAL entangled neighbour universe the DNA helix should have a Left handed spiral.

According to Max Tegmark: in an entangled multiverse we may ask: is there COPY PERSON over there, who is reading the same lines as I do?
If this COPY person is indeed living over there, then even our consciousness should be shared in a sort of entangled DEMOCRATIC form.
Then we are not alone with our thoughts and doubts, see:
Democratic Free Will in the instant Entangled Multiverse.
<a href="http://vixra.org/pdf/1401.0071v2.pdf" rel="nofollow">vixra.org/pdf/1401.0071v2.pdf</a>
17, All particles and waves should be entangled with anti-copy particles and Higgs field based waves in our opposing anti universes.
Then wave particle duality and the so called one particle double slit interference could be explained by accepting that real shaped 3D photon particles only exist in their function of Gluons. However Gluons should transfer form information to the oscillating luminiferous Higgs field ether, within about 1 cm distance from a fermion.(see: Babock and Bergman anomaly,1964)
18, Different elementary particles have different qualities by their different complex stringy shape. Leptons and  Quarks have a propeller shape with left or right handed pitch creating charge difference. Gluons, Photons and Neutrino particles have no pitch.
20 All particles can be converted to one or more Higgs particles, Lepto  Quarks can be compound particles.
21 All particles are assumed to be present as Higgs particles already in the cyclic Big Bang Black Hole (BBBH) after the former multiverse has collapsed into a Big Crunch Black Hole.
22, We seem to live inside one material universal bubble of an instant entangled  (Charge Parity Time) CPT symmetric raspberry bubble multiverse. Each quantum jump or wave function collapse or human choice is guided by this instant entanglement at long distant.

see also:
The Splitting Dark Matter- Black Hole- Big Bang and the Cyclic Multiverse. ( 2013)
A Fifth Force Vacuum Dipole Repeller, Needed to Create all Attraction Forces even around Black Holes in Quantum FFF Theory.

Primordial Electric Dark Matter Black Holes Outside Galaxies Responsible for the Creation and Contraction of a Cyclic Multi-Universe.
The Origin of Life and the Need for a Rigid String Propeller Fermion Model combined with a Chiral Vacuum Lattice and Micro Interference Black Holes.

Sunday, August 05, 2018

The “Eleven Dimensional” Brain? Topology of Neural Networks.

The origin of 11 dimensional brain can be descibed by
Quantum FFF (Function Follows Form) Theory which says:
1: The universe is fully symmetric from the beginning of the Big Bang, described as the splitting of one Neutral charged dark matter black hole (Axion-Higgs) particle nucleus into 8 or even 12 Charge Parity entangled copy universes called the Raspberry Multiverse.
2: As a consequence, each quantum has 7 or 11 entangled family particles at long raspberry multiverse distance which is assumed to be the origin of uncertainty of physics experiments and consiousness of  living DNA and even humans.
I think, therefore I am, ( Descartes)  should change into: WE THINK, therefore we "together" in the entangled multiverse make democratic decissions,
3: Function Follows Form means that all different particles are real shaped entities made of unknown STUFF by only ONE simple transformable ring shaped massless but also rigid particle called Axion Higgs, oscillating between nodes inside the tetrahedral vacuum lattice (with local Planck length) responsible for dark energy, Casimir effects, dual Graviton/Axion pressure gravity Monopole photons and Fermion spin.
see also:
A Fifth Force Vacuum Dipole Repeller, Needed to Create all  Forces even Attraction Forces around Black Holes in Quantum FFF Theory.
and: A Consciousness Theory of Everything based on Rigid Transformable Strings, Instantly Entangled Between 8 or 12 CP Symmetric Universal Bubbles.

see also:
The “Eleven Dimensional” Brain? Topology of Neural Networks

Sunday, July 29, 2018

The Higgs particle, (evaporating interference black holes) found inside silicon wafers?

The Higgs particle called Collexon, found inside silicon wafers?
According to Quantum FFF Theory, the Higgs represents a triple magnetic monopole rigid string quantum knot and is already found inside doped silicon wafers after high voltage discharges through the silicon wafer.
see: Evidence for Evaporating Dark Matter Particles in Silicon fireballs.
Now this phenomenon seems to be supported by:
A new quasiparticle lurks in semiconductors. ( ScienceNews 26 july 2018)
Electrons and holes gang up to act like a single particle dubbed a collexon

Friday, July 27, 2018

Was Einstein always right? or is there Quantum Post Relativity evidence?

According to Quantum FFF Theory: the answer is yes there is Quantum Post Relativity:
Construction Principles for Chiral “atoms of Spacetime Geometry” Including Space Curvature Around Massive Objects.
Experiments to determine the mass related Lightspeed extinction volume around the Earth and around spinning objects in the Lab.
ZPE Zero Point Energy examples around black holes.
The O‘Connell effect in eclipsing binaries explained by mass related light speed extinction distances (LASOF) of stars and even planets.
3-Dimensional String based alternative particle model.

John S. Bell Was Right: “How to Teach Special Relativity” and Atomic Pear Shaped Contraction.
2 Signals for Retarded Single Big Bang Black Hole Nucleus Splitting and Pairing into Dual Black Hole Herbig Haro Systems.
A Consciousness Theory of Everything based on Rigid Transformable Strings, Instantly Entangled Between 8 or 12 CP Symmetric Universal Bubbles.

Electric Dark Matter Black Holes are ruling the symmetric  multiverse down to the solar system. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Central Milky Way Black Hole eating NOT Stars but Herbig Haro Bowshock BlackHholes.

Central Milky Way Black Hole eating NOT Stars but dual Herbig Haro Bowshock ( Hotspot)  Black Holes leaving stars and plasma jets behind !!
According to Quantum FFF Theory, The central giant MW-Black Hole only eat dual systems of smaller black holes, also called Herbig Haro systems. HH systems create plasma jets in between which seem to stay put (see: streaks) after both HH black holes are eaten by the central BH. The image (by MEERKAT)does already show some dual grouping HH systems before the creation of  intermediate jets.

and also:

The main direction of the remaining Herbig Haro plasma jets is perpendicular to the Galaxy equator.
The most natural explanation according to quantum FFF Theory, is that in the Herbig Haro Black Hole Pairing process the Axion/Higgs field vacuum vector array profiles are equipped with an hourglass profile ( butterfly cross section)  with the central axis also perpendicular to the Galaxy equator.
As a consequence the two pairing HH black hole will polarize in the same way. see 2e image.

Hourglass polarization of space between two black holes in Galaxies Nebula and the Stars.

Friday, July 20, 2018

Open Transformable Rigid Strings in Quantum FFF theory

Quantum FFF Theory (Function Follows Form) is based on open rigid strings, derived from only one closed transformable  torus shaped mass less virgin string, also called "Axion Higgs" or "Tori varieties".
The Axion Higgs ring is assumed to be equipped with 3x internal rotation hinges with 90 degree rotation freedom and one splitting point.
Photons, Gluons, Neutrinos and two leptons (e+e-) are singular open singular monopole Strings, including Magnetic North and South monopole particles.
Fermions and Bosons are compound String knots containing two or more interconnected open strings.
Fermions are supposed to have a chiral form, a propeller shape with left or right handed pitch for positive or negative charge and spin.
Higgs particles come in two forms with reduced left or right handed pitch producing Higgs particles with 123.5 GeV or 126 Gev ( see image.)
A third Higgs is assumed to be based on 4x open strings with 375 GeV.
see below.
Black holes are assumed to be massive compound knots of virigin Axion Higgs particles without mass but with vacuum pressure gravity..
see : 3-Dimensional String based alternative particle model
The consequence of this rigid string model leads to new physics of black holes, magnetic and gravitational interpretation.
"Warped String Compactification"

Several attempts to describe comparable rigid string systems are done between 1980 and 2000, see:

Systematic Nuclear Polar structure of atomic nuclei, according to  Leo Vuyk. see:
The New Nuclear Magic Number (34) Explained by the Polar Coaxial Ring System of Quantum FFF Theory.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Dual Stellar Anchor Black Holes by new physics of butterfly shaped spacetime polarization

Dual Stellar Anchor Black Holes by new physics of butterfly shaped spacetime polarization in combination with a new rigid propeller string theory for decrease of entropy and pair (negative charged plasma) production.

Quantum FFF Theory conjecture is, that spacetime can be polarized if it is represented by a 3D foam of a tetrahedral oscillating quantum lattice each with the local Planck length
Around black holes the Planck length is polarized with a vector array cross section in the form of a butterfly.
TWO black holes as observed around Herbig Haro Systems (the hotspot black holes) are  creating spacetime vector arrays of dual complexity ( see image below) in combination with vacuum push gravity for quick star formation.

Friday, July 13, 2018

The Virgo scandal solved by dual solar polar Herbig Haro black hole hotspots.

The Virgo scandal solved by two local hotspots created by dual solar polar Herbig Haro black hole hotspots.
According to new Spacetime polarization butterfly profiles around black holes in combination with propeller shaped string effect on repelling Fermions..

I found your paper at:
https://arxiv.org/pdf/1805.01572.pdf called "Where are the Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray (UHECR) originated?"
You wrote: under 2. "The Virgo Absence and the two Hot Spots"
"The Virgo UHECR event absence was (and still remains) the first and main Auger cosmic lesson recorded from more than a decade."
"This remarkable Virgo absence is the Rosetta stone that forced us [ref.19], a decade ago, toward the lightest [20] UHECR nuclei nature.
Indeed we suggested the presence of a severe filter to stop the expected Virgo abundant UHECR events"
(ref. 19)  (D. Fargion, Light nuclei solving the auger puzzles: the cen-a imprint, Physica Scripta 78 (2008) 045901)

Perhaps you are interested in my alternative proposal for the polar hotspots being former Herbig haro hotspots or better new physics "electric dark matter black holes" at: http://vixra.org/pdf/1709.0396v3.pdf
"Dual Solar Anchor Black Holes or Herbig Haro hotspots, the origin of quick star formation."

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Quantum FFF Theory is a Vortex knot theory based on only one transformable but rigid torus particle called Axion/Higgs.

Quantum FFF Theory is a Vortex knot theory based on only one transformable but rigid torus particle coined Axion/Higgs.
Conclusion only the vacuum itself is based of simple rigid ring particles, oscillating along six chiral axes between common contact points, Fermions and Bosons can both come as single (electron/ positron /neutrino/photon and gluon) or compound  knots : (some leptons and all quarks and 3x Higgs  123.5- 126- 375 GeV.)

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

NSF press conference on breakthrough in multimessenger astrophysics

NSF press conference on breakthrough in multimessenger astrophysics, Icecube and Fermi telescope seems also a breakthrough in Quantum FFF Theory with Rigid Transformable String qualities and new physics Fermion repelling black holes? ( Electric (-) Charged Dark Matter Black Holes)
as a consequence, the solar system seems far more extended than we thought and guided by two polar (new physics?) Herbig Haro (HH) hotspots.
What: Press briefing, hosted by NSF Director France Córdova, featuring leading astrophysicists from across the globe  When: Thursday, July 12, 2018, 11 a.m. EDT Where: NSF headquarters, 2415 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, Virginia 22314 
My suggestion is that there is evidence of a Herbig Haro (HH) structure of the solar system, with two polar located Gamma ray Neutrino sources  ( new physics electric ark matter black holes, the former HH bowshocks/ hotspots) far away.
Polar means: into the direction of Ursa Major cluster and Centaurus supercluster.
Solar Herbig Haro Black Holes system, Even in 2014 suggested by Quantum FFF Theory.
see below:

After the NSF press conference however, it is clear that not two but only ONE super Blaser hotspot far away is in the news and not in the local universe.
For a dual UHECR problem see: 
After the initial enthusiasm, however, ( K Kawata PAO  for the southern hotspot) additional data slightly weakened the significance of this result, rather than increasing it. Nevertheless, what is obvious is that the galactic plane is not the prime source of the UHECR. They must therefore originate from somewhere in the large-scale structures of the local universe.!
Conclusion: It would be worthwhile to determine the distances from earth of both hotspots.

As a support for the universal distribution of such Herbig Haro systems around not only stars but also Galaxies and Galaxy clusters, Even a dual Quasar system is found in the early universe, see below.
see also:
Primordial Electric Dark Matter Black Holes outside Galaxies responsible for the creation and contraction of a Cyclic Universe.
see; http://vixra.org/abs/1806.0068 
and:  The Magic of the New Electric Dark Matter Black Hole on Earth and Space.
see: http://vixra.org/pdf/1707.0224v4.pdf 

Duality of self propelled micro black holes also found inside Nebula see below.
( splitting and Pairing micro black holes, suggested to be former starspots)

Fermion repelling Black Holes: