Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Collimated threads and two equal sized Black Hole as start of a Spiral Galaxy.

How does Galaxies form?
Not only the collimated synchrotron threads, but also the signature of two equal sized black holes approaching with a plasma bar in between, as a start of a spiral galaxy. acc. to Q-FFF Theory.

Saturday, May 09, 2020

6x Galaxy Anchor Black Holes around PKS 2014-55

Meerkat image of PKS 2014-55 with at least 6x Mergered Galaxy Anchor black holes 
A Galaxy with stars and main jet in the middle stabilized by at least 6x Galaxy Anchor Black Holes ( GABHs)( Q-FFF Theory) 

Friday, May 08, 2020

The Biggest blunder in physics: Dual Herbig Haro Bowshock Black Holes

see also:

The Biggest Blunder In Astrophysics:  The missing of Binary Herbig Haro Black Holes.
Splitting, Accelerating, Pairing and Fermion Repelling Charged Black Holes. 

All black hole models like the Hawking model, seem to miss what Herbig Haro (HH) systems show us:  
Splitting, Accelerating, Pairing and Repelling  binary Black Holes, called HH bowshocks.
In the new Quantum FFF model, two equal sized black holes attract and later repel each other to create electric plasma pumps called  Herbig Haro (HH) "bow shocks" with plasma and  stars concentrated in between . 
Future micro HH systems could create endless future energy production units on earth without CO2 pollution.

WHY repel each other? Because black holes repel all Fermions (coined "Rigid Transformer String propellers") forming a plasma "BAR" in between Herbig Haro systems.
Best evidence that HH bowshocks are new physics black holes: 
is HH34

Evidence for Equal sized each repelling HH34 black holes.

Spire inside the Eagle.

Wednesday, May 06, 2020

The first evidence for a nearby SABH ( Stellar Anchor Black Hole)

This is the first evidence for an SABH ( Stellar Anchor Black Hole)
According Q FFF Theory, dual  black holes at both sides of a star (original Herbig Haro BH bowshocks) are Fermion repellers and also star crushers sending plasma to the nearby star disc. ( our disc? at 1000 light year distance could be possible?  )
and: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2018/07/dual-stellar-anchor-black-holes-by-new.html

The Milky Way galaxy is thought to contain hundreds of millions of black holes. But only a few dozen have revealed themselves—through the x-ray glow of hot gases that surround them.

WIMPs, Ball Lightning and Black Holes are Dark Matter String Knots of different sizes.

Black Holes, Ball Lightning, Sunspots, Comets and WIMPs are the same string knots with different sizes.
Benjamin Libet discovered two different Readiness Potentials (RPI and RPII) and the potential to VETO an act, is reason to suggest the presence of a SuSy multiverse with entanglement down to each quantum.
However, Benjamin Libet did not Notice, because he (or his successors) did not measure the ratio between RPI and RPII , as a base for the total number of SuSy Universes.
At the same time John Cramer proposed a parallel Transactional Interpretation (T.I.) a so called “Handshake system” responsible for entanglement processes.
see: The Conscious Readiness Potential Ratio Multiverse with Transactional Interpretation of J. Cramer.
Quantum FFF Theory (Strings) says: The Cramer Handshake system works between SuSy copy universes as the base for uncertainty.

Tuesday, May 05, 2020

10x Solved Mysteries in Physics.

A String is a Strange Thing: Able to Open and Form all other Particles, even Black Holes.

A String is a Strange Thing: Transformable-Torus with Rectangular Profile able open and Form all other Particles, even Black Holes.

10x Solved Mysteries in Physics.

Can we design a topological string model also for anti matter with a restricted nuber of real particles?

1, Dark Matter = Knots of Multiple Vacuum particles (Axion-Higgs)
2, Dark Energy = Oscillating Vacuum Particles ( Axion-Higgs) 
3, All Forces are based on Dual Opposing Monopole Particles ( Electric- Magnetic- and Gravity/ Vacuum particles ( Axion-Higgs) 
4, Arrow of Time =  The Oscillating Vacuum Particles (Axion-Higgs).
5, Parallel Universe= Symmetric 12x Copy Universes in Raspberry Shape Entangled Down to Each Individual Quantum.
6, Consciousness= 12x Choices of Multiverse Copy Quanta at Long Distance, in Raspberry form.
7, Big Bang= Explosion + Evaporation of Axion Higgs Knot of Former Multiverse by Big Crunch,
8, The universe is NOT expanding, because different measurements produce different results for precisely how fast that is happening.
9, The Universe seems to be expanding by the multiple Black Hole absorption of the local vacuum= Planck length elongation ( redshift) along the route to our eyes.

10, Universal Order in the Chaos, by Herbig Haro equal sized Fermion repelling Black Holes for Star Galaxy creation.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

NEW PHYSICS by Quadratic Open Rigid Transformer Strings:

 How Quadratic transformable open rigid Strings Look Like as 4x elbow macaroni shaped elements, as a base for all other Fermions and Bosons.
Visualizing Subatomic Particles as Building Blocks of the Universe.
and: https://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Self Searching equal sized dual Black Holes after the Big Bang, in Chandra deep field

This is the best evidence for New Physics of Dark Matter Black Holes (by Big Bang spitting) in the early universe..
Below we see the Chandra deep field image of the early universe.
We see lots of equal sized dots two by two, or even two dots with one dot in the middle, representing a mature Herbig Haro system forming first large stars and later disc galaxies. according to Quantum FFF Theory.
This is a support for the new physics of Dark Matter Black Hole explosion of the Big Bang, according to Quantum FFF Theory.

Below and interesting representation of the interior of black holes.  Not atoms but compressed Strings, compressed into a knot. = Dark Matter Black Hole.
The Big Bang should be interpreted as the String knot content explosion of a former universe..

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Ancient Stone Block Cutting by focused new physics B-Field of electric dual concentric solenoids.

Evidence for Ancient Stone Block Cutting by focused new physics
B-Field of electric dual concentric solenoids without chisels.
(Angouleme France)  See Quantum FFF Theory.
see: https://vixra.org/pdf/2004.0638v2.pdf

Below: See how narrow ( about 2 cm) both sides cuttings are.  
Brush length at the top is 20 cm.

Monday, April 27, 2020

New Physics EM Drive Space Thrusters without Lorentz reaction force and Fermion Crushing using monopole B field interference.

The electromagnetic field around a direct current in a wire and the so called Lorentz force, has always been questioned by me and others about the microscopic visualization of individual (string) particle physics. (figure 1)
Now I present my view on EM space flight and Fermion Crushing or Fermion Evaporation based on kitchen table experiments and my Q-FFF Rigid Transformer String Theory.
For Fermion crushing by focused B-fields at the end of solenoids can use direct- or alternative currents, due to both interference field symmetries.
1, for a Tubular Dual Coaxial Solenoid, 
2, for a Triple Coaxial Tesla Pancake Coil. (Trifilar coil)
see https://vixra.org/pdf/2004.0638v2.pdf

Hardware: Dual coaxial Solenoids or Trifilar Tesla coils for Lorentz EM Thruster Levitation effect.
Standard Physics 1:   “Lorentz force” perpendicular to the magnetic field lines created by a direct current in the magnetic field.
Standard physics 2: Magnetic “B field” outside a long solenoid, shows a strong field reduction down to zero (called a B- field) and can be used for Lorentz force based levitation without the usual EM  (Electro Magnetic) reaction force.  (According to Q-FFF Theory)
Several configurations for effective EM thruster levitation without reaction force are possible like a dual coaxial solenoid , or in the form of a so called Trifilar Tesla coil. .

The origin of both EM Drives  is based on the EM B-field effects.
The origin of all B field effects (or anti Maxwell dipping zones) is postulated to be created by the microscopic interference of dual magnetic monopole field trajectories of North and South monopole photons.
The so called tubular shaped Anti Maxwell field dip (B field ) around a direct current in a wire is a second example of the monopole interference predicted by Quantum FFF Theory rigid string model. See poster. (Figure 1).
Future experiments should be able to create alternative configurations  Monopole interference based B field phenomena.

Evidence for triangle shaped Fermion- Evaporation / Crushing surfaces in Angouleme (France) ancient quarry.

Evidence for Ancient Stone Block Cutting by focussed new physics B-Field of electric dual concentral solenoids without chisels. (Angouleme France)  See Quantum FFF Theory.

Friday, April 24, 2020

SuSy Transformer open rigid strings.

Alt. SuSy Transformer open rigid String Standard Model with 6x neutrinos (3x for the anti matter universe) with one torus Axion-Higgs Mother particle of rectangular cross section (UROL) for both (Multi) Universa ( matter and anti matter)
See Quantum FFF Theory. https://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk