Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Cosmic Background Radiation ( CMB) with early Herbig Haro approach.

Cosmic Background Radiation ( CMB) with early Herbig Haro approach of two equal sized black holes to form a star in the middle.

Example of early linear Herbig Haro structures with star forming in the middle.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Conclusion of the variable redshift: the universe is cyclc.

Probably she is even now in CONTRACTION MODE !
see also:
Black Hole Creation and Destruction of the Cyclic Conscious Multiverse https://vixra.org/pdf/1903.0447v3.pdf
Electric Birkeland Current Production Between Two Herbig Haro Black Holes. on the cyclic universe. https://vixra.org/pdf/2002.0094v1.pdf

The Vacuum is Seeded (Proliferated) with BHs Small and Large.

As a result the longer the route of the photon, the larger the redshift in our eyes.

Black Holes, do not eat EQUAL SIZED BLACK HOLES, they repel each other into Herbig Haro dual bowshock Systems, to form stars in between.
However, Black Holes only eat different sized other Black Holes and the radiation including the vacuum particles, with the vacuum dilution as a result! 
(Planck length extension)

The result we may explain.

 Conclusion, the universe is cyclic .
Probably she is already CONTRACTING !!!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Different (larger) redshifts for the photons from the early universe?

Hubble-constante vroege en tegenwoordige heelal verschillen inderdaad – nu de vraag hoe dat komt

Different H0? Now the question How can?
Een verschillende H0? Nu de vraag hoe dat komt?
Professor Riess: Early Light is redshifted by expansion of space.?
Or: according to Q-FFF Theory: 
lightshift by local vacuum dilusion ( by dark matter black holes) with redshift effect during photon passage through the vacuum lattice.

All Black Holes EAT the vacuum Lattice with a redshift passage effect for light.
Conclusion, The vacuum is seeded (proliferated) with BHs small and large.

Magnetic Monopole radiation. The route to new physics and Interference Black Holes

Interference black holes can come in different sizes:
Comets, Sunspots or Ball Lightning.
Sunspots are crashed Comets, Comets are MSEs (Massive Solar Ejections) massive interference black holes, 
just like recent observed campfires at the solar surface.
Supernova black holes are larger than big stars.
Neutron star merger black holes also;
Our sun will not be a black hole after explosion.

see:  also THIS:

and electric space thrusters by Anti Maxwell zone, or Local Monopole Magnetic Distinction around a wire.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

How is our planetary orientation in the MW spiral Galaxy.

The Orientation of Solar Ecliptic Planes in the Galaxy. (ca. 60 degr.) due to dual Herbig Haro (SABH) Black Hole  gravity distribution.
The leaving Questions:
Dear Ethan Siegel, Thank you for your nice article about the planetary orientation in the galaxy.
However,  To me , it is not clear, how the motion and orientation of the planetary should be represneted in the 3D Galaxy?

see also: Ethan Siegel:

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

NGC 4217 : X Shaped magnetic fields in line with Q-FFF Theory.

X Shaped Magnetic Fields around Galaxies.(NGC 4217 and Milky Way)
The Oscillating Vacuum Lattice is consumed by two Galaxy Anchor Black Holes (GABHs) Originated by Herbig Haro Bowshock BHs, creating a polarized Vacuum Lattice. (Q-FFF Theory)
The Polarized Vacuum Lattice (below) is origin of the Repel of Fermions of Bhs by Vacuum Lensing and the X sgape of the vacuum around the center of the Galaxy.

Electric Birkeland Current Production Between Two Herbig Haro Black Holes or even Stable Ball Lightnings on Earth.

          Also in the center of the Milky Way, two X-ray plumes are discovered.
see: Milky Way’s Violent Central Engine –“Two X-Ray Plumes Discovered Reaching Out 500 Light Years”  

GX 339-4 example also with X shaped vector vacuum polarization fields in the center around the galaxy. 

Apparent Cosmic Expansion by Local Vacuum Lattice Dilution around dark matter BHs ( Q-FFF Theory)

More Black Holes means, diluting and eating the vacuum Lattice with a local Redshift result. ( Q-FFF Theory)  Passing photons will become more red shift.

The longer the photon route, the larger the redshift, the larger the apparent cosmic expansion.  see also: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2018/03/israeli-scientist-detect-signs-of-dark.html

Dark Matter Black Hole String Nucleus can split by small BHs, into equal Herbig Haro Bow-shock Chunks, Forming Stars and Galaxies in between, with S-Nova Dark Matter Black Hole results.

BHs eat the vacuum with dilution and Cosmic redshift effect.

Comparable Black Hole splitting for Herbig Haro (dark) star formation.


Monday, July 20, 2020

Only Left handed Neutrinos are detected , so electrons should also left handed.

Only Left handed Neutrinos are detected in our material world, so electrons are also left handed.
Left-handedness is obvious in Neutrino world.
In Quantum FFF theory, all Neutrinos are derivations after collision from Fermions/ Leptons like Quarks and Electrons etc.
Conclusion : all negative charged quarks and electrons are lefthanded.
see Q-FFF Derivation scheme below.
Neutrinos LRL, NRN and URU are derived from ORO the electron. 
However, Our entangled mirror world at a distant seems to has a Right handed electron and Neutrinos.

The Raspberry / Blackberry shaped Multiverse.

There are no waves in space, only particle oscillation jumps.

The lightspeed is variable around a massive object like the Sun and earth, dependent on the distance.
The vacuum is supposed to be the oscillating lattice to transfer all these particle information.
There is only ONE string particle transferable by collision with other particles.

Herbig Haro Astrophysics Based on Dual Rigid String Black Holes.


In Quantum FFF Theory, the new Black Hole based Herbig Haro interpretation is assumed to change our physical life as a whole.

Free Energy from the vacuum between two new physics black holes is found in Herbig Haro systems and around all stars called Birkeland Currents.

Based on the new dual string knot black hole interpretation of Q-FFF Theory, It is a logic proposal that future Herbig Haro micro ball lightning black hole systems will produce most of our need for electric energy.

In contrast with the evaporating black hole suggested by S. Hawking, all Black Holes grow, only by eating other black holes, vacuum particles (dubbed Axion-Higgs), all radiation and Neutrinos.  However, BHs, do NOT eat Fermions.

The smallest BHs (Ball Lightning) are unstable, but need radiation support to stay stable.

Large (M87) black holes are observed with rings of plasma which is not eaten by the black hole, but distributed as Fermi bubbles perpendicular to the plane of the Galaxy.

However equal sized black holes do repel each other, often leaving a plasma bar in between, as the start of a celestial object. Like a star later a Galaxy or failed star dependent of the scale of the Herbig Haro system.

