Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Monday, August 14, 2023

What caused the cold Dark Matter Big Bang Black Hole to explode into inflation and equal sized Herbig Haro Black Holes for Star /Galaxy formation.

The Big Bang was the evaporation of the former Big Crunch String Black Hole singularity, A: into the oscillating Dark Energy based Axion String vacuum and 
B: the explosion into smaller String nuclei or Chunks called Dark Matter Black holes, able to form Herbig Haro system of two equal sized repelled Tadpole Black Holes with hot star formation and Jets in between, 
The start of the warm Inflation.
see: Primordial Black Holes and Dual Herbig Haro Effects for Star-Galaxy Formation

More in Detail:
The end of the universe: by the growing Big Crunch String Knot Black Hole. 
The resilient String Black Hole particles compressed by the diluting oscillating vacuum inside the growing Big Crunch String Knot Black Hole, is assumed to have reached equilibrium growing to explosion as the Cold String Knot Bg Bang into the dilute remaining vacuum space frame as A: new vacuum particles and B: as Dark Matter Black Holes of variable sizes self organizing as Tadpole BHs pushed by plasma tails, into Herbig Haro systems forming stars and galaxies in the center of both BHs connected by opposite Jets.
(Q-FFF Theory)


The Tadpole Black hole equipped with Plasma tail pushing away from mass concentrations and into opposing (stellar) winds. like Ball Lightning.

The new Physics miracle of Q-FFF Theory.: 
The Herbig Haro system as radio and x ray image . The star in the middle is connected by two Plasma Jets with both equal sized Bowshock Black Holes.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

JWST Announced a Discovery of a symmetric 12 fold Multiverse by 2x 6 Universe Breaker symmetric Hotspots?

Below: 6x Universe Breakers into 12 symmetric (matter/ anti-matter) raspberry shaped universes instant communicating with each other by Entanglement: the origin of consciousness and uncertainty. (Q-FFF Model)
See: The Mirror Symmetric Reflective Multiverse with Fermion Propeller Repelling Dark Matter Black Holes exploded from the Big Bang Singularity black hole..
Also: The ontological basis for the 2x6=12 fold matter/antimatter symmetric entangled Raspberry Multiverse:

Below: some essential Ontologic cartoons supporting the Q-FFF Theory.

The Symmetric instant entangled 12 fold Raspberry Multiverse.

Below: The Dark Matter Black Hole spitting Big Bang with Dual Black Hole based Herbig Haro star formation.

Can we understand the universe? | Sheldrake & Hossenfelder go head to head on Dark Matter....

Can we understand the universe? | Sheldrake & Hossenfelder go head head to head on Dark Matter.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

The Magic of Tadpole micro Black Holes, creating new stars, Sprites and Ball Lightning micro BHs

Tadpoles are Former Starspots, expelled by Supernovas also called mini Interference Black Holes, (New Physics) according to the Q-FFF Model.
PARAMOUNT mystery solved: Comets and  Tadpoles seem the same as Ball Lightnings or self Propelled Micro Black Holes at all scales. ( Q-FFF Model)
Solar Tadpole-Like Jets Seen With NASA’S IRIS Add New Clue to Age-Old Mystery
Scientists noticed unique elongated jets emerging from sunspots ­— cool, magnetically-active regions on the Sun’s surface — and rising 3,000 miles up into the inner corona.
The jets, with bulky heads and rarefied tails, looked to the scientists like tadpoles swimming up through the Sun’s layers.
See also: What is wrong with current physics.? (Q-FFF Model)

Tadpoles in space: or Proplyds.

Tadpoles at the sun leaving hot trailing behind.

Friday, August 11, 2023

"Stephen Hawking Was RIGHT: Black Hole is Dark Matter and the Big Bang was the explosion (splitting) of a Monster Black Hole Singularity .(Le Maitre /Q-FFF theory.)

The Q-FFF Theory is a Topological String Theory with transformable torus strings twisted by three hinges into different Calabi Yau manifolds. (below)

The Hawking-Penrose-Q-FFF Dark Matter Black Hole Model create and repels Leptons and later Baryons into a charged plasma-cloud with a negative charge outside to create the so called Birkeland current system or also the : New Physics Dual Black Hole based Herbig Haro systems forming stars.
 See: Primordial Black Holes and Dual Herbig Haro Effects for Star-Galaxy Formation.
and: What is Wrong with Current Physics to Explain Ball Lightning.

The Hawking-Penrose-Q-FFF Model says:
Black Holes are Bose Einstein String Knots compressed by the oscillating Axion vacuum.
BHs are equipped with a Penrose ''Trapped Spacetime Horizon'' creating pair production and the splitting them into a positive and negative charged horizon due to vaster proton creation around a positron than negative quarks around an electron.

The Parity righthand of the vacuum seems to be responsible origin.
See:  b y VV Monakhov · 2021
''We have proved that due to the presence of internal degrees of freedom of spinors, there are two vacua, the vacuum of our Universe and an alternative.'' . https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/2081/1/012027/meta
Conclusion there is instant symmetry only in an entangled Multiverse.
Q-FFF model says: The Raspberry Multiverse. (below)

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Q-FFF Theory, A Topological String Theory based on Calabi Yau Manifolds (Quantum -Function Follows Form of strings)

The Q-FFF Theory is a Topological String Theory with transformable torus strings twisted by three hinges into different Calabi Yau manifolds. (below)

The Penrose-Q-FFF Black Hole Model create and repels first Leptons and later Baryons after the big bang into a charged plasma-cloud with a negative charge outside to create the so called Birkeland current system or also the : New Physics Dual Black Hole based Herbig Haro systems forming stars.
 See: Primordial Black Holes and Dual Herbig Haro Effects for Star-Galaxy Formation.
and: What is Wrong with Current Physics to Explain Ball Lightning.

Below: The White Hole is a vacuum dilution focus point able to lock-up the star or later the central Black hole and the origin of the disc like plasma disc around stars and galaxies..

Q-FFF Theory, A Topological String Theory based on  Calabi Yau Manifolds (Quantum -Function Follows Form of strings). The Topological Strings come out  transformable torus strings twisted by three hinges into different Calabi Yau manifolds.

The new Penrose -Q-FFF Black hole postulate creating negative charged plasma at the outside Horizon and positive charged plasma inside by transformation of vacuum particles (Axions) into al other singular strings.
Electrons and Positrons are both able to glue (Merge) to photon strings to become Fermion Quarks.
The Cyclic symmetric Raspberry Multiverse.