Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Gaia View on a Heartless Starcluster in Cross Section =New physics supported by the "New Penrose-Q-FFF Black Holes " creating AND even repelling all Fermions.

Omega Centauri, the largest globular cluster that can be seen from Earth and a great example of a ‘typical’ Globular Cluster.

Mystery of the empty center is Solved, by the new Penrose -Q-FFF Black Hole, postulating that each black hole consumes Photons and the vacuum virtual space frame, but REPEL Massive particles like stars leaving a Hole inside all Starclusters. see also: 


This image shows a star cluster, which appears as a collection of bright stars against a dark background. The roughly circular cluster appears like a doughnut with an empty centre. see: https://www.esa.int/ESA_Multimedia/Images/2023/10/Gaia_view_of_Omega_Centauri_Data_Release_3

Gaia's discovery of the century: The Heartless Globular Cluster, pointing to  the New Physics of the Dark Matter Black Hole Big Bang based on the new Penrose-Q-FFF Black Hole Model, leading to Dual String Gravity and a Theory of everything.

Look at the empty center (left) of the Ball Cluster: "On the right, this emptiness has been filled, with so many stars present that the core appears to be almost solidly bright rather than comprising individual stars. "
My Conclusion: 

The central super massive black hole is lensing the surrounding stars in all directions showing no individual stars any more in the center . (see; "almost solidly bight rather than comprising individual stars")

Below, the Hole inside the Blobular Starcluster. showing much less stars in the empty center by the rearly Big Bang Black Hole..(supported by the Q-FFF model)
However, the center is overcrowded by star light that is deflected by the central black hole!! SO we see: light from around all stars, which is the concentation result of the Black Hole LENSING BY THE CENTRAL MASSIVE BLACK HOLE. THIS HOLE IS CALLED A GABH (one of the two Galaxy Anchor Black Holes of a former merger galaxy)

Below: The outside of the Omega Centauri Globular Cluster.

Today, ESA's Gaia mission releases a goldmine of knowledge about our galaxy and beyond in its 'focused product release'. Among other findings, the star surveyor reveals more than half a million faint stars in a massive cluster – stars the telescope had not seen before.

Gaia’s third data release (DR3) contained data on over 1.8 billion stars, building a pretty complete view of the Milky Way and beyond. However, there remained gaps in our mapping. Gaia had not yet fully surveyed areas of sky that were especially densely packed with stars, leaving these comparatively unexplored – and overlooking stars shining less brightly than their many neighbours.

To patch the gaps in our maps, Gaia selected Omega Centauri, the largest globular cluster that can be seen from Earth and a great example of a ‘typical’ cluster. Rather than just focusing on individual stars as it typically would, Gaia enabled a special mode to truly map a wider patch of sky surrounding the cluster’s core every time the cluster came into view.

The team revealed 526 587 new Gaia stars from this cluster alone, detecting stars that lie too close together to be measured in the telescope’s regular pipeline and those in the cluster core that are up to 15 times fainter than previously seen. The new data reveal 10 times more stars in Omega Centauri; this new knowledge will enable researchers to study the cluster’s structure, how the constituent stars are distributed, how they’re moving, and more, creating a complete large-scale map of Omega Centauri.

Gaia is exploring nine crowded regions in this way, with the full results expected in Gaia Data Release 4. 

The image of Omega Centauri in this infographic, in the inset circle, shows the cluster as observed by Gaia. Stars of all brightnesses are visible within.

Below: Starcluster distribution (Theory) all around Galaxies like Andromeda and the Milky way are the result of early DUAL GABHs (Galaxy Anchor Black Holes) being former Herbig Haro Bowshock black holes with a galaxy in the middle later merged into the Milky Way and Andromeda.

Where these GABHs come from? 
According to Q-FFF Theory, The Big Bang was the explosion of the central Singularity dark matter black hole into smaller chuncks of black holes.

The Q-FFF Theory postulate, that each black hole do create and repel Fermion Plasma, at the new physics "Penrose-Q-FFF Horizon" and do not consume mass ( Fermions).
Globular Starclusters seem to be great subjects to show this new physics effect by the nearly empty center of the Starcluster.

Tadpole Black Hole creating stars and searching for a second Black Hole for merging or creating a Herbig Haro dual Black Hole.
The principle of the Tadpole Black Hole cruising through space forming mergers or dual Herbig Haro systems forming stars in the middle .

From the press:  SCIENCE & EXPLORATION

Monday, October 09, 2023

Dual JUMBOs found by JWST are former Starspot Micro Black Holes forming Herbig Haro Systems.

Comets are New Physics Micro Black Holes. 2: Starspots are Crashed Comets expelled by Magnetic storms at local stars. 3: Dual Equal sized Starspots seem the  creators of secondary new Stars, by micro Jumbos/ Herbig Haro systems 4: Equal sized massive Big Bang Black Holes are the creators of the first Stars and massive Galaxies. (see: Q-FFF Theory)  https://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk

Violation of the second Law of thermodynamics by all Black Holes, by the Repelling of equal sized Black Holes, and the Penrose trapped Space creation of new Fermion pairs out of the virtual String based Vacuum.

Sunday, October 08, 2023

Dual Equal sized Starspots seem the secondary creators of new Stars, Equal sized Big Bang Black Holes the creators of the first Stars and Galaxies. (Q-FFF Theory)

 !: Comets are Micro Black Holes. 2: Starspots are Crashed Comets created by Magnetic storms at the local star. 3: Dual Equal sized Starspots seem the secondary creators of new Stars, 4: Equal sized Big Bang Black Holes are the creators of the first Stars and Galaxies. (Q-FFF Theory)

Violation of the second Law of thermodynamics by all Black Holes, by the Repelling of equal sized Black Holes, and the Penrose trapped Space creation of new Fermion pairs out of the virtual String based Vacuum.

The Big Bang explosion into diferent- and equal sized Black Holes. Forming Galaxies small and large.
The Largest Big Bang Black Hole systems created the fingers and Voids in the universe, creating  tube like fingers with the original BH Galaxy cluster  in hthe middle.

JWST Finds a Few Never Before Seen Dual Objects (JUMBOs) and NEW HERBIG HARO DUAL BLACK HOLE PHYSICS for star formation.

According the Q-FFF Theory (below) we observe the dual hotspots in Orion, (JUMBOs). By the Q-FFF Model being predicted as micro dual Herbig Haro (New Penrose-Q.FFF ) black holes, still without connected observable new forming dark/ braun star in the middle.
However singular planetary discs are observed  without the Dual Jumbos in line placed on both sides, which seem to have dimmed afterwards and still not observed. 
Also as a logic consequence,  The earlier FBOTs seems NOT to be a Super Nova, but a young Herbig Haro (Flat) star forming system.
Below: multiple supernova black holes (JUMBOs) seem to be former starspots.

The equal sized dual micro black holes ( JUMBOs, former Starspots) are already observable at the top of the Orion fingers.

Below different sized JUMBO poppulations according to Q-FFF Theory representing different sized micro black hole based Herbig Haro systems creating fluffy clumps of gas- planets. recently observed: single ROGUE planets.

Equal sized Black Holes seem the only creators of stars and galacies even JUMBOs seem a microscopic family not able to merge but repel each other, due the Penrose Trapped Space BH horizon reating plasma.

Also visible in young Quasars:
Below: as Q-FFF Herbig Haro  result: The FBOT is NOT a Super Nova, but a young Herbig Haro star forming system.

Herbig Haro dual Black Hole merger system forming two bowshocks as two GABHs Galaxy Anchor Black Holes and Cygnus A Galaxy.in the center.  

Both curled yellow arms are the remnants of two self propelled Tadpole Black holes splitting after meeting leaving a plasma bar and pushed by two opposing jets into the bowshock location. (Q-FFF Model)

However, Not all galaxies are the result of one or more standard Herbig Haro systems, like NGC 1277 , which seems to have only one super massive central Black Hole.

No star formation in globular starclusters, by the absence of Birkeland Current carrousle and one sided Black Hole Gravity field.
Below: several Starcuster around the milky way and Andromeda, called dual Herbig Haro 2e, 3e and 4e GABHs (in Q--FFF Theory also called, Galaxy Anchro Black Holes) of former merged smaller Galaxies, created direct after the Big Bang Black Hole splitting explosion. (see above)
As a conclusion, around  these GABH black holes, NO Super Nova explosions seem to be possible because, No dual Herbig Haro black Holes where present creating a double Birkeland current carrousel. There is only a single gravitational Black Holes (splitted from the Big Bang black hole) in the center of the star cluster not able to find a second HH BH.  The lokal garvity of the central GABH. is not able to form a dual Herbig Haro system to form a new star in between two of them . 
So star formation stopped in glbular starclisters because stars do not become supernovas.  
The forming of equal sized dual Black hole based Herbig Haro systems for star formation, has come nearly impossible.

R.Vos an Nelemans, (Radboud Uni, NL.) did " not find evidence for globular clusters at any of the supernova positions ".

Saturday, October 07, 2023

JWST Finds a Few Never Before Seen Objects In the Orion Nebula 42x JUMBOs Jupiter Mass Based Objects. or Dual Micro Black Holes (former Star Spots)

JWST Finds a Few Never Before Seen Objects In the Orion Nebula 42x JUMBOs Jupiter Mass Based Objects. Interpreted by the Q-FFF Model, as Dual former Star Spot black holes, forming micro Herbig Haro systems with Dark Stars in the middle.? 

For the Q-FFF Theory. see: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2023/08/the-semi-classical-q-fff-string-theory.html

The Q-FFF theory says: former Star Spot micro balck holes,  of the exploding stars forming negative charged Plasma at its  "Penrose Traped Space Horizons" .(below) able to form a micro travelling "Tadpole Black Holes" which seems able to find an other Micro BH, to form a dual BH based Herbig Haro system called JUMBO.

Below: A Tadpole Black Hole pushed by its self roduced plasma tail guiding away from the local center of gravity, but looking for an other Tadpole. to form a Herbig Haro system.

Even our own star seems to be originated by a small Herbig Haro Black Hole system. see also the origin of the Kuiperbelt and Oort Cloud. Influenced by the Birkeland current caroussel (below).

Below: the Birkeland negative charged plasma Current systems accreting gas forming a star and kuiperbelt or Oort cloud. ( without the Q-FFF model postulating both SABHs ( Stellar Anchor black Holes).  However, the Sun, like any plasma structure that has free electrons in it, is charged with a positive charge [4]. This is due to the greater mobility of electrons with respect to positive ions, which because of their mass have less mobility. and the polarization of the vacuum structure bateen the 2 SABHs .and the sun creating the nagative ion Birkeland current effects.
The vacuum polarization of the negative plasma Birkeland currents forming the Heliosphere.

Herbig Haro formation inside the Eagle Nebula.

Friday, October 06, 2023

Oldest Objects In the Milky Way Are These Globular Clusters. Q-FFF theory says the internal Black hole seems a big Bang splitted Herbig Haro Black Hole (one of the two GABHs.)

No star formation in globular starclusters, by the absence of Birkeland Current carrousle and only one sided Black Hole Gravity field.
No star formation in globular starclusters, by the absence of Birkeland Current carrousle and one sided Black Hole Gravity field.
Below: several Starcuster around the milky way and Andromeda, called dual Herbig Haro 2e, 3e and 4e GABHs (in Q--FFF Theory also called, Galaxy Anchro Black Holes) of former merged smaller Galaxies, created direct after the Big Bang Black Hole splitting explosion. (see above)
As a conclusion, around  these GABH black holes, NO Super Nova explosions seem to be possible because, No dual Herbig Haro black Holes where present creating a double Birkeland current carrousel. There is only a single gravitational Black Holes (splitted from the Big Bang black hole) in the center of the star cluster not able to find a second HH BH.  The lokal garvity of the central GABH. is not able to form a dual Herbig Haro system to form a new star in between two of them . 
So star formation stopped in glbular starclisters because stars do not become supernovas.  
The forming of equal sized dual Black hole based Herbig Haro systems for star formation, has come nearly impossible.

R.Vos an Nelemans, (Radboud Uni, NL.) did " not find evidence for globular clusters at any of the supernova positions ".
and: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1111.6593.pdf

Even around the sun there seems to be a Herbig Haro BH system.