Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Temporary spokes on Saturn, seem to be related the internal dual aligned gravitating Crashed Comet locations and even Bob Lazar UFOs.

 The dual aligned gravitating dark matter comets seem to create a lighthouse effect (Spike Gravity) even outside the planet, UFOs  or sun (see images)

Even on Earth Gravity spikes are observed, by the flyby anomalies.
see, the list of gravity hills. where autos go up the hill instead of down the hill.

Even on Earth Gravity spikes are observed, by the flyby anomalies.
and, the " gravity hills". where autos go up the hill instead of down the hill.

UFO Spokes (smoke by Spike Gravity) The gravity physics of aligned crashed "dark matter micro black hole comets" seems to be also active as propulsion and elevation of alien UFOs. like my suggestion of the Bob Lazar research images.

Below; the Bob Lazar description and drawing image research posted to Steve.
According to Q-FFF Theory, The micro black hole ball lightning, inside the triangular hollow shaped space inside the 115 element drum, seem to be guided by variable air pressure.     
How? in nature all ball lightnings are observed to accelerate against the wind direction. see image below;
The variable Micro Black Hole locations inside the triangular hollow space, seem to be able to guide the axial direction of the hinged flexible 115 moscovium drum and the direction of the anti gravity force.
Moscovium seem to be able to contain the HOT micro black hole without surface  damaging.( Not observed or described by Bob Lazar)

Below: Ball Lightnings observed going into the wind direction.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

The Quantum Gravity origin Explained, by Dual Opposing Vacuum (Casimir) Vector Pressure Forces.


to Quantum FFF Theory, mass is the potency of rigid strings, to produce and radiate Gravitons to be produced by the collision process, between mass less ring shaped Axion Higgs vacuum field particles and Fermions or Bosons also called Dipole Repeller gravity or Emergent Gravity. 
More extended loops or "arms" of each rigid string particle is supposed to create more Axion transformation into Gravitons or other electromagnetic monopole photons per time unit. 
Secondly, gravitons are assumed to exert not an attraction force on fermions and bosons but only reduced pressure force in opposition to the vacuum pressure of the Axion Higgs field.. 
So, Gravity can be described as the statistical difference between the collision pressure of new gravitons opposing the pressure of Axion Higgs field particles all around us. Emergent gravity as proposed by E.Verlinde and Dipole Repeller gravity by Yehuda Hoffman, are in line with this assumption. 
Non inertial black hole effects are the other side of the coin.. 
The ring shaped Axion Higgs field particles are supposed to oscillate in tandem (as the boxer engine pistons) along each vacuum lattice with the local Planck length and transfer information of monopole photons (Virtual Vacuum Strings and monopole Gravitons) through the whole universe.
see also: 

Friday, March 08, 2024

The origin of Early ( and older) Dead Galaxies after the Big Bang, according to Q-FFF Theory.

The Q-FFF Theory suggests, that two equal sized SMBHs have preference!! over more different SMBHs BHs. After the reduction of the numbers of Super massive Black Holes a Dead Galaxy seem to be left over. 

These equal sized BHs. do not merge with a bang, but form a quiet dual Herbig Haro system with two Polar GABHs ( Galaxy Anchor Black Holes.: or SABHs Stellar Anchor BHs) this is also observed by the so called "the final parsec problem" keeping always a certain distance between them. ( by a pushing plasma bar. see M87,)

Quantum Function Follows FORM, (Q-FFF Theory) An Entangled Mirror Multiverse String Theory..: Roger Penrose CHANGED HIS CCC MODEL ! The "ENTROPY GOES DOWN" (the second law is wrong!!! )saying it, at the END OF HIS VIDEO!! (19.30 min) (bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com)

The Plasma Bar, is the origin of the parsec distance (conundrum solved) between two Fermion repelling equal sized new physics Black Holes.!! see the Penrose-Q-FFF BH))

However, If such dual BH spiral galaxy merge with larger galaxies with larger  BHs these Bhs form Stellar clusters at the inside or outside of the larger galaxy. ( see the stellar clusters of the Milky Way)
In the early universe, It is assumed that  the smaller Bhs will travel into the direction of the white Hole (WH) location of the larger galaxy, also described as the central vacuum energy focus point, in the middle between the two GABHs.
These merging central black holes seem to change often into a tandem of two equal sized BHs after forming a TRIPLE BH system by a so called INTRUDER BHs. from outside, creating a small dead star galaxies between the these temporal three central Bhs, As soon as the three BHs are reduced to two equal sized Bhs by a merging process, see Image below, THE MASSLESS GALAXY MAY LEAVE TEMPORARY BEHIND. The Galaxy can grow further and most stars will be ejected into the central jets or Fermi Bubbles.
Other DEAD Galaxies found in the universe. inside Galaxy clusters, seem to be created also between Three Black Holes (SMBHs) forming a triangular chaos space in the vacuum between these SMBHs. leading to one or more DEAD Galaxies. (see image below;) (25) (PDF) The Origin of " Dead " Galaxies (researchgate.net) 
Even inside complex elliptical Galaxies "Dead Galaxies " form see below::
Galaxies die from the inside out. by the hierarchy and merging of the central black holes, leading to smaller Dead galaxies (Dark) stars 
De reductie van vroege zwarte gaten ; Het lijkt dus om het wegschieten of oppeuzelen van zwarte gaten te gaan bij meerdan twee zwarte gaten.
Als elke spiraal nevel twee Zwarte gaten heeft , dan onstaan er 4x zwarte gaten na merging. Als b.v. de kleinste wordt weggeschoten hou je er 3 MEER GELIJKWAARDIG VAN MASSA. over.: een tijdelijke triple BH. Als er nog een vertrekt hou je er dus twee GELIJKWAARDIGE  BHS  over.

Dead Galaxies are also observed inside giant Galaxy bubbles assumed to be created by the same triple (or multiple) Black hole configurations around the observed local Dead galaxy. ( image below) We observe 4x and 3x 2x hotspots I suggest, representing the reduction process from 4x3x into 2x)
Below:Two equal BHs repelling each other, by a linear Plasma BAR.

Wednesday, March 06, 2024

Nebra Sky Disc. Representing ancient cosmology. with Tadpole Black Holes for the Cosmic Structure.

 see also: Quantum Function Follows FORM, (Q-FFF Theory) An Entangled Mirror Multiverse String Theory..: The Splitting Dark Matter String Black Hole Big Bang, into Star Clusters or Dual Spiral Galaxies. (bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com)

 Representing ancient cosmology theory, showing the sun, the moon, the stars an additional the Tadpole Black Holes creating the universal filaments  and the cosmic Structure., They seem to be responsible for the main expansion of the universe direct after the Dark Matter Black Hole Splitting Big Bang. (Q-FFF Theory)

Below: Micro Tadpoles :


Tuesday, March 05, 2024


Ball lightning by magnetic photon merging into a micro (New Physics Penrose- Q_FFF) Black Hole Knot, and the unexpected relation with anti gravity UFOs. 
In the meantime I managed to extend my short enthusiast description with more text explanation based on Q-FFF Theory.
I hope you like it. see : 
Leo Vuyk
See also:  Domokos Tar THZ Switserland.

String macaroni topology structure. (Q-FFF Model)

Gravity is a dual pressure force.!!
Below: Bob Lazar is proven  right: Heavy Moscovium Drums seem the Anti Gravity Linear Power Units of Disc UFOs, 
If two ball lightnings are aligned inside the Moscovian Drum, multiple linear attraction gravity effects seem to be created . 
This is visible in the multiple smoke structure image above the ship.
Below: the more detailed image of the Bob Lazar Ufo.
Bob Lazar drawings by Steve?
see text:  All Corners have a radius of curvature. No ahrp edges anywhere.
Ritating the wmitter varies the angle? of the gravitational wave emitted.
Acting and rotating the emitters varies the geometry of the gravitational 
envelope surrounding the craft.
Baseplate tube is suspected to be an accelerator, symilar to a cyclotron.
Aronway structure? act as waveguide diffusors, as well as structural reagers?
High voltage is present on the craft (19KV) only below the insulation ring.
Rotating any emitter past 12 dgree.will activate the reactor.
No wiring or obvious connection between any components.
Reactor is easily removable, no vasteners present anywhere.
Enz Thermal cavneras did not show any infermed emissions wisin the craft in caserve?
High voltage on the crafts skin was verry low current. approx micro ohms?
see also: https://youtu.be/Q70MrmN8DkU?list=PLYf4G54gNresBIQNfq_SaIYMmU04ObP0n
and see also UFO in the Egypt desert: using two types of acceleration.:1: for shifting direction and 2: using EMEC. for 2e acceleration. https://vixra.org/pdf/2006.0130v2.pdf
Different Levitation Systems Observed in Big Basin UFOs, EMEC and Anti Maxwell Effect and Free Energy.

Bob Lazar drawings to Steve?
All Corners have a radius of curvature. No ahrp edges anywhere.
Ritating the wmitter varies the angle? of the gravitational wave emitted.
Acting and rotating the emitters varies the geometry of the gravitational 
envelope surrounding the craft.
Baseplate tube is suspected to be an accelerator, symilar to a cyclotron.
Aronway structure? act as waveguide diffusors, as well as structural reagers?
High voltage is present on the craft (19KV) only below the insulation ring.
Rotating any emitter past 12 dgree.will activate the reactor.
No wiring or obvious connection between any components.
Reactor is easily removable, no vasteners present anywhere.
Enz Thermal cavneras did not show any infermed emissions wisin the craft in caserve?
High voltage on the crafts skin was verry low current. approx micro ohms?

Saturday, March 02, 2024

Compound String Knot Singularity Black Holes: called Ball Lightnings according to Q-FFF Theory.

 Ball Lightnings are represented in the Q-FFF model as compounded string knots, acting as an energy source by the continuous bombardment of real but virtual oscillating Vacuum particles of the Axion Higgs field.

If such micro black holes are able to NOT evaporate , which all ball lightnings do, they become an example of free energy out of the Axion Higgs vacuum.

Large enough Ball Lightning are assumed to become stable by adding Bose Einstein photons strings, to the knot, by focussing various Laser photons.  They seem to be able to melt all sorts of material even like stone.

The Splitting Dark Matter String Black Hole Big Bang, into Star Clusters or Dual Spiral Galaxies.

 see also: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/377066296_6x9_2023-B-17-nieuw_Splitting-BH-BB-12

Bob Lazar is proven right: Heavy Moscovium Drums seem the Anti Gravity Power Units of Disc UFOs, Together with Internal Micro Black Holes.

Bob Lazar’s UFO investigation, (right) compared to the real photo of smoke filaments attracting  UFO. (ancient photo left, based on open Source). Below:  We observe the 4x main filamentary smoke traces (Smoke of the naval ships engine), assumed to represent the filamentary Anti Gravity smoke attraction effect by at least 4x anti gravity units, based on e.g. the element 115 (Moscovium) , described by Bob Lazar in the past, showing THREE anti-gravity in stead of 4x units. with a spike anti gravity effect, 

Gravity Spikes are proven to be shown around the earth and even planets in some scientifical studies ( see further. Spike Gravity effects)

The UFO Photo with smoke spikes, is also a supporter of my Q-FFF Gravity Theory being a dual pressure Vacuum Force. see below;


However we need an other dual pressure gravity system. to understand the UFO phenomena.!!


micro) black hole.  see image below.

Below: the principle of traveling Tadpole black hles in cosmic space leaving a lefthand plasma filament behind.
Conclusion:  Each black hole seem to produce plasma, at the light horizon by trapped colliding vacuum particles, The plasma forms a Hydrogen Vapour cone, able to push the black hole away fro the local gravity cusps. without being absorbed by the black hole. (below)

From Wikipedia:

Since 1989, Lazar has achieved public notoriety as an Area 51 conspiracy theorist.[d] In May of that year, he appeared in an interview with investigative reporter George Knapp on Las Vegas TV station KLAS, under the pseudonym "Dennis" and with his face hidden, to discuss his purported employment at "S-4", a subsidiary facility he claimed exists near the Nellis Air Force Base installation known as Area 51. He claims that the said facility was adjacent to Papoose Lake, which is located south of the main Area 51 facility at Groom Lake. He claimed the site consisted of concealed aircraft hangars built into a mountainside. Lazar said that his job was to help with the reverse engineering of one of nine flying saucers, which he alleged were extraterrestrial in origin. He claims one of the flying saucers, the one he coined the "Sport Model", was manufactured out of a metallic substance similar in appearance and touch to liquid titanium. In a subsequent interview that November, Lazar appeared unmasked and under his own name, where he claimed that his job interview for work at the facility was with contractor EG&G and that his employer was the United States Navy. EG&G stated it had no records on him.[34][e] His supposed employment at a Nellis Air Force Base subsidiary has also been discredited by skeptics, as well as by the United States Air Force.[4][35]

Spike shaped Gravity observations in space by linear dual gravity push effects of dual micro black holes in the earth and planets.; image.

Below: Sunspots are also dual push gravitational units: two aligned star-spots in line create a spike shaped  area of gravitation around the world and other planets. Conclusion, sunspots contain new physics micro black holes (Penrose-Q-FFF Model) from Leo Vuyk.

See also: from Leo Vuyk: "Different Levitation Systems Observed in Big Basin UFOs, EMEC and Anti Maxwell Effect and Free Energy"


And: Reaction Less em Drive Thruster by Anti Maxwell Dead Zone Around a Wire.

See: https://vixra.org/pdf/1605.0257v4.pdf


Below: How the lefthand rule was created, by rotating (spiralling) electron magnets travelling along the wire.
In addition , reducing the magnetic field at a certain anti Maxwell dip  distance. (image) 


Thursday, February 29, 2024

STRING THEORY ON CALABI-YAU MANIFOLDS and Quantum FFF Theory, creates a theory of everything.

 Q-FFF Theory says: There is only one mother particle able to transform by scattering with other (compound) strings to create all other basics particles.

It is called the Mother Torus shaped Vacuum String, able to transform by 3x symmetric Hinges between 4x macaroni parts, with each max 90 degree rotation.

see also: (22) (PDF) 6x9 2023-B-17-nieuw Splitting-BH-BB-12 (researchgate.net)

The Alternative standard Model of Q-FFF Theory.
( Function Follows Form)