Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

The Big Bang Happened MORE Than Once?! Brian Keating, Paul Davies & Maul...

Indeed also the Q-FFF Theory concludes that the Big Bang was the explosion and evaporation of the former Big Crunch of a former multiverse. even a 12 fold symmetrical cyclic Multivers. see below:

Friday, August 16, 2024

Slime Mold Organism Maps the Cosmic Web. Q-FFF Model says: The Splitted Big Bang Tadpole Black Holes with a magic BOSE EINSTEIN condensate nucleus, seems responsible.

Q-FFF Model says: The Splitted Big Bang Tadpole Black Holes pushed by Plasma tails seem responsible for the Cosmic Web, growing and dying into the Big Crunch.

Below: The  Repulsive Plasma Tail of every filament producing Tadpole Black Hole created at the "Penrose Trapped Space Horizon" at each Black Hole. produced by the  the mutual colliding Axion Vacuum particles even at Ball Lightning micro BH horizons.
The Nucleus of each (micro) Black hole is assumed to be a BOSE EINSTEIN CONDESATE.

Electric charged (-) Tadpole Dark Matter Black Holes, Propelled by its self created Plasma tail.

Below:  The Sprites located above lightning clouds, seem to represent BOSE EINSTEIN condensates pushed by plasma tailes  guiding the BEC (micro black hole) away from the earth, until the ICE production weight is compensating the plasma pushing force, The result:  the Icy Sprite nucleus is falling down, damaging  cars and houses. (photos) Even Sunspots and comets are of the same Micro Black Hole BEC family.

The size of Ball Lightning Nulei, seems smaller than the smallest atom. (like a BEC), because the harmless passing through glass windows.

          Below: Some families of Higgs Particle BEC /
        Micro Black Hole, Transformer String Knots .
                 The  Axion Higgsfield seems to be the origin of particle production,
                 out of two colliding Axion strings.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Visual Evidence of Dark Matter From Banana Galaxies and Cluster Collisions Dark Matter has less Fermion Inertia, , is faster deceleratiing, so Q-FFF model says: DM has Less Inertia Mass, Than Fermions Baryons etc..

see also: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2024/07/colliding-galaxy-clusters-show-speeding.html

Two merging and passing Cluster Glaxies, (A) The smaller Cluster  is overshooting, the larger cluster and leaving Dark Matter behind (C), The larger cluster is growning, obviously, mainly by the Dark matter left behind. The smaller Galaxy has less deceleration- or  inertia effects than the larger Galaxy.  How/  by the difference between inertia of Fermions and Dark Matter.
The Dark Matter of the Larger Galaxy is growing by the attracted extra Dark Matter of the smaller Galaxy. 
Dark Matter Black Holes ( small or large) have no mass or inertia effect. It has only single pressure Gravity by the oscillating Quantum Vacuum Dark Energy.
See also the  dual opposing Quantum Gravity of the Q-FFF Theory acting of Fermions/ and Baryonic matter.
Reason of Dark Matter shows less deceleration Inertia, than Baryonic matter.

Emergent Gravity by Dipole Repeller Rigid String Pressure the Origin of Quantum Gravity and Non Inertial Black Holes.see: https://vixra.org/abs/1710.0050

Friday, August 09, 2024

Black Holes May Be Directly Linked To Dark Energy, Study Finds, but also to Dark Matter and the Plastic Universe

see Copilot: ::                     
In Q-FFF Theory, Dark Matter and Dark Energy is Linked to Black Holes and explaining Universal Breakers, the result of the Postulated Splitting Black Hole Big Bang and Self Accelerating Evaporating Tadpole Black Holes, as the base for the Cosmic Web and 3D Plastic Space Frame .

 De plastic Vacuum Ether is a Tetrahedron shaped network (spaceframe) of oscillating Torus shaped Strings, between Nodes at variable Planck distances, which is the origin of the waving plasticity of the  variable 3D Ether Space Frame Universe, called the LASOF, (the Local A-Symmetrical Oscillating Frame) which is dragging the lightspeed around Masses/ planets and even mirrors in the laboratory, showing a very small mass lightspeed relation at 1 cm distance of the mirror. 
and radar reflection times between Venus and Earth, measured by see:  
Experiments to determine the mass related Lightspeed extinction volume
around the Earth and around spinning objects in the Lab. : https://vixra.org/pdf/1102.0056v1.pdf

According to Einstein’s relativity theory, the speed of light for every observer is the same in
all reference frames.
However, there seem to be tiny differences in the lightspeed if we observe the outliers of
satellite to satellite distance measurements.
At the same time we found tiny structural irregularities in Planetary radar-pulse reflection
measurements, made by I.I. Shapiro in 1964, between the Earth and Venus and Mercury.
Both observations support the idea of the existence of ellipsoidal lightspeed extinction
volumes around massive objects like the earth. 

Below: the ejection of higher redshift Quasars described by Halton Arp. as example of the splitting but accelerated by self produced plasma tail Tadpole Black Hole.

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

A Consciousness Knot Theory of Everything, based on compounded 4x Rigid Macaroni shaped String particles, Instantly Entangled Between 8 or 12 CP Symmetric Universal Bubbles, "The Raspberry shaped Multiverse"

 see: https://vixra.org/pdf/1801.0040v2.p

see also:   https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/

and:   https://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk

and: Free Will Readiness Potential Ratios, the Key for a Multiverse Number Calculation.  see: https://vixra.org/pdf/1803.0100v1.pdf

'IT'S ALARMING!' ..Odd Structures before the CDM era. observed as Dual Herbig Haro/ Spiral structures or Elliptical Structures.

Below:  ODD structures before the CDM era. 
According to Q-FFF Theory.  2 types. single- and dual types.

According to the Q-FFF Theory, the big bang was the splitting of the former BIG CRUNCH black hole of a former (Multi) Universe). creating different sized black holes., each accelerated by its self created plasma tail, produced around each Penrose's, "Trapped Spacetime Horizon" of each black hole splinter.
The baryonic/ fermionic plasma tail can not enter the black hole through the horizon and will act as a pushing motor.
Why? because the concentrated Axion vacuum pressure horizon of  the black hole (see Penrose) will push all fermions which are propeller shaped away from the horizon into a disc and later into  the direction of both North- and South  BH Jets (see image below)
This tail wil point into the direction of the largest gravity cusp in the neighbourhood. , steering each Black Hole away from the local gravity centres. forming the tubelike dark matter  filaments crossing through the universe as the layman Alpha structure.
See Below: the plasma Flows created at the Penrose Trapped Space Horizon, acting as a particle collider creating pairs of symmetric Fermions later forming stable fermions and Baryons in the plasma disc and jets. 


New Theory Changes Everything ?: SIDM and Dark Matter Collision, In line with the Q-FFF Model, with less Inertia effect? a Support for massless DM Black Holes!

During collision of the El Gordo Galaxy Cluster, the Dark Matter Content takes a different Trajectory.
(See the crosses.) showing a different (less) inertial  mass effect. explained in the video, by different SIDM and CDM.
However, see  Q-FFF Theory:   in the Bullet cluster:
Below: The smaller cluster of the Bullet Cluster, is DECELLERATING  its Dark Matter content (also explained as SIDM)  and the Baryonic mass of the smaller cluster  keeps running through the larger cluster.
Q-FFF conclusion : 
Dark Matter (CDM ) Has less INERTIA effect than Baryonic matter.
Also observed at the Collision of the Bullet Cluster contents. (below)
see also: "Colliding Galaxy clusters, show decelerating non Inertial Dark Matter effects, in contrast with speeding  INERTIAL Baryonic Matter of the smaller collider cluster."
CONCLUSION: if Black Holes Have a Dark Matter Nucleus (acc to Q-FFF Theory) 
Then Black Holes Have ONLY Gravity and NO MASS!!

CONCLUSION: if Black Holes Have a Dark Matter Nucleus (acc to Q-FFF Theory) 
Then Black Holes Have ONLY Gravity and NO MASS!!