Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Equal sized Black Holes do not merge but form Herbig Haro systems to form new Stars /even galaxies.

 Below: The splitting big bang black hole seems to create equal sized black holes forming Herbig Haro systems. And single Tadpole BHs travelling and expanding space. Pushed by its plasma tails. see: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330412501_Equal_Sized_New_Physics_Black_Holes_Do_Not_Merge_but_Form_Herbig_Haro_Systems

Equal sized Black Holes do not merge but form Herbig Haro systems to form new Stars /even galaxies. see:  also: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330412501_Equal_Sized_New_Physics_Black_Holes_Do_Not_Merge_but_Form_Herbig_Haro_Systems

The 1 parsec problem can be solved in the same way? Yes, due to the dual different  electric zones of each black hole combined with gravitational attraction distances.

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

The Universe: Dark Energy is PUSHING APART Our Universe (S2, E6) | Full ...Q-FFF Theory says: Dark matter and dark energy came both in the start of the big bang!!

Indeed : both dark matter and dark energy come both at the same time out of the big bang, exploded from the Big Crunch Singularity of a former universe. ( Q.FFF Theory) . see image of the splitting black hole singularity black hole BIG BANG.  
The splitted dark matter singularity made multiple Axion based smaller black holes. Each also evaporating into the local Axion Dark Enery vacuum (image below) So; The Black Hole splinters also evaporated into new oscillating Axion vacuum particles.
But they also created new fermions at the new Penrose "Trapped Space horizon"acting as a particle collider.
Conclusion: Dark energy vacuum particles and Dark matter Whimps, (variable Axion splinter black holes) both, seem to be produced by the Big Bang explosion and Axion evaporation.


 Q-FFF Theory is an ordering attempt of the Bose Einstein compounded String black hole world of the Universe and the rest, even consciousness.

1: Ball Lightning:  The smallest Black holes. 2: Sunspot Black Holes. 

3: Slelf propelled single Tadpole Black Holes propelled by Plasma tails created at the "Trapped space Horizon." out of the virtual Axion vacuum.

 4: Dual Equal sized Herbig Haro Black Holes.

5:Quasar Black Holes. 6: Galaxy Black Holes like 

6; Instant entangled Multiverse based consciousness. (Benjamin Libet and John Cramer)

and: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/

and: https://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk  and; https://vixra.org/pdf/1801.0040v2.pdf

BLACK HOLES OF DIFFERENT SIZES AND QUALITIES, Making the dual Herbig Haro BHs , the Nebula Tadpole BHs and the Sunspot BHs. (Starspots, Comet nuclei etc.)  see: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2024/10/black-holes-of-different-sizes-and.html



Below: tellar Anchor Black Holes/ Halaxy Anchor Black Holes.

                      Tadpole Black Holes

    Dual Stellar Anchor Black Holes: North and South.  ( Not jet discovered),    creating the magnetic        domes and disc: the Kuiper Belt and dual Oort Cloud of the dual symmetric Solar system. and the Fermi bubbles.

           The Dark Matter Black Hole Splitting Big Bang: 
       forming Herbig Haro systems and Tadpole Black Holes.

      Below: The Multiverse based consciousness. of instant entanglements by Preplanning ( Benjamin Libet: see:  https://vixra.org/pdf/1704.0003v1.pdf ) and John Cramer; https://vixra.org/pdf/1907.0250v3.pdf

Shaping the Future Together , LIVE with Nassim Haramein and Sarah Amne. ITS LIKE A PROMOTION OF MY Q-FFF THEORY.

Shaping the Future Together   LIVE with Nassim Haramein and Sarah Amne.  

ISF is an organization based on the Unification of Physics through the study of quantum vacuum fluctuations leading to the development of novel sources of energy and micro-gravity control. SEE: https://spacefed.com/

Nassim Haramein is a Swiss-born physicist known for his work on unified field theory, which aims to unify General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. He has spent over 30 years researching various fields, including physics, mathematics, geometry, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology, and cultural anthropology12.

Haramein is the founder of the Resonance Science Foundation, where he leads research on unification principles and their implications2One of his notable contributions is the paper “Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass,” which offers a new perspective on the proton’s charge radius2.

If you’re interested in more detailed information, you can visit his official website or look up his profile on the Natural Philosophy Wiki13.

Is there something specific you would like to know about his work?


Tuesday, October 08, 2024

The Q-FFF Theory basics.

According to the Q-FFF (Quantum Function Follows Form) Theory:

1: The Big Bang was the explosion and splitting of a former Big Crunch Axion/String Black Hole called: Singularity,  first exploding into 6x CPT symmetric Universe Breaker Black Holes, suggested to be the  origin of a 12 fold CPT symmetric Raspberry shaped Multiverse.

2: The Big Bang explosion starts, if the internal pressure, ( growing by vacuum absorption of the Big Crunch String Knot Black Hole, surpass the decreasing external Axion vacuum pressure around the Big Crunch Black Hole. the vacuum pressure is decreasing due to the continuous vacuum absorption of the Big Crunch BHs and smaller ones.

3: These splitting BH Breakers are creating fast dual Herbig Haro systems by TWO equal sized black holes, (BH Splinters) accelerated away in opposite direction, forming Plasma Jets and stars in the between, 

4: The recent LIGO measurements show, that only different sized black holes merge!! Which needs a new complex "Trapped Space Horizon" around each black hole, (a la R.Penrose) creating a negative charged real plasma disc direct out of the trapped virtual Axion vacuum plasma space frame.

Conclusion Lots of dual Herbig Haro systems are the origin of super fast star and galaxy formation in the early universe.


New Black Hole Breakers are splitting again into multiple fast star forming dual Herbig Haro Black Holes and accelerated single Black Holes called Tadpole black holes, forming Filamentary Lyman Alpha structures, made by dual Herbig Haro filaments and Tadpole Filaments, being  the origin of the expanding universe. 

6: Single Tadpole Black Holes are accelerated by self-produced Plasma tails, creating the Lyman Alpha filament structure of the early universe .

7: The new Q-FFF  (Quantum Function Follows the Form) interpretation of the complex M87 isONE OF THE KEYS to explain the  New Expanding Universe Big Bang, Expanding by the travelling equal sized dual Herbig Haro black Holes and singular Tadpole Black holes.


see also: multiple micro Black Holes  along the m87 jet:   https://www.bing.com/videos/riverview/relatedvideo?q=black+holes+inside+jets+of+m87&mid=5BEACA396B9ADC59A73A5BEACA396B9ADC59A73A&FORM=VIRE


and : https://www.astro.caltech.edu/news/gargantuan-black-hole-jets-are-biggest-seen-yet

Sunday, October 06, 2024

Black Holes Inside Jets, seem the Result of a Very Bizarre Phenomenon (M87 Update) found Inside knots and at the top of of the M87 Massive Jet

  The new Q-FFF  (Quantum Function Follows the Form) interpretation of the complex M87 Jet, is the KEY to explain the  New Expanding Universe Big Bang. 
1: The Big Bang was the exlosion and splitting of a former Big Crunch Axion/String Black Hole called: Singularity,  first exploding into 6x CPT symmetric Universe Breaker Black Holes, suggested to be the the origin of a 12 fold CPT symmetric Raspberry shaped Multiverse.
2: The Big Bang explosion starts, if the internal pressure, ( growing by vacuum absorbtion of the Big Crunch String Knot Black Hole, surpas the decreasing external Axion vacuum pressure around the Big Crunch Black Hole. the vacuum pressure is decreasing due to the continuous vacuum obsorbtion of the Big Crunch BH,
3: These splitting BH Breakers are creating fast dual Herbig Haro systems by TWO equal sized black holes, (BH Splinters) accelerated away in opposite direction, forming Plasma Jets and stars in the between, 
4: The recent LIGO measurements show, that only different sized black holes merge!! Which needs a new complex "Trapped Space Horizon" around each black hole, (a la R.Penrose) creating a negative charged real plasma disc direct out of the trapped virtual Axion vacuum plasma space frame.
Conclusion Lots of dual Herbig Haro systems are the origin of super fast star and galaxy formation in the early universe.
5:  New Black Hole Breakers are splitting again into multiple fast star foming dual Herbig Haro Black Holes and accelerated single Black Holes called Tadpole black holes, forming Flamentary Lyman Alpha structures, as the origin of thr expanding universe. 
6: Single Tadpole Black Holes are accelerated by self produced Plasma tails, creating the Lyman Alpha filament stucture of the early universe .

Below: a Tadpole Black Hole travelling through space by the push of its self produced plasma tail.
The Tadpole Plasma Tail is guided by the local Gravity center, pointing into the direction of that gravity center. However, The local oscillating dark energy vacuum is also creating vacuum pressure on the fermionic tail, to accelerate it away from that local center. secondly: the plasma tail is not able to enter the black hole, by the black hole "trapped vacuum space horizon", also creating plasma out of the Axion vacuum, by continuous head on collision of the Axion vacuum particles.
Conclusion: there are two indipendent pressure gravity systems around each black hole, close by and far away. needed to understand the Tadpole black hole travelling through space. see the "butterfly shape" of the local oscillating vacuum pressure  below.
(Q-FFF Theory.)

Wow! Huge Structure Is a Big Bang Remnant 1 Billion Light Years Across BAOs. of super cluster rings.

Laniakea. bubble ring According to Q-FFF Theory it is the rsule to the splitting black hole Big Bang into smaller Black hole racing through space as tapole black holes at the top of jets which also split into smaller black holes creating tubes of super Galaxy clusters at the outside. First creating single galaxies by the so called Herbig Haro systems with a tadpole black hole in the middle. now showing as BAO .

Bose Einstein Condensates seems to be the same as Ball Lightning and Micro Black Holes , Starspots see: Q-FFF Theory.

 see also:   https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/
Even all Ball Lightnings are assumed to be created by such Bose Einstein Conglomerates or Knots.. 
(Ball Lightning Black Hole Knot)

A Cone-Pear-shaped Atom Nucleus seems to be needed for Ineria and Lorentz Polarization

 A shortly accelerrated object contains a constant speed traveling inside the oscillating Axion vacuum or Luminuforus Ether,  and will keep that constant speed without an external force acting on the onject.  see also: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2024/10/bose-einstein-conglomerates-seems-to-be.html

A Cone-Pear-shaped Atom Nucleus seems to be needed for Ineria and Lorentz Polarization   The Lorentz Fitzgerald contraction does not fit into Einsteins Special Relativity, see: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2024/10/a-cone-shaped-atom-seems-to-be-needed.html

However  The Atomic Nucleus Contraction must be real (see: the electronshell image below) also supported by the coneshaped atomnucleus pointing into the absolute direction of motion in the oscillating Axion Tetrahedral Space Frame . (Q-FFF Theory) also called  The plastic Luminifurous ether.  See the pear shaped atomic nucleus( by B.Bucher et al. https//arxiv.org /pdf/v1.pdf)   https//arxiv.org /pdf/v1.pdf     https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.112503

Nucleus is Surprisingly Pear Shaped!! (showing Octupole Correlation)

just like our raspberry  univers.  A variable Cone/Pear- shaped Atom Nucleus seems to be needed for the amount of inertia of a Baryonic object in motion, through the oscillating Tetrahedral Axion space frame Ether. 

see: Q-FFF Theory.

Dark Matter seems to be non baryonic Stuff called Bose Einstein Condensate. or Photon Knot. (Q-FFF Theory)

Saturday, October 05, 2024

But What Is The True Size of the Universe? (A Lot Bigger Than the visible universe) OR the Raspberry Multiverse?

My Q_FFF Theory based on Form and Function of String Particles says: the Raspberry Multiverse is real.. We live inside the matterial part of the symmetric Raspberry mulriverse.
Indicated by 
Dark Flow or Great Attracktor?
So our universe is not Flat!!! for 1% it seems to be not flat!! 
however too large for easy measuring.
A symmetrical Raspberry Multiverse should contain PEAR HAPED BERRIES OR SINGLE  UNIVERSES.
BELOW,  a 12 fold dsviation of the rose window in the Notre Dame (Paris) , pointing so the 12 fold Multiverse?.pointing to a cone-shape of the universe!! 

Even as explanation of human- and all other consciousnesses ( living matter) such as we are entangled copies of enaother with  opposite charge.